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Years ago I drove a taxi, I did a lot of business at a station. Each time a 36 drove up to the station, a group of kids would scramble (争抢) for the door. The 37 kid would pen the door and say “Good luck, Mister!” The man getting out of the taxi would give the kid a 38 .

During one summer, one kid 39 my eye. He was the biggest, but he was 40 by even the smallest kids. 41 he tried his best to get to the door, he always got rushed aside. He never pushed back. 42 he would even step aside when others rushed 43 .

One day his 44 arrived. As I was pulling up, all the kids were scrambling for a taxi that had arrived. They didn’t 45 mine. The boy walked toward my taxi. He 46 the door and said, “Good 47 , Mister!”But the man getting out didn’t give him a coin. He just said, “Get out of my 48 !” and he pushed him aside.

I decided to 49 him $ 20. I saw him far ahead of me, walking away 50 . The other taxis behind mine were honking (鸣喇叭) their horns, telling me to 51 . When I got back I lost 52 of him. I never saw him again.

I’d like to tell him that if he had stayed 53 , I would have given him $ 20. When things seem so 54 that you are ready to give up, that is the time when things are 55 to turn around for you.

36. A. train B. taxi C. bus

D. subway

37. A. happiest B. cleverest C. luckiest

D. busiest

38. A. coin B. kiss C. ticket

D. hug

39. A. hurt B. caught C. had D. kept

40. A. helped out B. taken away C. held on

D. pushed away

41. A. But B. Although C. And

D. If

42. A. In general B. In a word C. In fact D. In short

43. A. forward B. outside C. inside D. down

44. A. business B. confidence C. strength

D. chance

45. A. drive B. notice C. like D.


46. A. shut B. knocked C. opened

D. locked

47. A. luck B. bye C. morning

D. job

48. A. mind B. door C. view

D. way

49. A. give B. lend C. throw D. fine

50. A. briefly B. sadly C. happily

D. angrily

51. A. stay B. stop C. run

D. move

52. A. sight B. touch C. memory

D. interest

53. A. shorter B. longer C. out D. up

54. A. calm B. good C. hopeless D. successful

55. A. sorry B. careful C. hard D. possible


April Fools’ Day

The first of April is commonly known __31 April Fools’ Day, and it’s customarily on this day to play a __32_ on a friend. If your friend is __33__ in, then he or she is an April __34__.

It isn’t only children who __35__ jokes. Grown-ups like such pranks(恶作剧), too. Even the media sometimes try to deceive the __36__with a __37__ April fool story. Some years __38__, for example, a famous joke was played on the __39__. A __40__ reporter reported that strange geological changes have resulted in weaker gravity in different __41__ of Britain. He asked __42__ to jump __43__ and see if they __44__ jump higher than they usually could. Many people did. The hundreds of __45__ the BBC received proved how __46__ the hoax(恶作剧) was. not until twelve o’clock did the BBC gently __47__ its listeners it was April Fools’ Day that day.

Making jokes only __48__ until noon of the day, the rule is rigid and everybody accepted. Anyone who tries to make a fool after midday is a __49__ fool than he who has been __50__. The late trickster is instantly rebuffed(受挫), as a piece of poem goes:

April Fools’ Day is gone and past. You are the biggest fool at last.

When April Fools’ Day comes again, You’ll be the biggest fool then.
