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系动词亦称联系动词(Link Verb),作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,不能用进行时态,后边必须跟表语(adj)即:

link v + adj,构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。


The earth is as round as a ball.地球像球一样圆

感官系动词,主要有feel, smell, sound, taste, look(注意:


This flower smells very sweet and nice..

Ice always feels cold to us.对我们来说冰摸起来总是冷的。

The surface of the desk feels smooth

The box feels strong.这箱子摸起来很结实

Her idea sounded great.她的主意听起来很不错。

He doesn't look well (adj. )

The newly-invented soft drinking tastes quite unique.

The weather gets warmer and the days get longer in spring.春天天气越来越暖和,白天越来越长。

It was growing dark.天色渐渐暗下来。

You have grown taller than before.

The fox may grow grey, but never good.狐狸会变老,但不会变好。(谚语)The peasants are growing rich on their hard work

She got angry with her son

Eggs can go bad easily in summer.夏季,鸡蛋容易变坏

Nothing goes wrong

The old man went mad last year

His horse fell lame.他的马瘸了。

He has suddenly fallen ill

The child fell asleep while he was doing his homework.孩子在做作业时睡着了He could never turn traitor to his country.他永远不会背叛他的祖国。(traitor前不用冠词)

Twenty years later, he turned teacher (teacher前不用冠词)

He turned doctor in


I think she will make a good president , so I am going to vote for her .One of the screws has worked loose.有一颗螺钉已经松了。

This material has worn thin.这料子已经穿薄了



She seemed(to be)an honest woman.她看上去是个老实人。

He seemed ( to be ) interested in the book .

He looked(看起来) angry/ sad/ happy.

He looked(看着)angrily/ sadly/ happily at me.(look实意动词)It appears (to be )a true story.这似乎是个真实的故事。The soup looked, smelt and tasted good

She seems (to be) a bit nervous.

He appeared (to be) discouraged.

持续系动词,主要有keep, hold, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand, continue表示状态、情况等的继续或保持。

Andersen remained single all his life

The suspects remained calm although I could see that they were anxious.It's already ten in the morning. The store remains closed

Havingatripabroadiscertainlygoodfortheoldcouple,butitremainstobeseenwhethe r they will enjoy it

After his election to a high office, he remained modest.在被选为高级领导干部之后他仍然谦虚。

The weather has stayed hot recently.最近天气一直很热。

He stays still in bed .

He never left that school and stayed a teacher there all his life

The door stood open.门开着。

He stood quite still.他静静地站看。

Our Party must stand firm in the forefront of the times我们党必须坚定地站在时代潮流的前头

What I ate lies heavy on my stomach.我吃下的东西滞留在胃里。

The shop stays open till seven o'clock.那家商店一直营业到7点

The meat in the fridge will stay fresh for several days.

The weather continued (to be) hot.

The price of silk continued (to be) high.

She remains in poor health. (=Her health remains poor. )
