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In recentyears, ourcountry andthe rapiddevelopment ofmarket economy, greathave takenplace inthe social consumptionstructure adjustment, they showed more and morein terms of commercial housingdemand, industrial correlativenessdegree andtherealestate industry has theadvantagesof the strong abilityand stimulate the development oflarg e,has become one of the pillars of theindustry of the national economy.In therapid development ofreal estateindustryat the same time,it as akindof capital intensive industry,startingtime is notlongin China, thefoundation is veryweak,relatively low degree ofindustry standardization, realestate investment is up anddown the industrial chaini slong,stronglyprofessional, large investment, long investme nt period,high degree of uncertaintyandrisk, and greatlyinfluenced by the macroscopicpolicy,thecharacteristics ofthes echaracteristics determinethe real estateindustry inour c ountry is facing acertain financialrisk, financialriskis Shared by the enterpriseinternal and external factorsinfluence.At present, the international economicsituationis cha nging, butour country's industry hasbeen greatly, adjusting control policyrelative totighten monetarypolicy, forreal estate enterprises, it hadto solve a pressingand realistic problems is to guard againstfinancialrisks.For real estate enterprises,t he financial risk mainly includesfinancing risk, investment ris k,capitalrecoveryrisk andincome distribution risk four types,and a comprehensive and objectivity, uncertainty,dualityand incentive,etc. Characteristics.Oncethe outbreak of finan cial risks,is bound toaserious impact onthe real estateenterprisemanagement,and even lead to bankruptcyandthe collapse of real estate enterprises.Therefore, thefinancial r isk of the real estate enterprisesshouldimprove their
