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Research on the present situation and development trend of private placement fund in China




Today's market economy occupies an important position, followed by the future of various forms of financial industry, in the new form of financial markets, the choice of private equity funds in China has developed rapidly and growing. From the reform and opening up to today, China's private equity funds have been in a non-public manner, to raise funds for a specific object and set up a fund. Its emergence has been driving our country's important industry forward, supporting the prosperity of China's economic operation. When the market has its own funds can not meet the operation of the industry, to solve the problem becomes relatively difficult when the funds, private equity funds pull the heart of investors, so that the market active funds. This emerging force directly affects the future of China's economic trends and the extent of the financial sector.

The establishment and development of Chinese private equity fund, and so far, is still a is worthy of the probe is not easy to in-depth exploration of the topic. This market is not an accurate measure of the standard, there is no completely legal philosophy to define it. Its existence there are many unreasonable, it is also a lot of unreasonable development, in many people's opinion, the private equity fund is controversial. It is of great significance to improve the market and the law of the concept of private equity funds.

This paper describes the concept of private equity funds, private equity funds on the role of the capital market, through the understanding of the status of China's private equity funds, the future development trend of reform proposals.

Key Words: Privately Offered Fund Effect Capital Market Reform proposals


摘要....................................................... I ABSTRACT .................................................... I I 1绪论. (1)

2私募基金的基本概况 (2)

2.1私募基金的概念 (2)

2.3私募基金的特征 (2)

2.4私募基金的分类 (3)

2.5私募基金的组织形式 (3)

3私募基金对资本市场的影响 (4)

3.1我国私募基金的发展现状 (4)

3.2私募基金对资本市场的积极影响 (6)

3.3私募基金对资本市场的消极影响 (8)

4私募基金在我国发展中出现的问题及改革建议 (8)

4.1我国私募基金发展中存在的问题 (9)

4.2我国私募基金发展的改进建议 (10)

结束语 (13)

致谢 (14)

参考文献 (15)
