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语演讲稿 [1]

ladies and gentlemen,


autumn is a season of harvest. we are happy to see thatsince the belt and road initiativewas proposed three years ago,the countries along the routes have carried out increasingcooperation in policy munication, facility, trade and assetconnectivity and people-to-people exchanges. as a result, earlyharvest has been fruitful. a growing number of countries andinternational organizations have participated in the building ofthe

belt and road. china has signed cooperative agreementswith more than 30 countries and launched manufacturing andproduction capacity cooperation with more than 20 countriesalong the routes. the financial cooperation represented by theasian infrastructure investment bank and the silk road fund ismaking steady headway. a number of landmark projects arebeing implemented. people-to-people interactions in the

fieldsof culture, education, science and technology, tourism andmerce are increasing. we should note that outes, interms of speed and scale of the belt and road initiative, havebeen better than expected. now, we have a clearer vision onthe prospects of this initiative and are more confident inacplishing it.

first, we see a broadened consensus on thebelt and roadinitiative. there is always a process for one to understand a

new concept. with thebelt and road initiative, china hopes toshare development opportunities with countries along theroutes and support the mon prosperity of these countries.currently, thebelt and road has mostly pleted the planningstage and is taking steps of concrete implementation andsustainable development. there is a wider consensus of theinternational munity that the initiative answers the call ofour times for peace and development and conforms to theaspiration of relevant countries to speed up development. itwill help advance economic growth along the routes and boostglobal economic prosperity, helping to maintain regional stabil
