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1. What is the main idea of this passage?

2. What is the author’s main point?

3. What is the subject of this passage?

4.The main purpose of the passage?

5. The title of this passage would be ____.

Now many young people are traveling around the world on their own, not because they have no one to, travel with, but because they prefer to go alone.

What is the best title for the passage?

A. Travel in Foreign Countries

B. Travel Alone

C. Travel Early

D. Travel Far

答案 B 句中反复出现travel on their own,go alone 等高频词。

People in many countries learn English and they learn it in different ways. Some learn it at school. Some learn it by themselves. Others learn English by radio, on TV or in films.

The main idea of the passage is _________.

A. People in many countries learn English in many ways

B. Some learn English at school

C. Some learn English by themselves

D. Others learn English by radio, on TV or in films.


You mom does a lot of housework,and you'd really like to help her out.How can you make things easier for your hard-working mom without adding any trouble?Here is some advice for you.

Caring for your own space

Sharing some of your mom's tasks (工作)

Organizing a “Mom's Day Off”

Being active(积极的)

What's the passage mainly about?

A.How to be an active child.

B.How to help your mom at home.

C.How to organize family activities.

D.How to be independent.

答案B caring for…active是每段的小标题

Should children do the chores? Some people think that children should not do the chores, but many experts believe that children can benefit(受益) from doing the chores. They can learn problem-solving skills and independence from the chores.

However, most experts agree that the chores should fit(适合) the child. For example, young children shouldn’t wash the dishes or take out the rubbish. …

As the children grow older, many experts advise giving them more difficult chores like washing the dishes and walking the dog. …

What’s the best title for this passage?

A. Why should children do the chores?

B. How long should children do the chores?

C. What chores fit children?

D. When should children do the chores?


It’s known that the most important reason for brushing your teeth is to fight off cavities (虫牙).But if the way you brush your teeth is not right, it will make you more possible to get cavities. So find out what you’re doing wrong, and how to break these bad habits for better teeth according to(根据) my working experience.

You don’t brush for long enough. …

You’re not watching what you’re doing. …

Your brushing way needs to be improved. …

You’re brushing too hard. …

You’re using the wrong brush and toothpaste(牙膏). …

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Bad habits to brush teeth.

B. Brush teeth more times.

C. Choose the famous brush.

D. Brush teeth in a soft way.
