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高考英语名词用法总结( 完整 )


1.A new ______ to teaching languages is being used here, and it has turned out to be very helpful to the students.

A. approach B.means

C. method D. way






用。这几个词都有“方法”的意思,但是 A. approach 后面接 to doing ; B. means, method ,way 后面都是 of doing ,way 还可以接不定式。故选 A。

2.Because of the heavy snow, the researchers failed to reach their ________ on time as expected.

A. stage B. agreement

C. kingdom D. destination

【答案】 D



考查名词辨析。句意:由于大雪,研究人员未能如期到达目的地。 A. stage 阶段; B. agreement 协议; C. kingdom 王国; D. destination 目的地,根据题意,故选D。

3.As an American living in-Tianjin for about 10 years, Chris says that it has been a ________ be a witness to China’ s great progress.

A. privilege B. preference C. priority D . principle

【答案】 A



考查名词辨析。句意:作为一个在天津生活了大约10 年的美国人,克里斯说,能够见证中国的巨大进步是一种荣幸。 A. privilege 荣幸; B. preference 偏爱; C. priority 优先; D. principle原则。privilege荣幸“ ”符合句意。故 A 选项正确。

4.The success of her book has given her high social.

A. status B. sculpture

C. approval D. figure

【答案】 A




雕塑; C. approval 批准; D. figure 数字,根据题意,故选A。

A. status地位;

B. sculpture

5.—How shall I take the medicine?

—You can follow the ________ on the bottle.

A. vocabulary B. speech C.lessons D. directions

【答案】 D



考查名词辨析。句意:——这药怎么吃 ?——你可以按照瓶子上的说明书去吃。 A. vocabulary

词汇; B. speech 演讲; C. lessons 课程; D. directions 说明书,根据题意,故选D。

6.William , grandson of the Queen , said he would not expect or accept special______when he was considering joining the army .

A. treatment C. statement 【答案】 A B.achievement D. requirement




或者接受特别的对待。 treatment 治疗、对待,这里指跟其他士兵不同的对待;

achievement 成就; statement 声明、陈述;requirement 要求、需要,根据句意,故选A。

7.On how to improve our spoken English, Mr. Smith has given us ______.

A. many good advices B.a number of advice

C. much advice D. some advices

【答案】 C




建议。 advice 为不可数名词,需要使用much 或者 a lot of 来修饰; A 项中 many 修饰可数

名词; B 项 a number of 修饰可数名词复数; D 项 advices 错误,故选C。

8.We could see nothing in the thick fog at a _____ of two meters, so we got lost.

A. distance B. length C. way D. space




考名辨析。句意:大天里,我相距两米就什么也看不到了,所以我迷路了。 A.

distance 距离; B. length 度; C. way 方式; D. space 空。由“ We could see nothing in the thick fog

可”知, at a distance of 隔着 ......“距离”符合句意。故 A 正确。

9.To be honest, she had a great ______ for the small town where she grew up.

A. effect B.effort

C. affection D. patience

【答案】 C



考名辨析。句意:,她她大的那个小有很深的感情。 A. effect 影

响; B. effort 努力; C. affection 深情; D. patience 耐心。短have a great affection for sth.

意“ 某物,某物有深的感情”。故C。

10. Somehow Pavel ’ s words made sense to Bruno and he resisted the ________ to say“ Ow”more, and when Pavel finished applying the green liquid he took a bandage from the first-aid box

and taped it to the cut.

A. convenience B. trick C. impression D. urge

【答案】 D





口上。 A. convenience 方便; B. trick ,; C. impression 印象; D. urge 烈的欲望。


11. I have absolutely no ________ the students who get caught cheating in exams even though

they were seriously punished.

A. impact on B.sympathy for

C. concern about D. complaint about

【答案】 B




。 A. impact on 影响; B. sympathy for 同情; C. concern about 担心;关心; D. complaint about

投;⋯⋯抱怨。根据句意可知 B。

12. That party has been in ________ for many years and it has showed its ________ in dealing
