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British literature in each period

Old English and Middle English

Old English was referred to the period of the English language and English countries. The earliest form of literature was poetry which spread orally, and the main poet was bards. When Christianity spread to Britain, some poems were recorded. At this period the most important literature of the British national epic was Beowulf written with head blank.

Old English period(1066~1500)From the Normans conquered England in 1066 to 1,500 years around London dialect became accepted modern English literature, forms of main was ballad, poetry and knight legend. In a few groups in the legend, the British knights of the subject was king Arthur and his knights adventure stories, including The Green Knight and Heroes of the Marshes which represented the highest achievement in medieval knight legends. A lot of excellent folk emerged, and the most representative was the folk singing for hero Robin Hood .

The most important poet known as "the father of English poetry" was the Chaucer. The Canterbury tales which achieved high artistic accomplishment was his representative works. He created the double blank poetry. Five steps to raise grid was adopted by many British poet. Chaucer written with London dialect laid the foundation of the literary creation, and promoted the development of the English language and literature.

During the Renaissance British literature developed in poetry, prose, and especially prosperity.

The poetry, the new poetic forms like sonnets and black verse were introduced to Britain.Philip Sidney was a famous poet. He wrote many beautiful sonnets, also created one of the earliest poetry A Defence of Poetry. Edmund Spenser wrote The Fairy Queen with Spencer method. Shakespeare is not only a drama writer but also a great poet, besides two poems, two epic and 154 sonnets.

English version of Authorized Version (A V) in 1611, not only made great religious significance, but also a great literary works, and made great influence on British language culture. It's simple, easy and clear prose style laid the traditional British prose. A famous philosopher and essayist Francis Bacon wrote his literary works Essays which Included 58 essays he published in each period.

Drama represented the highest achievement of English literature during the Renaissance. Main dramatists were Christopher Marlowe and W. Shakespeare. British literature in the 17th century

British society in the 17th century is one of the severe turbulence. Because of the autocratic monarchy and the bourgeoisie, the conflict between the civil war broke out in 1642, and resulted in the glorious revolution in 1688.The political struggle and the bourgeois revolution ideology were closely connected with the Puritan religious
