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跟踪多头灌装,加塞机构一般都采用真空吸塞,直线式加塞,而且主机都可以无级调速。小容量液体灌装机器还有互换性要求,要求机器在很短的时间内,更换最少的规格件,就可以使2ml,5ml,7ml, l0ml管制瓶一台机器上完成灌装加塞,而直线式灌装机可以满足互换性的要求。






At present, in the field of pharmaceutical packaging machinery, small volume of liquid filling machine development has been slow and in the production sub -Packaging operations, high-speed filling machine is basically imported machines. At present, the domestic machine can be measured in filling , Production efficiency and stability of the operation of machinery, surface treatment, electrical component selection aspects of research and development, digestion and absorption of foreign advanced technology manufacturers, as a key development direction. Whole machining equipment design should be simple smooth, External components smooth, burr, the chamfering or fillet with easy cleaning. The face should be filling machine May be simple or elevated, to reduce the clean air resistance and improve laminar flow effect. Application equipment laminar flow hood enclosures Live, laminar flow Zhaomen alarm device should be opened, the filling machine operators work, try not to contact or Less contact with any machine parts. Handheld devices should switch, you can move the machines, or linked machine For. Cypriot missing in the stands when whole machine, no bottle is not filling, sending electromagnetic oscillator Cypriot smooth ease, power adjustable shocks. Host a stepless speed regulation, counting devices, inverted bottles removed, remove empty bottles feature. Online weighing the option function. In automatic control, collection and use of parallel bus output signal, the PLC signal processing, interface with communications through the operation of monitoring human-computer interface can be modified on-line operating parameters.

On the basis of the fix quantify pump filling machine, the issue designs a fix quantify pump filling for the combination of bottled beer. The author first point out the design program against the research status of the fix quantify pump filling machine, followed by a general structural design, the design and verification of typical components and the outlines of the axis machining process , finally analysis of economic benefits of the fix quantify pump filling machine.

Keywords:fix quantify packaging,filling machine, press filling , structural design

