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5.On the top of the hill______ where I once visited the monk. A. a temple stands B. does a temple stand C. a temple stands there D. stands a temple
分析: 地点状语置于句首 当____________________, 全部倒装 就__________.
倒装 (Inversion):
在英语中,主语和谓语的语序通常 是主语在前,谓语在后。但有时为了 语法结构的需要,或者是为了强调, 谓语的全部或一部分却提到主语 前面,这种语序叫做倒装。 倒装可分为: a.全部倒装 b.部分倒装
Group discussion. (1 minute) (5’) 1、整个_____在_____前的句子, 谓语 主语
C 3) _______ and caught the mouse. A. Up the cat jumped B. The cat up jumped C. Up jumped the cat D. Jumped up the cat 4) -Where is your father? -Oh, _______. A A. here he comes B. he here comes C. here does he come D. here comes he
主语位于谓语 are 之后
Some flowers are there on the table.
拓展: be / lie / exist / stand There _________________+主语+… 是there be 句型的变式。 学习秘诀:只需记住此种句型
1._______ an electric light over the desk. A.It is B .There is C. It has D. There has 考点2:完成句子 一个老妇人独自一人住在小河边。 There lives an old lady ____________________beside the river alone.
新文化网: 最近,在微博里疯传的延边医 院“蛋定哥”经考证,脑袋上被插水果刀 的这位大哥的确在延吉医院,但不是延边 医院而是市医院。一位市医院的朋友说, “蛋定哥”经检查后做了相关处理,目前 并无大碍。目击者称,这位大哥是自己到 市医院就诊的,很淡定地一人从一楼上到 五楼,经检查后做了相关处理。而受伤原 因,据他自己说是和朋友闹着玩的导致的。
ask 作引用动词
宾语 引用动词有______时,不用倒装。
Long long ago, there was a hill in China. On the hill stood a temple. In the temple lived an old monk ,the old monk was telling stories to a little monk. What stories was he telling?
• 1. What is Inversion? 1. 什么是倒装句? • 2. Why do we use 2. 我们为什么要用 Inversion? 倒装句?
Step 1. Warming--up
1.他们工作努力。 They work hard. △ 2. 我们正在学习英语。 We are learning English. △ △ 3. 我们是学生。 We are students. △
Here comes the man.
部分谓语 2、_______(情态动词、助动词、 主语 连系动词)在______前的句子,叫 部分倒装句。 Only then did he realize that he was beautiful.
陈 述 语 序
主语+谓语 The boy came in.
Inversion 倒装句
1. 在疑问句中
(1)What do I need to take with me.
(2) Have you had your temperature taken?
2. 在there be 结构中。
(3) There are some flowers on the table.

倒 装 语 序
谓语+主语 完全 倒装
In came the boy.

部分 助动词/情 Never shall we 倒装 态动词+主 forget them.
1. 用于 there be 句型。(there be+主语)
There are some flowers on the table.
四. 在 so / such …that 的结构中, so/such 置于句首。
1)So proud was he that he never listened to any advice. 2) Such a proud man is he that he never listened to any advice.
代词作主语时, 主谓语序不变。
Here comes he. × Here he comes. Away went they. × Away they went.
C 1) ____ a letter for you. A. There are B. Is here C. Here is D. Is there 2) ____ a big paper-making factory A by the lake. A. There stands B. Does there stand C. Standing there is D. It is standing
3. No sooner„than„
4. Hardly„when„
began to rain.
4. Hardly had I left home when it
5. Neither„nor„
5. Neither do I smoke nor do I drink.
1) My wife is a teacher, and ___. A A. so am I B. so I am C. also I am D. too I am 2) She is not fond of cooking, ___ I. D A. so am B. nor do C. neither do D. nor am 3) Mr. Smith promised to help me and ____ the next day. B A. neither he did B. so he did C. neither did he D. so did he
四. 在so/such … that结构中, so或such 引导的部分放在句首时。
He spoke so loudly that even people in the next room could hear him.
So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.
(4) There will be a party here tonight.
3. 感叹句。 How heavily it rained! What an interesting dog it is!
3. 直接引语
“Is it ready yet?” asked Hu Xin .
二. 用于only开头的句子(修饰副词、介词 短语或状语从句)
Only then did I begin my work. Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. Only in this way can you learn from your friends.
Long long ago, there was a hill in China. On the hill stood a temple. In the temple lived an old monk ,the old monk was telling stories to a little monk.
主语 + 谓语
Step 2:观察和思考。 (1) The birds flew away. △ Away flew the birds. △ (2) The bus comes here. △ Here comes the bus. △ (3) The boy runs away. △ Away runs the boy. △
2. 用于“here (there, now, then) + 不及 物 动词 + 主语的句型中, 或以out, in, up, down, away 等副词开头的句子里面, 表示强调。 the bell. There goes Out rushed the children. Here comes Helen’s car. 名词 Away went the boy. In front of the house was a small garden.
6. Under the tree ______ of eight years old. A. sat a little girl B. did a little girl sit C. a little girl was sitting D. a little girl sat
What stories was he telling?
一.用于 never, hardly, seldom, little,
at no time, not only, rarely, 等
(1) Never will he forget his firstຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidutime
to take a plane.
(2) Hardly had I got out of the
house when it began to rain.
• *我很少去看电 影. • I seldom go to the cinema. • Seldom do I go to the cinema.
1. Not only„but also„
三. 用于 so, nor, neither 开头的句子, 表示 重复的内容。此句谓语应与前句谓语的 时态形式一致。 Jack can not answer the question. Neither can I. 我也不会。 He has been to Beijing. ____________ So have I. 我也去过。(不同的人/情况) So he has. 是的, 他确实去过。 (相同的人/相同的情况)
“Try again, Watson!”, said Holmes , “ You may get the gold!”
Conclusion 1: 全部 部分 在直接引语______或_____置于句首 全部倒装 时,引用动词和它的主语__________
“Is it ready yet?” Hu Xin asked Zhou Yang.
1.Not only was there no
electricity, but also no water.
2. Not until„
2.Not until I finished my work did I go to sleep.
3. No sooner had I left home than it began to rain.