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高一英语周测(二)9.23 二卷(总分25分)


81. He didn’t come home as early as expected.

= He came home _________________________.

82. You are rude to your friend. I can’t _____________________ (容忍这样对待

treat他) like that.

83. _____________________ (attend) middle school, the parents are working


84. He reads newspapers every day to keep him ____________(让他知道) what is


85. You are _____________________________ (本应当完成) your homework


答案:81. later than expected 82. tolerate treating him 83. With two children attending

84. informed of 85. supposed to have finished


86. He hasn’t got enough money. He can buy a laptop with the money. (用介词+关


87. I bought a beautiful vase. The price of the vase was quite reasonable.

88. Can you lend me the magazine? You talked about it with your classmate

yesterday. (用介词+关系代词合并)

89. The company is trying to create an environment. Everyone in the company feels

a sense of belonging and pride in the environment.

90. He is such a person that he is respected by all of us.(改为定语从句)

答案:86. He hasn’t got enough money with which he can buy a laptop.

87. I bought a beautiful vase whose price / the price of which/ of which the price

was quite reasonable.

88. Can you lend me the magazine about which you talked with your classmate


89. The company is trying to create an environment in which/ where everyone in

the company feels a sense of belonging and pride.

90. He is such a person as is respected by all of us.


John是个怕学习的17岁少年。一放学,他就迫不及待地上网或者与朋友聊天。他浪费了许多应该花在学习上的时间。他严厉的父母不能容忍这种行为。他们说熬夜对他的健康有害(do harm to)。他辩解说这样做不是他的过错。许多人坚持(insist)认为他应受到惩罚。相反地,班主任认为每个人应该对他耐心点。如果他被迫不情愿地做事,他往往会对周围的人粗鲁。既然教育孩子需要耐心和智慧(wisdom),处理这个问题的最好方法是给他一些自由和独立。在班主任的引导下(under the guidance of sb.),他已经学会了保持了学习和玩的平衡。

答案:John is a 17-year-old teenager, who is frightened of studying. Upon

leaving school, he can’t wait to surf the Internet or chat with others. He wastes much time he is supposed to spend on his study. His parents who are hard on him can’t tolerate such behavior. They argue that staying up late does harm to his health. He defends that it’s not his fault to do so. Many people insist that he deserves to be punished. On the contrary, his head teacher holds the view that everyone should be patient with him. Suppose he is forced to do something unwillingly, he tends to be rude to the people around him. Now that educating children calls for patience and wisdom, the best way to handle this problem is to give him some freedom and independence. Under the guidance of his head teacher, he has kept the balance between his study and playing computer.
