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1.1 绪言 (6)

1. 2 水文 (6)

1. 3 地质 (7)

1. 4 工程任务和规模. (8)

1. 5 工程布置及建筑物. (8)

1. 6 施工组织设计. (8)

1. 7 水库淹没处理及工程永久占地. (9)

1. 8 工程管理. (9)

1. 9 环境保护设计. (9)

1. 10 设计概算. (9)

2. 水文


2.1 流域工程概况 (11)

2. 2 暴雨洪水特性. (11)

2. 3 基本资料. (11)

2.4 设计洪水计算 (11)

3. 地质14

3. 1 地形地貌. (14)

3. 2 地层岩性. (14)

3. 3地质构造 . ....................................... 14 3. 4 库区水文地质条件 . ................................. 15 3. 5不良地质作用 . . (15)

3. 6抗震设防 . (15)

5. 1设计依据 . ....................................... 21 5. 2 工程布置及建筑物

. (22)

5. 3 大坝 (22)

5.4 大坝工程除险加固设计 (26)

6. 金属结构 . ......................................................................... 32

7. 施工组织设计

7. 1施工条件 . ......................................... 33 7. 2 主体工程施工 . .................................... 33 7. 3 施工总体布置 . .................................... 33 7. 4施工进度安排 . .................................... 34 7. 5施工管理与质量控制 . .. (34)

4. 工程任务和规模

4. 1 工程概况 . ...... 4. 2 工程任务和规模

4. 3 水利计算 . ......

5. 工程布置及建筑物



.. 15




8. 水库淹没处理和工程永久占地35

9. 水土保持规划和环境保护35

9.1 环境保护设计依据 (35)

9.2 水土流失防治方案设计 (35)

9. 3 环境保护措施 (36)

9. 4 结论 (36)


XX水库位于XXXX位于大魏河支流,第IV水文分区,坝址处地理坐标系东经121° 35', 北纬39° 49',流域面积F=1.65平方公里,河道长L=1.5公里,河道比降J=23.01 %o,汇流时间T =0.34小时。

XX是一座集防洪、灌溉于一体的小(II )型水库。水库枢纽工程包括大坝、溢洪道、输水洞三大建筑物构成。该水库始建于1974 年10 月, 坝址以上集雨面积 1.65 平方公里, 最大库容为24.08 万立米。。

XX水库是一座以灌溉为主,兼有防洪等综合利用小(n)型水库。水库最大库容为24.08万立米。该水库可满足周边600 亩果树和500 亩旱田的灌溉,保护下游 1 个村1000 人、1200 亩耕地由于大坝、溢洪道存在安全隐患,水库不仅不能够很好的发挥效益,而且严重威胁下游人民的生命财产安全,所以进行水库除险加固处理。


筑物级别为5级,次要建筑物级别为5级,防洪标准执行SL252-2000 ,按10年一遇洪水标准设计, 50 年一遇洪水标准校核。

关键词:XX 水库大坝除险加固


Han Temple Reservoir is located in the city of Wafangdian City red town along the river Han village, located in the Wei River tributary, the IV hydrological regi on alizatio n. Ion gitude 121 located in the geographic coord in ate system, latitude 39 watershed areao4F=1'.65square km, L=1.5 km long river, stream gradie nt J=23.01 %o, con flue nee time = 0.34 hours.

Han temple is a set of flood control, irrigation in one of the small (II) type reservoir. Reservoir dam, spillway, con sists of water con veya nee tunnel of three buildi ngs. The reservoir was built i n 1974 October, dam over the rain area of 1.65 square kilometers, the maximum storage capacity is 240800 m3..

Han temple is a reservoir for irrigation, flood control and comprehensive utilization of both small (II) reservoir. The maximum storage capacity is 240800 m3 reservoir. The reservoir can meet the surr ounding 600 acres of fruit trees and 500 mu of farmla nd irrigati on, 1000 people, the protect ion of the lower reaches of the 1 village, 1200 acres of arable land as a result of the dam, spillway, hidden safety problems, reservoir not only can the very good ben efit, but also a serious threat to lower people's lives and property, so the rein forceme nt of reservoir.

Accord ing to the flood con trol sta ndards (GB50201-94) in engin eeri ng and don't grade, don't V as Han Temple Reservoir Engin eeri ng, the main buildi ngs were grade 5, sec on dary structure were grade 5 flood con trol sta ndards, SL252-2000, desig n accord ing to 10 year flood sta ndard, 50 year flood sta ndard check.

Keywords: Han and Miao reservoir dam rei nforceme nt
