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What ’s her name? What ’s her name ?Her name is May.

What ’s his name?What ’s his name ? His name is Jay. She is May.he is Jay. Let ’s go to play. 1.The boy ’s name is ________. 2.The girl ’s name is ________.

3.How many friends do l have? ________.

Ⅱ.配乐诗朗诵,看看谁读的最有节奏吧。 How are you ?

How are you ?

I ’m fine ,thanks.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. We ’re good friends.

Ⅲ .读小诗,为下面几幅图排序。

One,two,open the book.

Three,four,close the door. Five ,six,I have two desks. Seven,eight,the cake is white. Nine,ten,the bus is green.

.Danny 在画什么呢?读对话,把正确序号填在横线上。

D anny :what ’s this ?

Jenny:It ’s a book.

Danny :No.

Jenny:It ’s a desk. Danny :No.

Jenny:It;s a chair. Danny :Yes.

Danny 画的是________.

Ⅴ .你能判断下列句子是哪个小动物说的吗?把序号填在相应的括号里。

A.I have two legs.I ’m short.

B.I have two legs.I ’m tall.

C.I have four legs.I ’m tall.

D.I have four legs.I ’m short.

E.WOw,I have no legs.

Ⅵ. A,E,I,O,U 五个好朋友,他们应该站在什么位置,下面的歌谣读起来才顺口呢?(注意,每个字母需要同时出现两次哦。)


I see green,I see red.

I see blue,I see black.

I see yellow,I see white.

I see orange in the sky(天空)。

They make a rainbow (彩虹)hanging up high.



A)How do you feel? B)How do you feel?

How do you feel? How do you feel?

I feel happy I feel hot

and clap my hands. and fan my face.

C)How do you feel? D)How do you feel? How do you feel? How do you feel?

I feel cold I feel tired.

And stamp my feet. and go to sleep.

IX.下面中哪些人是Lily的亲人呢?请你根据她的介绍圈出来吧!X. 读句子,写出下列人物的年龄。

1.How old is Danny? He is ten.

2.How old is Li Ming ? He is nine.

3..How old is Jenny? She is nine,too.

Her sister Lynn is six.Her cat is one year old.
