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有关校园的英语词汇1 .学校名称


Primary School小学

No.1 Middle School 第一中学

Attached/ Affiliated Middle School 附中

Attached/ Affiliated Primary School 附小

Key school 重点学校

Non-key school 非重点学校

Vocational school 职业学校

Technical school 技术学校

School for blind children 盲童学校

School for deaf-mute children 聋哑儿童学校

School for mentally retarded children 弱智儿童学校Work-study school for juvenile delinquents 工读学校You th spare-time sports school 青少年业余体育学校

2 .学校组织机构

General Party branch 党总支

Party branch 党支部

Youth League committee 团委会

Youth League general branch 团总支

Youth League branch 团支部

Young Pioneers 少先队

Young Pioneers group committee 少先队大队委Young Pioneers section committee 少先队中队委Student union 学生会

Class committee 班委会

Section of teaching and discipline 教导处Teaching affair office 教导处

Section of general affairs 总务处

General affair office 总务处

3 .学习用具

School bag 书包

Pencil-box 文具盒

Pen 钢笔

Fountain pen 自来水笔

Cap 笔套

Pencil 铅笔

Propelling pencil 活动铅笔

Automatic pencil 活动铅笔

Ball pen 圆珠笔

Ball-point pen 圆珠笔

Refill 圆珠笔芯

Biro( 可以吸墨水的) 圆珠笔

Chalk 粉笔

Writing brush 毛笔Painting brush 画笔Stylus( 刻钢板用的) 铁笔Stencil cutting plate 钢板Ink bottle 墨水瓶

Blue-black ink 蓝黑墨水Chinese ink 墨汁

Ink stick 墨

Oils 油画颜料

pencil sharpener 卷笔刀Rubber 橡皮

Eraser 橡皮

Ruler 直尺

Set square 三角板Compasses 圆规Protractor 量角器Abacus 算盘

Exercise-book 练习簿Notebook 笔记簿

Lined paper 横格纸Carbon paper 复写纸Loose leaves 活页纸Writing paper 信纸Typing paper 打字纸

Stencil paper 蜡纸Waxed paper 蜡纸Cardboard 硬纸板Envelope 信封Bookmark 书签Paste 浆糊

Glue 胶水

Stapler 钉书机Staple 钉书钉Thumbtack 图钉Drawing pin 图钉

Pin 大头针

Paper cup 回形针Cup 铁夹子

Folder 讲义央Rubber band 橡皮筋Scotch tape 粘性胶带Desk 课桌

Chair 椅子

Stool 凳子

Bench 长凳

4 .学校设施Campus 校园Surrounding wall 围墙

School gate 校门

Gate house 传达室

Classroom building 教学楼Classroom 教室

Lecture theatre 阶梯教室

Audio-visual room 视听教室Language laboratory 语言实验室Sound lab 语音实验室

Physics laboratory 物理实验室Music room 音乐室

Computer room 计算机房Office building 办公楼

Office 办公室

Teachers’ lounge 教师休息室Break room 休息室

Meeting room 会议室Broadcasting studio 广播室Clinic 医务室

Library 图书馆

Loan counter 借书处

Reading room 阅览室

Stack room 书库

Reference room 资料室Auditorium 大礼堂Playground 操场

Sports field 运动场Track 跑道

Football field 足球场Basketball court 篮球场Gymnasium 曲健身房Dormitory 宿舍Bedroom 寝室

Dining hall 食堂Kitchen 厨房Bathroom 浴室School bus 校车

5 .学科名称

Chinese 语文Mathematics 数学Algebra 代数Arithmetic 算术Abacus arithmetic 珠算Penmanship 习字Foreign languages 外语English 英语Japanese 日语Russian 俄语
