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People: agency, army, audience, class, committee, crowd, orchestra, team Items: baggage, citrus(橙类), equipment, fleet(舰队/小河), fruit, furniture
e.g. The CROWD in the stands IS cheering loudly as the home TEAM TAKES the field. Our ARMY of a hundred thousand soldiers IS attacking the enemy.
Manhattan SC__5th Edition
Joanna Qian
(diabetes)虽然以s结尾,仍属单数名词,谓语动词用单数。 注:有且只有“and”可以将单数主语改编成复数主语。其他添加伴随连接词的单数主语, 依然是单数主语。 (五)either…or, neither…nor 1. 就近一致原则 Eg: Neither the coach nor the players are going to the beach. Neither the players nor the coach IS going to the beach. 2. 若仅仅只有either / neither, 没有or/nor,谓语动词一定要用单数 (六)集合性名词:在GMAT中一般被认为是单数,跟单数谓语
Manhattan SC__5th Edition
Joanna Qian
一、SC 的做题方法与原则
1. Best doesn’t mean Ideal. 不是找对的,而是在5个选项中evaluate一个相对合理的答 案,而不是自己去create an ideal one.
2.方法(一般1min/题): 1)在草稿纸上列 A B C D E 2)垂直扫视选项,找不同(split),并分组,若有明显语法错误,则排除(划掉); 3)对剩下的选项re-split,直到找出正解; 4)通读整个题干,验证。 4.GMC 原则:grammar, meaning and concision, including:主谓一致,平行,代词,修 饰,动词时态、语态和主被动,比较和习惯用法
(一)每个句子都必须有主语和谓语,且主谓要一致。 连词开头的句子一定要有主句(main clause),否则是错误的。 Eg: 缺主语Because the dog was never mine. (二)主谓必须make sense together, 逻辑上一定要合理(抽象名词不能行走和说话),且主语 和谓语在单复数上要一致。当不清楚主语是否应该是单数/复数的时候,看宾语,想造成这 个宾语的主语是什么样的。 Eg1: The development of a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling. (错--主语development不能travel, car才能) Eg2: The discovery of new medicines (was/were) vital to the company's growth. (ps:主语难判断时,设问what is vital to …?显然是discovery这件事,因此用单数) (三)容易引起主语不明显的两个情况 1. 插入语:介宾短语(主谓间)或前置短语/从句(句首),要会跳读。 e.g. Near Galway, the houses on the road to Spiddle is/are gorgeous. (NEAR Galway), the HOUSES (ON the road TO Spiddle )ARE gorgeous. e.g. (when the auditors left), the executive (who had been interviewed) was glad. 2. 某些动词-ing/-ed做形容词,或者用逗号来隔开的,来修饰主语的,可以忽略。 e.g. (Limping,)the horse(once considered one of the favorites) was/were taken away. 4. 一个句子中有多个动词和主语的,要找好对应关系,再判断单复数。 (四)and 和表示连接的词(additive phrase) 1. and 连接几个不同的名词时候构成复数结构,谓语动词要用复数。 伴随连接词(along with, in addition to, as well as, together with,accompanied by, including)虽然也表达“and”的意思,但是只起修饰语作用,不改变主谓单复数形式。 e.g. Joe, as well as his friends, IS going to the beach. Mathematics, in addition to history and science, IS a required subject. 2. 学科词(physics, mathematics)/ 一些活动如有氧运动(aerobics)/ 一些疾病如糖尿病
Manhattan SC__5th Edition
Joanna Qian
(三)Concision 1.简洁是GMAT最后考到的点,只有在语法和意思都无误的情况,才选择最简洁的;换言 之,如果语法无问题,即使很长也会比一个语法有问题,很短的句子好。 2.GMAT语法题中,如果一个词可以搞定的意思,不要用一个短语, Eg: differ好于have difference in Wordy: They HAVE DIFFERENCES over THE WAY IN WHICH the company should MAKE INVESTMENTS in new technologies. Better: They DIFFER over HOW the company should INVEST in new technologies. 3.切忌冗余: (1) 在一个句子中,不要用两个意思一样的词 other than- opposite; drop-decrease; sufficient-enough; including-among; have to –require 及近义词then-later; so-in order to (2) 注意being、having,虽然二者大多数情况是错的,但GMAT也通常会制造一些其他的语 法错误,使得此类选项稍好一点。(being除了2种情况1,介词+being done;2,进行时被动语 态 be being done)
Manhattan SC__5th Edition
Joanna Qian
Manhattan SC__5th Edition
___Edited by Joanna Qian
一 Basic·························································2 二 Grammar & Meaning·········································2 三 S & V Agreement (主谓一致)··································3 四 Parallelism (平行)·············································5 五 Pron. (代词)··················································7 六 Modifiers (修饰语)············································8 七 动词(时态,语态,语气)···································9 八 比较·························································12 九 习语·························································14 十 Odds & Ends (杂)············································25 十一 高阶:Ch2-4···············································27 十二 高阶:Ch5-6···············································29 十三 高阶:Ch7-8···············································31 附:习题分类····················································33
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二、GMC原则:Grammar, Meaning, Concision
Grammar: Does the sentence adhere to the rule of Standard Written English? Meaning: Is the meaning of sentence obvious and unambiguous? (没有歧义) Concision: Is the sentence written as economically as possible? (若上两条都满足,选最简洁的) (一)Grammar在之后章节详述 (二)Meaning 1.正确用词 ①Economic-经济的(e.g. economical consideration=monetary consideration); Economical-节约的;合算的;有效的(=thrifty, efficient) ②Aggravate=worsen(v.); aggravating=irritating(a.) ③Known as –被认为是,很著名; known to be-被承认…;known for 以……知名 ④Loss of –失去;loss in-贬值 ⑤Mandate-命令;have a mandate-拥有选举权 ⑥Native of- (人)来自;native to –物种起源于 ⑦Range of –多种的; ranging-变化 ⑧ Rate of –速度或频率; rates for – 价格… ⑨Rise –上升,形容无方向,单纯上升; raise-(打赌或工资)上涨,有方向 ⑩Such as –比如;like-好像=similar to(GMAT 中举例只能用 such as, 不能用 like) 2.情态动词 Eg. Must=absolutely necessary Should 在GMAT中表示“道德上的义务 (morally obliged) ”, 而不是“好像”的意思(GMAT 中should不等于likelihood),所以当原句意思有法律法规时不能用should只能用must。 3.词在句中的位置 (1)要关注一些重点词,all, only;位置不同句子意思也不一样。 (2)关注句子的整体顺序,是否会产生歧义;Eg:主被动语序强调的对象不同。 (3)在英语中,一般主语会放在谓语前面,因此一般不会用倒装结构,除非开头是否定词。 定语从句中,一般不用倒装。 e.g. A referendum(公民投票权) is a general public vote through which is passed a law or other proposals.-a law or other proposals is passed.