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摘 要:地层中石油到达油气井口并继而沿出油管或采气管流动时,随压力和温度条 件的变化,常形成气液两相。为满足油气井产品计量、矿场加工、储存和管道(或其 他输送方式) 输送的需要, 必须将已形成的气液两相分开, 用不同的管线输送。 所以 , 在气液混合物进入集气站以前,必须对其进行脱液处理。气液分离常用的方法有重力 法、离心法、化学处理法等,目前主要采用的是重力分离和旋流分离。旋流分离属于 离心法的一种,虽具有设备体积小、分离效率高的优点,但能耗较高,因此至今应用 普遍的方法是重力法。 常规的气液分离器按形状划分有立式、 卧式和球形分离器等, 但是在实际应用上, 液滴在分离器重力沉降部分内的运动极其复杂,常常存在液滴在 重力沉降部分中开 始沉降的速度远小于匀速沉降速度, 有些液滴甚至来不及达到匀速沉降就被气体带出 分离器。因此设计出更好的分离器,仍然是很有必要的。本设计主要进行立式及卧式 分离器结构设计并进行对比分析。 基于计算流体动力学(CFD)方法,应用流体仿真软件 FLUENT 对两种气液分离装 置内部流场进行仿真研究,得到分离器内部流场速度分布规律、压力分布规律、密度 分布规律,发现卧式分离器相较于立式分离器,分离效率更高,同时分析比较了流场 模拟结果,发现排气通道直径改变处存在涡流。 关键词:分离器;立式;卧式;数值模拟;流场分析;FLUENT;气液两相流
Small gas-liquid separator structure design and the flow field analysis
Abstract: Formation of oil to oil and gas well and then along the flowline or gas extraction pipe flow, along with the change of pressure and temperature conditions, often form a gas liquid two phase.For源自文库oil and gas Wells products measuring, mining processing, storage and pipeline transportation needs (or other transportation way), has formed the gas-liquid two phase must be separated, with different pipeline.So, before QiZhan gas-liquid mixture into the set, must carries on the treatment.Commonly used methods for gas liquid separation method of gravity, centrifugation, chemical processing method and so on, at present mainly adopts the gravity separation and cyclone separation.Hydrocyclone separation is a kind of centrifugation, although has the advantage that the equipment is small in size, high separation efficiency, but high energy consumption, so the gravity method is widely used today. Conventional gas-liquid separator according to the division of vertical, horizontal and spherical separator, etc., but in practical application, the droplets in the separator movement within the gravity settling some extremely complex, often exist droplets at the beginning of the gravity settling section settlement is far less than the speed of the uniform velocity, some droplets doesn't even reach uniform settlement are gas out of the separator.So design better separator, is still very necessary.This design mainly in vertical and horizontal separator structure design and comparison analysis. Based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method, fluid simulation software FLUENT was applied to two kinds of gas-liquid separation device is developed for the calculation of the internal flow field, the separator internal flow field velocity distribution, pressure distribution, density distribution, found that the horizontal separator compared with vertical separator, the separation efficiency is higher, at the same time analysis the flow field simulation results are compared, found that the exhaust passage diameter changes in eddy current. Key words: Separator; Vertical; Horizontal; Numerical simulation; The flow field analysis; FLUENT;Gas-liquid two phase flow