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例如:大学英语四级考试2014年6月(第2套)“选词填空”的第一句话是:The fact is, the world has been finding less oil than it has been using for more than twenty years now.(事实上,20多年间,全球的石油勘探量比石油的实际消耗量小。)





The fact is, the world has been finding less oil than it has been using for more than twenty years now. Not only has demand been 36 , but the oil we have been finding is coming from places that are 37 to reach. At the same time, more of this newly 38 oil is of the type that requires a greater investment to 39 . And because demand for this precious resource will grow, according to some, by over 40 percent by 2025, fueling the world’s economic 40 will take a lot more energy from every possible source.

he energy industry needs to get more from existing fields while continuing to search for new 41 . Automakers must continue to improve fuel efficiency and perfect hybrid (混合动力的) vehicles. Technological improvements are needed so that wind, solar and hydrogen can be more 42 parts of the energy equation. Governments need to formulate energy policies that promote 43 and environmentally sound development. Consumers must be willing to pay for some of these solutions, while practicing conservation efforts of their own.

Inaction is not an 44 . So let’s work together to balance this equation. We are taking some of the 45 needed to get started, but we need your help to go the rest of the way.

根据首句的关键字oil(石油)可判断,本文围绕“石油”展开;由“the world has been finding less oil than it has been using(全球的石油勘探量比石油的实际消耗量小)”

可知,文章与“石油供不应求”有关。接着我们来看第一段的最后一句话:And because demand for this precious resource will grow, according to some, by over 40 percent by 2025, fueling the world’s economic 40 will take a lot more energy from every possible source.(一些人认为,到2025年,对这种珍贵资源的需求量将增长40%以上,所以要促进经济,就要从所有可能的资源中获取更多的能源)这句话比较长,为了节省时间,我们可提取里面的关键信息,如:demand for this precious resource will grow(对这种珍贵资源的需求量将增长)和take a lot more energy from every possible source(从所有可能的资源中获取更多的能源)。从这两个关键信息得出的信息仍然是“石油供不应求”。

第二段首句提到:The energy industry needs to get more from existing fields while continuing to search for new 41 .(能源产业需要从现存的油田中开采更多的石油,同时,还应继续寻找新的油量。)这是解决“石油供不应求”的一个措施。二段末句没有设置空格,该句指出:Consumers must be willing to pay for some of these solutions, while practicing conservation efforts of their own.(消费者在实践保护措施的同时,必须为上述解决措施中的一些措施买单。)其中,从solutions(解决措施)可明确判断,本句与“措施”有关。所以,我们可判断,第二段围绕“石油供不应求的解决措施”展开。

第三段内容较少,只有三句话,其中第一句和第三句设置空格,我们可先来看信息完整的第二句话,该句说道“So let’s work together to balance this equation.(所以,让我们一起努力,来平衡这种关系吧!)”,这是一个祈使句,很明显该句在倡导大家一起努力,解决问题。

