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21. ----What’s the matter?

----The shoes don’t fit properly. They _____ my feet.

A. have hurt

B. are hurting

C. will hurt

D. would hurt

22. ----I don’t exactly know ____ she is coming this time.

----By bicycle, of course.

A. when

B. whether

C. how

D. why

23. ----I feel cold. ____ I close the window?

----Sure. Go ahead!

A. Shall

B. Need

C. Would

D. Should

24. Li Hua ____ his money for dollars before he went on a holiday in America.

A. exchanges

B. has exchanged

C. will exchange

D. had exchanged

25. _____ you visit the website, you can find the information you need.

A. Although

B. As long as

C. Since

D. Unless

26. Face the problem bravely and you ______ a new way to success.

A. find

B. found

C. will find

D. have found

27. They worked for two hours to rescue the man ____ was injured in the accident.

A. whose

B. which

C. why

D. who

28. He was forced to spend another night at the airport ____ for his plane.

A. waiting

B. being waited

C. waited

D. to be waited

29. Some parents can’t afford enough time with their children ______they want


A. as if

B. even if

C. because

D. before

30. When I got to his house, I found that the walls _____ .

A. are being painted

B. are painting

C. were being painted

D. were painting

31. She decided not to take a picnic with me, ______ made me really disappointed.

A. who

B. what

C. which

D. that

32. In that remote area, the trees _____ by the volunteers are growing well.

A. planted

B. planting

C. being planted

D. to plant

33. The most exciting moment was ____ I was given the first prize.

A. which

B. where

C. why

D. when

34. _______ his overseas study, he was eventually employed by his dream company.

A. Having completed

B. Completing

C. Completed

D. To complete

35. I wouldn’t have missed the train if I ______ up earlier.

A. got

B. had got

C. will get

D. have got

21-25 BCADB 26-30 CDABC 31-35 CADAB


21. We’d better go now, ______ we’ll miss the train.

A. but

B. so

C. otherwise

D. therefore

22.—I dropped by at 6:00pm yesterday but failed to see you at your house.

—I ______ in a gym at that time.

A. was exercising

B. am exercising

C. have exercised

D. had exercised

23.—Do you have ______ ready for the spring outing?

—No, I still have to buy some fruit.

A. everything

B. anything

C. something

D. nothing

24. ______ his love, Chris sent his mom a thank-you note on Mother’s Day.

A. Expressing

B. Expressed

C. To express

D. Having expressed

25. The plan for Xiongan New Area ______ officially on April 1, 2017.

A. announced

B. was announced

C. announces

D. is announced

26. ______ is willing to volunteer in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is welcome to join us.

A. Whatever

B. Whoever

C. Whenever

D. Wherever

27. In Australia, many road signs are now both in English and Chinese, ______ it easier for Chinese tourists to travel.

A. making

B. made

C. make

D. makes

28. We are living in an age ______ QR codes(二维码)are becoming more and more popular in our daily life.





29. Mary was pleased to see that the seeds she ______ in the garden were growing.

A. was planting

B. has planted

C. would plant

D. had planted

30. If you have any question, please ______ free to contact me at sue_smith@.

A. to feel

B. feeling

C. feel

D. felt

31. With the development of economy, our income has increased ______ 10% in less than a year.

A. for

B. by

C. on

D. at

32. —Do you know when your mother ______ to pick you up?

—At 11:40am.

A. had come

B. is coming

C. has come

D. would come

33. We ______ be careful with the words we say when we are angry.

A. may

B. can

C. might

D. should

34. Without our team’s great effort, the art exhibition last week ______ such a great success.

A. wouldn’t be

B. won’t be

C. wouldn’t have been

D. won’t have
