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摘要................................................... I ABSTRACT ................................................ II 1 绪论 (1)

1.1选题的背景 (1)

1.2课题研究的目的和意义 (1)

1.3本文的结构 (1)

2 系统总体方案设计 (1)

2.1总体方案设计 (2)

2.2部分模块方案选择 (3)

2.2.1单片机的选择 (3)

2.2.2温度检测方式的选择 (3)

2.2.3显示部分的选择 (4)

2.2.4电源模块的选择 (4)

3 硬件电路的设计 (4)

3.1 硬件电路设计软件 (4)

3.2系统整体原理图 (5)

3.3单片机最小系统电路 (6)

3.4单片机的选型 (7)

3.5温度测量模块 (8)

3.5.1 DS18B20概述 (8)

3.5.2 DS18B20测温工作原理 (11)

3.5.3 DS18B20温度传感器与单片机的接口电路 (12)

3.6 显示模块 (13)

3.7 按键以及无线遥控模块 (15)

3.7.1按键的相关知识 (15)

3.7.2 5伏带解码四路无线接收板模块 (16)

3.8 报警及指示灯模块 (18)

3.9 电源模块 (19)

4 系统软件设计及仿真部分 (20)

4.1软件设计的工具 (20)

4.1.1程序编写软件 (20)

4.1.2仿真软件 (21)

4.2各模块对应的软件设计 (22)

4.2.1显示模块的程序 (22)

4.2.2温度测量的程序 (26)

4.2.3报警系统程序 (32)

4.2.4按键程序 (33)

4.2.5总体程序 (35)

5 实物制作 (37)

5.1电源部分 (37)

5.2单片机最小系统部分 (37)

5.3 总体实物 (37)

6 总结 (38)

7 致谢 (39)

参考文献 (40)

附录一 (41)

附录二 (49)




本文选用单片机STC89C52为核心制作了温度实时监测系统。单片机STC89C52 可以依据温度传感器Ds18b20 所收集的温度在液晶屏上实时显示,通过按键来设置上下限温度。所有温度数据均通过液晶显示器LCD显示出来。



Temperature measurement system based on single chip



With the development of the temperature measuring system of high speed, measurement system has been very mature abroad, products is also more.In recent years, there are also many domestic high precision temperature measurement system of products, but the price is higher for the user.As the market competition is more and more fierce, and now the trend of the development of the enterprise is how to reduce cost under the premise of effectively improve production capacity.Pursue cheap, efficient performance, and widely used device is a priority for enterprises, thus designed in a simple operation, superior performance, price cheap temperature measurement system will have very good development potential.

This article chooses microcontroller STC89C52 made temperature real-time monitoring system for the core.Microcontroller STC89C52 can be collected according to the temperature sensor DS18B20 temperature in real-time display on the LCD panel, temperature through the buttons to set the upper and lower limits.All the temperature data through a liquid crystal display LCD display.

After repeated debugging, the system can run, after power on the LCD1602 display the current temperature, and can alarm warning.

KEY WORDS Microcontroller The temperature sensor Liquid crystal display
