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社会热点类Copycatting/knock-off山寨Bubble economy泡沫经济

The ethnic minority issue民族问题

The system of public services国家公务员制度

Red paper containing money as a gift红包

Regional disparity地区差异Speculation炒作

Strive for a relatively comfortable life奔小康

Road toll养路费

Smooth Traffic Project畅通工程

A state visit国事访问

Carry forward the fine traditions发扬优良传统

Dial-a-cheat confidential hotline 投诉热线

Distinguished guest嘉宾Hollywood blockbuster好莱坞大片

Jerry built project豆腐渣工程Light rail train轻轨火车Mafia-style


Polarization of rich and poor贫富悬殊

Teleconference电话会议Transport during the Spring Festival春运

Welfare lotteries福利彩票Preservative防腐剂

Chemical dyes化学色素

“big-headed”babies大头娃娃Moldy bread发霉的面包Pesticide residue农药残留Baby formulas婴儿配方奶粉Be past its sell-by date(食品)过期

“best before”date(此日期前最佳)日期

Outdated items of food过期食品

Residues of banned pesticides残余农药

The cost of living index生活物价


Price fluctuation价格浮动

Low-rent housing廉租房

The hardworking and enterprising spirit艰苦创业的精神

Public/civil servant公务员Refuse to take passengers拒载Restructure government institution推进政府机构改革Spring Buds Program春蕾计划Take the crown夺冠

Scalper/ticket tout票贩子

A relatively comfortable standard of living小康水平Attach importance to the aging population重视老龄化问题Build a nationally advanced clean city创立全国卫生先进城市City’s landscaping plan/urban planning城市规划

Fewer but better troops精兵之路

Income from moonlighting灰色收入Laid-off workers下岗工人Lighten the burden on the peasants/farmers减轻农民负担Party-masses relationship党群关系

People of all nationalities/all ethnic groups各族人民Poverty reduction and elimination扶贫脱贫

Provide relief to disaster-stricken areas/people支援灾区/灾民Tycoon大款

Antioxidants抗氧化物Caffeine咖啡因Undercooked meat未煮熟的肉类

Pose no health risk对身体无害Microwave food微波炉食品Take a toll on health对身体有害Turn rancid more quickly(食油)较快变质

“sell by”date(此日期前食用)日期

A banned sweetener一种禁用的代糖

Substandard milk powder毒奶粉

Pesticid e-tainted/contaminated vegetable毒菜

Switch back to previous brands 复用以前的牌子

Cancer-causing chemical致癌化学物

A human carcinogen能令人体致癌物质

Decaffeinated/caffeine free无咖啡因的

Co-ordinate and control food safety监控食品安全

Do not seem to be harmful to humans看来对人身体无害Cancer-causing toxins致癌物质High-temperature cooking高温煮食

Which is thought to cause cancer 怀疑会致癌

Have expired by more than three months过期三个月以上

Be fit for human consumption适合人类食用Cast/shake/throw off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity脱贫致富

Combat corruption and build a clean government反腐倡廉Was barred from sale/had been pulled from sale遭禁售Change their infants to other milk formulas给婴儿专用的奶粉

Artificial flavorings/artificial flavors人造香料

Order the recall of two slimming products下令回收产品

Show no excessive levels of dioxin合乎安全标准/没有超标Fail to guarantee the safety of its product未能证明其食品安全Tighten regulations on products marketed as“health food”加强管制声称为健康食品的产品Contain excessive amounts of preservatives or additives含过量防腐剂或食品添加剂Comply with international
