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The baby was crying for its mother.


I found him crying his eyes out (= crying very much) .


She burst into tears when she learned her failure in the exam. 她一听说自己考试不及格就失声大哭。

He started to sob uncontrollably. 他不由自主的抽泣起来。

“Everything is my fault, ”She sobbed.

She began to sob again, burying her face in her hands. 她把脸埋在双手里,又开始抽噎起来。

She shed tears of shame.

We all shed tears when I waved goodbye to them.


He wept tears of joy. 他喜极而泣。She started to weep uncontrollably. 她不由自主地哭了起来。

He howled like a wounded animals. 他像一个受伤的小动物一样嚎哭着。

With a howl of rage, he grabbed the neck of a broken bottle and advanced. 他一生怒吼,抓起一个破瓶子的瓶颈冲了上来。

This unexpected kindness brought tears to my eyes.

She choked up when she began to talk about her mother. 她谈起母亲的时候,便哽咽的说不出话来了。

1)擦掉眼泪wipe away tears

2)忍住眼泪fight back, hold back, choke back tears

3)泪水涌出Tears (well up in one’s eyes) tears (fill one’s eyes)

4)泪水沿着...流淌tears (flood /pour/run/ stream down one’s checks/ face)

5)泪珠闪亮Tears glistened in one’s eyes

6)泪水模糊Tears blurred my vision 泪水模糊了我的视线。

1.glare at sb= look at sb angrily 怒目而视某人

They are glaring at each other, ready to fight. 他们怒目而视,准备打斗。

2.stare at sb. 盯着

I stared blankly at the paper in front of me .我茫然地看着面前这张纸。

The kids in class stared at the teacher, completely confused. 课堂上的孩子们盯着老师,完全糊涂了。

3.gaze at 凝视

He gazed at him in amazement.

4.glance v./n. 一瞥;匆匆一看;扫视She glanced at her watch.

He cast a glance at his new bedroom. 他瞥了一眼他的新卧室。

My father exchanged a glance with me. Why not camp to satisfy mom?

5. glimpse v/n. 瞥见;一瞥(未看清全貌)He caught a glimpse of her in the crowd.

6.sweep vt. 扫视,搜索;swept----swept

His eyes swept around the room.

7.sight. n. the act of seeing sb/sth. 看见;

She caught sight of a car in the distance.

They finally lost sight of land.

Her eyes brightened at the sight of him. 她一看见他,研究便亮了。

At sight of her appearance on the stage, the hall rang with thunderous applause.


8.spot 注意到;发现

Neighbours spotted smoke coming out of the house.

9.flash sb. a smile(look) 向...微微一笑;(或瞥一眼)

10.fix one’s eyes on 凝视,盯着

Tom sat there, with his eyes fixed on the flowers outside the window.

11.Feast one’s eyes on 尽情欣赏

1.tiptoe vi. 踮着脚尖

She slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the window.


2.wander vi. 游荡,漫游

She wandered aimlessly around the streets.

In my free time, I like to wander with my friends. 在我空闲的时候,我喜欢与朋友去闲逛。

3.pace vi.踱步,走来走去

As they waited, Kravis paced the room nervously. 他们等的时候,Kravis 在屋里不安地踱来踱去。


She slipped out of the house before the others were awake. 她趁别人还没有醒,溜出了房子。

He slipped into the driving seat and closed the door.

5.dash vi. 猛冲,赶紧离开同义词有rush, hurry

The horse made a wild dash for the deep forest. 马朝森林深处猛冲。

Suddenly she dashed down to the basement. 她立刻冲到了地下室。

A schoolgirl rushed into a burning flat to save a man’s life. 一位女学生冲进起火的公寓里去救一个男子。

She hurried away without saying goodbye. 她连声再见都没说就急忙离开了。

My wife went home in a hurry only to find the door locked. 我妻子急忙回到家,结果却发现门锁着。

1. A thunderous applause burst out. 雷鸣般的掌声响起。

2.People broke into a storm of applause. 人们爆发出一阵掌声。

3.Mr. Smith made a main speech and received nearly 30 rounds of warm applause.史米斯先生作了一次重要讲话,获得了近30个热烈的掌声。

4. His brilliant speech won a burst of long and warm applause./ won waves of applause.

5.Cheers and applause took over the whole room.欢呼声和掌声占据了整个房间。

每个人都开始鼓掌。Suzy Khan腼腆地笑了笑,掌声震耳欲聋

6. The audience laughed and applauded。(applaud vi . 鼓掌)

