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breakfast: some milk, some bread and an egg

lunch: an apple, some chicken and rice

dinner: a little fish, some vegetables and noodles

(1)What did Kitty have for breakfast yesterday?

(2)What did Kitty have for lunch yesterday?

(3)What did Kitty have for dinner yesterday?

【答案】(1)She had some milk, some bread and an egg for breakfast yesterday.

(2)She had an apple, some chicken and rice for lunch yesterday.

(3)She had a little fish, some vegetables and noodles for dinner yesterday.


(1)句意:Kitty昨天早饭吃的什么?根据breakfast: some milk, some bread and an egg和时间词yesterday可知写出一般过去时的句子,主语用she代替,故答案为She had some milk, some bread and an egg for breakfast yesterday.

(2)Kitty昨天午饭吃的什么?根据lunch: an apple, some chicken and rice和时间词yesterday可知写出一般过去时的句子,主语用she代替,故答案为She had an apple, some chicken and rice for lunch yesterday.

(3)Kitty昨天晚饭吃的什么?根据dinner: a little fish, some vegetables and noodles和时间词yesterday可知写出一般过去时的句子,主语用she代替,故答案为She had a little fish, some vegetables and noodles for dinner yesterday.



He had some________,________and an egg for breakfast.

(2)What did Joe have for________?

He had some chicken,________and________for lunch.

(3)What did Joe have for________?

He had some________,________and________for dinner.



(3)dinner;rice;chicken;a pie/pies


(2)句意是Joe午餐吃什么了?他午餐吃了汉堡包,并且喝可乐。hamburger是汉堡包的含义,cola是可乐的含义。由表格中关键词lunch午餐所对应的V可知。应填写lunch,hamburgers, cola。

(3)句意是Joe晚餐吃什么了?他吃了一些米饭,鸡肉还有馅饼作为晚餐。由表格中关键词dinner行对应的V可知,rice是米饭,chicken是鸡肉,pie是馅饼。应填写dinner,rice,chicken,a pie/pies.



Lucy:________.What’s the name of the film?


Lucy:What is it about?


Lucy:Good! Shall we see it at________o'clock?

Kitty:Of course.

【答案】Sure;Alice in Wonderland;It's about a girl in a strange land;14

【解析】【分析】“Shall we go and see a film this afternoon?”是个表达建议的句子,中文是“今天下午我们去看一部电影好吗?”。接受别人的建议常用“Sure.(当然可以。)”。“What’s the name of the film?”的中文是“电影的名字是什么?”,根据海报内容可知电影的名字是“Alice in Wonderland(爱丽丝梦游仙境)”。“What is it about?”的中文是“它是关于什么的?”,根据海报内容可知“它是关于一个异乡姑娘的。It's about a girl in a strange land. ”。根据海报内容可知电影将在下午13点15分到15点30分上映,所以可以在14点左右去
