2020江苏高考英语考纲词汇背诵及检测大全语言点补充十四 P132-135(5页)

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2020江苏高考考纲词汇背诵及检测大全语言点补充十四 P132-135

1.tune n.曲调,曲子a familiar tune; in/out of tune (with sb./sth.)与…协调/不协

调,一致/不一致; in/out of tune音调正确/不正确The piano is out of tune. v.


2.twist v. 1)使弯曲,扭曲Twist the wire to form a circle. He twisted my arm

behind my back.2)转动,扭动twist one’s head; twist the ring on the finger 3)曲折,蜿蜒The road twists and turns along the coast. 4)扭伤twist the ankle 5)歪曲,曲解The newspaper was accused of twisting the facts. n.1)转折The story has taken another twist.2)转动He gave the lid a twist.

3.typical a. 1)典型的a typical Italian café; 2)一贯的,平常的A typical working day

for me begins at 7:30. 3)不出所料,特有的It is typical of her to forget.

4.unconscious a. 1) She was knocked unconscious. 2)无意识的,自然流露的

unconscious desire 3) 未察觉,未意识到的She was unconscious of the effect she has on people.

5.undergo(underwent, undergone) v.经历,经受(变化、不快的事等)undergo


6.underline v.1)the underlined sentence; 2) ~/highlight/emphasize/stress the

importance of

7.undertake(undertook, undertaken)v.1)undertake a task/project; 2) He

undertook to finish the job by Friday.

8.undo v. 1) 解开,打开undo a button/a shirt; (do sth. up扣上;包起来)2) 消除,

取消(某事的影响)He undid most of the good work of the previous manager. 3)

打败,挫败The team was undone by the speed and strength of the opponents.

9.uniform n. soldiers in uniform; school uniform; a.统一的,一律的uniform rates

of pay

10.u niversal a.Such problems are a universal feature of old age. universal


11.u rge v. 1) She urged him to stay. The report urged that all children be taught to

swim. 2)驱赶,鞭策He urged his horse forward.

12.v acant a. 1) The seat next to him was vacant. 2) The post fell vacant. 3) a vacant


13.v ain a. 1)All our efforts were in vain. 2) She’s too vain to wear glasses.

14.v alid a. 1) a valid passport; a bus pass valid for 1 month 2) valid reasons

15.v ary v. The students’ work varies in quality. The menu varies with the season.

variety n. 1)(c)变体/品种varieties of; 2)(u)多样化We all need variety in our diet.

various a.

16.v ice n.1) (c)恶习Smoking is a terrible vice. 2)(u)罪行the fight against vice on the

streets 打击街头犯罪

17.v irtue n. 1)(u) 高尚的道德;德行He led a life of virtue. 2)(c)美德,优秀品质

Patience is not one of her virtues, I’m afraid. 3)优点,长处The plan has the virtue of simplicity. by virtue of sth. 凭借;由于Virtue is its own reward.施恩无他图,有德便是报。

18.v ision n. 1)(u)视力,视野Cats have good night vision.2)(c)想象,幻象He had a

vision of a world without wars. cast a vision for sb./sth. 3)(u)想象力;远见卓识a leader of vision
