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华为数据中心N E T A P P存储基本安装配置指导书

©2005 Network Appliance

All rights reserved



Network Appliance公司1992年成立于美国的Sunnyvale, 是一家跨国性高科技公司,专业从事网络存储设备和CDN设备的生产、开发及销售业务,现今在全球拥有超过100家分支机构,员工超过3,900余人。公司是网络数据存储解决方案的市场领导者,其统一网络存储设备及网络缓存解决方案(NetCache)提供高效、简捷、可靠的数据存取。

自1992年成立至今,全球已安装了超过60000台,连续8年以每年营业额和利润翻番的速度高速增长,其销售和利润增长率均位居全美高科技企业前列。1999及2000年度,网域存储技术公司连续两年被美国财富杂志(Fortune)评为美国100家增长速度最快公司中的第4位, 是有史以来纳斯达克(NASDAQ)100强和S&P500强中最年轻的公司,而我们的首席执行官Dan Warmenhoven先生也以其杰出的管理才能被美国商业周刊(Business Week)评为2000年度全球25名管理精英之一。在2005年, 被全美评为最适合人工作的IT公司第5位。


二、 NetApp存储安装

如果安装一个全新的NetApp存储,首先将Console线连接到存储上,加电存储并进入存储console, 具体步骤如下所示:

CFE version 1.2.0 based on Broadcom CFE: 1.0.35

Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003 Broadcom Corporation.

Portions Copyright (C) 2002,2003 Network Appliance Corporation.

CPU type 0x1040102: 650MHz

Total memory: 0x40000000 bytes (1024MB)

Starting AUTOBOOT press any key to abort...

Loading: 0xffffffff80001000/21632 0xffffffff80006480/9820318 Entry at 0xffffffff80001000

Starting program at 0xffffffff80001000

Press CTRL-C for special boot menu ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ................

Interconnect based upon M-VIA ERing Support

Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Berkeley Lab


Thu Sep 1 02:09:51 GMT [cf.nm.nicTransitionUp:info]: Interconnect link 0 is UP

Thu Sep 1 02:09:51 GMT [cf.nm.nicTransitionDown:warning]: Interconnect link 0 is DOWN

Special boot options menu will be available.

ispfc: Fibre Channel adapter 0c appears to be unattached/disconnected.

If adapter is in use, check cabling and if connected to disk

shelves, also check seating of LRC cards.

Thu Sep 1 02:10:16 GMT [fci.initialization.failed:error]: Initialization failed on Fibre Channel adapter 0c.

NetApp Release 7.0.1R1: Wed May 18 23:02:49 PDT 2005

Copyright (c) 1992-2005 Network Appliance, Inc.

Starting boot on Thu Sep 1 02:09:50 GMT 2005

Thu Sep 1 02:10:19 GMT [diskown.isEnabled:info]: software ownership has been enabled for this system

(1) Normal boot.

(2) Boot without /etc/rc.

(3) Change password.

(4) Assign ownership and initialize disks for root volume.

(4a) Same as option 4, but create a flexible root volume.

(5)Maintenance mode boot.

Selection (1-5)? 4a

Zero disks and install a new file system? y

This will erase all the data on the disks, are you sure? y

Zeroing disks takes about 23 minutes.





(1) Normal boot. ---- 正常启动, 效果如启动时候不输入“Ctrl+C”一样。

(2) Boot without /etc/rc. ----启动存储时不执行/etc/rc设置参数。

(3) Change password. ----如果忘记存储超级用户密码,可以用这选项修改。

(4) Assign ownership and initialize disks for root volume.


(4a) Same as option 4, but create a flexible root volume.


(5)Maintenance mode boot.

