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Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)

Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

1. Clerk: Please fill out the form.

Guest: All right._________ , please?

Clerk: It's August, the thirteenth.

A. What day is it today

B. What's the number

C. What's the date today

D. What's the time now

2. Speaker A: Can you tell me the way to the library?

Speaker B: Sure. Turn left at the next crossing.

Speaker A: Is it on King Street?

Speaker B:__________.

A. That's alright

B. Yes. You can't miss it

C. It's obvious

D. OK. Just do it

3. Patient: Could you arrange for me to see Doctor Smith tomorrow morning?

Nurse:_______ . He won't be free until 12:00.

A. You can call later

B. You're unlucky

C. I can't do that

D. I'm afraid not

4. Lisa: You look great. Any good news?

Alex: I just came back from my vacation.

Lisa: Wow, ________! Maybe I should take a vacation, too.

A. I didn't see it

B. good for you

C. I didn't find it

D. hard to believe

5.Waiter: Hello, sir. _______?

Customer: Could you give us a second, please?

Waiter: Sure.

A. Are you ready to order

B. How can I help you

C. Ready to take my order

D. Can I do you a favor

6. Heather: Look, I've got a problem here. Will you help me?

Rebecca:_______ , but I'll try.

A. No, I won't

B. I'm really willing to

C. Yes, I'm glad

D. I'm not sure if I can

7. Conductor:Good morning,________ , please?

Passenger: Here you are.

A. can I have your ticket

B. anything to declare

C. can I help you

D. anything special

8. Waitress: Yes, sir, anything the matter?

Customer:________ , but this soup is too salty.

Waitress: I'm very sorry, sir. I'll change it for you.

A. I can't stand it

B. Sorry to do it

C. I hate to complain

D. Sorry to bother you

9. Student: Professor Lance, your lecture on cloning is very interesting!

Professor: ________. Are you a student of biology?

Student: No. I major in chemistry.

A. I think so

B. I'm glad to hear that

C. It must be

D. It's not so interesting

10. Clerk: Central Ballet.________?

Customer: Yes, what's on tonight?

Clerk: Sleeping Beauty.

A. May I help you

B. What do you want

C. Can you speak out

D. What's the matter

11. Mary: I'm sorry, but I can't seem to find that tape you lent me. I must have lost it.

Susan: Oh no!________!

Mary: But don't worry. I'll buy you a new one.

A. Don't do that

B. What a shame

C. Don't say that

D. How pity it is

12. Richard: _________. My name is Richard Stewart. May I take a picture of


Mrs. Vann: By all means. I'm Mrs. Vann. Glad to meet you.

A. I'm sorry

B. Excuse me

C. Pardon me

D. Attention, please

13. Susan: Let's; go to the restaurant and have dinner right now!
