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文献调研报告 SANY GROUP system office room 【SANYUA16H-


1 调研题目


2 任务说明

1) 查阅国外的相关文献;

2) 补充通信协议中的具体网络;

3) 阅读标准EN50159;

3 关键字


CBTC;安全关键系统;安全通信协议;EN50159;safety communication



无线*通信;总线*通信;以太网*通信;CBTC*communication protocol;

safety*protocol;verification/ test/ model / simulation / design / analysis *(safety)

communication protocol;

4 检索范围

中国知网百度 of science(SCIE) LINK ScienceDirect(SDOL) 在不同关键词组合下,检索范围


5 主要的检索文献

[1] BS EN50159 Railway applications—Communication, signaling and processing systems- Safety- related communication in transmission systems[S].

[2] 安全通信与安全通信标准EN50159[J]. 铁路通信信号工程技术,2014.

[3] Performance evaluation and verification of communication protocol for railway signaling systems [J]. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 2005.

[4] Verification and conformance test generation of communication protocol for railway signaling systems [J]. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 2007.

[5] Development of verification and conformance testing tools for a railway signaling communication protocol [J]. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 2009.

[4] Group communication on highways: An evaluation study of geocast protocols and applications[J].Ad Hoc Networks, 2013.

[6] Compositional verification of a communication protocol for a remotely operated aircraft[C]. Science of Computer Programming, 2013.

[7] Verification of the safety communication protocol in train control system using colored Petri net[J]. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2012.(国内-陈黎洁) [8] Simulation and verification of RSSP-II safety communication protocol[C]. 2012 Second International Conference on Business Computing and Global Information, 2012.(国内-许孟华)

[9] Formal verification of safety protocol in train control system [J]. Technological Sciences, 2011 (国内-北交团队)

[10] 无线传感器网络安全通信协议研究与设计[D].硕士,大连理工大学,2006.

[11] 安全关键实时通信协议研究[D].博士,兰州大学,2011.

[12] 基于ZigBee的无线传感器网络通信协议栈设计与实现[D].硕士,电子科技大学,2009.

[13] 基于工业以太网的列车通信网络研究[D].硕士,北京交通大学,2011.

6 检索结果摘要汇总






【篇名】Development of verification and conformance testing tools for a railway signaling communication protocol

【作者】Jae-Ho Lee, Jong-Gyu Hwang, Ducko Shin, Kang-Mi Lee, Sung-Un Kim 【期刊名称】Computer Standards & Interfaces


【摘要】Verification and conformance testing for protocol specification, the key part of the protocol development process, are complementary technologies employed to increase confidence that a system will function as stated in its specifications. In this paper, we verify the safety and liveness of the protocol specified for the Labeled Transition System (LTS) by using model-checking method and implementing the testing tool, which experimentally demonstrates the presence of deadlock and reachability from the initial state to a random state. Implementing the testing tool can use modal mu-calculus to assess whether protocol model properties, presented by modal logic, meet protocol specifications. In addition, we propose a conformance testing tool to check correct implementation of sequences that have been derived by the UIO method from the specification of the protocol being verified. This generating tool uses the C++ language in the Microsoft Windows NT environment.

【篇名】Compositional verification of a communication protocol for a remotely operated aircraft

【作者】Alwyn E. Goodloe, César A. Mu?oz

【期刊类型】Science of Computer Programming


【摘要】This paper presents the formal specification and verification of a communication protocol between a ground station and a remotely operated aircraft.
