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able to make new friends soon _u_n_le_ss you’re
friendly to others.
I _d_id__hope the s_u_g_g_estion above will be helpful to
you and everything will be fine with you_fo_r__the
Dear Jim,
I’m sorry to hear that you feel lonely in the new
school, because you find∧hard to make friends. Now, I’d like to offer youita_n_y advice.
beautiful and interesting place that it is well worth
see a second time.
简单句: 主语+谓语(vi.)
1. (2017全国Ⅰ卷) 我写信是为了告诉你下 个星期的中文课。 I’m writing to tell you about the Chinese class next week.
Li hua
Wednesday July 20, 2015 Fine Yesterday I went to Qingdao with my family by the train. The sunshine and fresh air there made us comfortably. We went to the seaside, where the
2.(2017全国Ⅲ卷) 队员每个星期六上午集 合训练。 The team members gather every Saturday afternoon to practice.
3. (2013全国Ⅰ卷)你好吗?(信前问候, 用 do) How are you doing?/ How is everything going? 4. (2016全国Ⅰ卷)我写此信是请你帮忙。 (写信目的) I’m writing to ask for your help.
Firstly, it’s normal for you to feel lonely because
you w__ere living in a new environment. Secondly,
you sahroeuld greet your classmates when m__et them
on. They were very delicious. At night they lived
in a hotel nearby where was clean and tiwdye but the price was rewahsoicnhab/tlhe.aQt ingdao is such aand
There we buy many interesting souvenirs. I was
planning to sbeonudgthhtem∧my friends. We ate many
thing there, such as ftiosh, prawn(大虾), beef and so
sea cwoams afos rbtlaube laes the sky. Bathing in the sunshine
on the beach were really an enjoyable thing. I
picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister.
7. (2014全国Ⅱ卷)在我的假期里,我要周 游世界。(业余生活)
During my holidays, I will travel around the world.
简单句: 主语+谓语(vt.)+宾语
这是高考写作中最高频句型。该句 型中的谓语包括及物动词和及物的短语 动词,如stand for (象征)、look forward to (盼望)、get on well with (与……相处 融洽)、apply for (申请)等。请翻译或完 成下列句子:
3. (2017全国Ⅰ卷)许多唐诗深深地影响了中 国文学。 Many of the Tang poems have greatly effect on Chinese literature. 4. (2017全国Ⅰ卷)我们从小就学习它们(唐 诗)。
We learned them at a young age.
1.(2018年全国Ⅲ卷)我们每天做早操并 且每周上体育课。(并列谓语) We do morning exercises every day and take PE classes every week. 2.(2018年全国Ⅲ卷)此外,我们在课后 参加各种各样的运动。
What’s more, /Besides, we play a variety of sports after class.
on campus.
Thirdly, it will be a good idea if you take an
ac_t_iv_e_ly part in class activities, w_h_a_t can help
them learn more about you. I believe you will be
5. (2016全国Ⅱ卷)它(这次展览)将从6月15 日开始,持续3周。(活动时间) It will start from June 15th and last for three weeks. 6. (2016全国Ⅲ卷)我们星期六上午去好吗 ?(约定时间) Shall we go on Saturday morning?