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A Hey,are you a fan?do you have your idol as the girl (boy)in the picture?

B Yes,i am a worshiper of Zhou jielun.

A zhoujielun? That big pop singer?

B Yes,I love him.i have his all albums.I went to his all personal concerts.I have his signature.i am a faithful fan. If he hold his concert in another city,I will fly halfway around the world no matter how far.

A wow,that ‘s crazy.You can’t follow it blindly. Have you heard about this ?A young girl, who is crazy about Liu Dehua, had made her father into death recently. For her own part, she can do everything for her star, such as giving up her study, work, and even her life.

B I am not that crazy. Many people say i just like to imitate my idol.that is not true.I never copy my star's hair style, clothing, like and dislikes as well as my star's manner and behavior.If my study is conflict with my star-worshiper,i will focus on my study.With a blind love for their idols, SOME people firmly believe that their choices are the best things in life. That is

wrong.I set my idol as my example. Zhou jie lun is talent and hardworking .I adore him ,and I also work hard to learn more knowledge and skill. What about you?who is your idol?

Ai adore Albert Einstein.He is a great scientist. As far as I’m concerned, our future should be more dependent on knowledge rather than star-worshipping. Scientists are the ones who help push forward the course of history. It’s

required for us to concentrate on study and contribute as much as we can to society. B we have different opinions.

A Yes,but it is all right. Not every leave is the same.

B I agree with that.it is ~~~~(如前一话题)


英语小品剧本《追星》人物:追星A, 追星B,追星C,明星,车主旁白经纪人旁白:A girl is crazy about a star called Handsome+人名. Even when she is asleep, she can dream that man. A:(打哈欠),I need to go to bed, Im so sleepy.(打哈欠)边走边


英语小品剧本《追星》人物:追星A, 追星B,追星C,明星,车主旁白经纪人

旁白:A girl is crazy about a star called Handsome+人名. Even when she is asleep, she can dream that man.

A:(打哈欠),I need to go to bed, I’m so sleepy.(打哈欠)——边走边说(趴在讲台上睡)


旁白:In her dream……


A:Oh, it’s a fine day. (假装看天) (然后突然不经意的拿起一本书翻看)

明星:(上台):Oh, it’s a fine day. (然后坐凳子)


A:Are you … are you that … super star?(激动地说不出话)

明星:(随意的回答) Yes, what’s wrong?

A: I’m your fan,super fan. Your photos are full of my bedroom, no, they are full of my house, including
