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Key to exercises

Key to Unit 1

I. Answer the following questions.

1. The essential 7C’s in commercial English correspondence are clearness,conciseness,courtesy,consideration,completeness,concreteness,correctness.

2. If a letter show impoliteness, it cannot achieve the purpose of writing. More serious consequences will be that it may offend the recipient and damage the established business relations. The courteous writer should be sincere and tactful, thoughtful and appreciative. Another important thing is promptness.

3. If conciseness conflicts with courtesy, then make a little sacrifice of conciseness. Generally speaking, you will gain in clearness and conciseness by writing short sentences rather than long ones.

4. A business letter consists of eleven principal parts:

(1) the letter-head (including the date)

(2) the inside name and address

(3) the salutation

(4) the subject heading or caption

(5) the opening sentences

(6) the body of letter

(7) the closing sentences

(8) the complimentary close

(9) the wr iter’s signature and official position

(10) the enclosure

(11) the postscript

5. Envelopes must have the accuracy, accessibility and good appearance.

Ⅱ. Translation the following paragraphs into Chinese.


Ⅲ. Additional Exercise.

1. Correct the mistakes in the following letter and separate the message into two paragraphs.


P. O. Box 3259

22th January, 2009

The Manager

Messrs Clarke & Smith Ltd.

68 High Street

London EC 4


Dear Sir,

We thank you for your letter of 17th January, asking us for details and prices of our electric heaters. We are pleased in enclosing our latest price list and catalogue, together with Model X –4’s in details. please do not hesitate to write to us when you require further with Model X –4’s in details.

We are looking forward hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Electrical Appliances Co.

2. To which of the following titles appearing as part of the inside name and address would you add Messrs?

(1) (6)

Key to Unit 2

Ⅰ. Answer the following questions.

1. Information about potential trade partners is obtainable through the following channels:

Banks; Chambers of Commerce in foreign countries; Trade Directory; Chinese Commercial Counselor’s Office in foreign countries; Business Houses of the same trade, etc. ;Advertisements ; Business associations of related industries, etc.

2. In international trade, buyers and sellers are in different countries. It is hard for traders to get full knowledge of their counterparts, especially for business for the first time. In order to avoid all kinds of potential risks, credit and status inquiries should be made before formal trading steps.

3. When you contact a company for business for the first time, it is always important to get the necessary information about the credit, capital and capacity of company, which means that you should know about its reputation, financial status and business mode before conducting a transaction, especially the one that requires a large sum of money.

4. Show the source of information.

Briefly introduce your own company (the scope of your business, “advertising” on your products or service).

Express the intention of writing the letter (what kind of business you want to do with them.) Express the wish of cooperation and early reply.

Ⅱ. Improving the following sentences.

1. We are looking forward to receiving your response.

2. We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 22th making us your best offer for 100 metric tons of Bitter Apricot Kernels and we wish to thank you for the same.

3. We note with pleasure from ABC Company that you are interested in establishing business relations with us.

4.We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to you for your prompt reply.
