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A.traffic B.telecast C.transportation D.transfer


A.prepare B.proper C.progress D.practice


A.environment B.movement C.government D.equipment


debut B.decade

C.detailed D.determined


tension B.expectation

C.experience D.transportation


A.bank B.book C.bar D.ban


A.electric B.historical C.light D.lightly


A.amplify B.amputee C.approval D.apologize


A.crowded B.detailed C.health D.unlimited


A.quarrel B.quarter C.apologize D.apology


()11.We are told that the journalist _____ a speech on teenage problems next Monday.

A.will make B.makes C.is making D.has made

()12.The man was seriously hurt in the accident and he _____ to hospital at once.

A.was taken B.took C.will be taken D.takes

()13._____ a post office, I stopped to buy some stamps.

A.Passing B.Passed C.Passes D.To pass

()14.I heard them _____ in the classroom last night.

A.sings B.singing C.sang D.to sing

()15.Which is the _____, the sun, the moon or the earth

A.big B.bigger C.biggest D.more big

()16.The girls were very _____ at the news.

A.excited B.exciting C.interesting D.interest

()17.I’m very happy because it’s my _____ fifteenth birthday today. A.the B.an C.a D./

()18.Miss Wang teaches _____ English. She is _____ favorite teacher. A.we;our B.our;us C.us;our D.us;ours

()19.They _____ her to the party, so she was very happy.

A.are inviting B.invited C.will invite D.invite ()20.My mother _____ me a nice present on my next birthday.

A.will gives B.will give C.gives D.give


()21.-- Good evening. Huangshan Hotel.

-- Good evening. ____________

A.What would you like

B.Do you still have a room for tonight

C.Is there anything I can do for you

D.Who is that speaking

()22.-- Can you show me ’s office, please

-- ___________. But I don’t know if he is in at the moment.

A.Thanks B.Sure

C.Go on D.You are welcome

()23.-- Tomorrow I will attend a job interview.

-- ____________

-- Thank you.

A.Really B.Good luck!

C.Maybe. D.It doesn’t matter.

()24.--What about going to see a film

-- ______________.

A.No , I don’t B.Yes, that’s right

C.Sounds great D.I’m sorry

()25.-- May I ask a question after class, Sir

-- ____________, but not during my lunch break.

A. Certainly B.I’m sorry C.Anytime D.Of course not ()26.-- __________

-- Yes, I’d like a cup of tea.

A.Excuse me. B.Can I help you

C.Are you ok D.Good morning !

()27.-- It’s getting late. I’m afraid I must be going now.

-- OK. ___________.

A.Take it easy B.Go slowly

C.See you D.Stay longer

()28.-- Your tie goes very well with your shirt.

-- __________.

A.Not at all B.Don’t mention it

C.Thanks D.Oh, no

()29.-- Do you have to go Can’t you stay and have a meal

-- ___________ I really think I must be off now.

A.I’d love to, but B.Yes, I must

C.No, I don’t have to but D.Yes, I can, but

()30.-- Can I speak to , please
