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Three visits to the cottage

Three visits to the cottage(中文名三顾茅庐)is a story from one of the Four Great classical Chinese novels——the Three Kindoms. ZhuGeliang is one of the main characters in the original. Also, he is an outstanding militarist, politician and the symbol of the wisdom in Chinese history. Another main actors——Liubei, who visited ZhuGeliang's thatched cottage three times and wanted to invite him to be his military adviser. Finally, ZhuGeliang was moved by Liubei' sincerity, helped the three brothers——Liubei, Guanyu and Zhangfei to establish the Shu Kindom. He devoted his whole life to the cause and died in harness.

Our script is revised from this story . In this play, we add many modern and funny elements. For example, there are some spoken lines and actions which were copied from some classical movies like Infernal Affairs(中文名无间道), My Own S Word sman(中文名武林外传),The Flirting Scholar(中文名唐伯虎点秋香)were combined in our play. Also, we added some interesting pictures and audio to our slide.

Maybe there are some mistakes in our dialogue. But this play is the result of painstaking efforts of our group. So we present our script to you and wish you will like it.

Three visits to the cottage

Aside: After their swearing brotherhood to heaven and earth in a peach garden, the three persons——Liubei, Guanyu and Zhangfei-had to be janitors in Caocao's corporation to make a living for they could not find jobs. Meanwhile the legendary and mysterious character ZhuGeliang who had been forced to attend CET-6 test by his wife was reviewing examination contents.

SCENE 1: Liubei's home

Actors: Liubei Guanyu Zhangfei

Guanyu: Brother! We three have been hungry for days and when will this tragic life end? It's so terrible!

Liubei: Yu, it's impossible that I don't feel painful, isn't it? But as the proverb says it is hard to sit in Rome and strive against the Pope. Now we come down to Caocao's corporation as gatekeeper, anyhow we can fill our stomachs between whiles. It's very hard to get work now. No diplomas and no job offers, what are you dreaming about?

Zhangfei: Oh, Brother! ZhuGeliang's wife borrowed us 500yuan to cope with his husband’s CET-6 fees last month, it seems that it's time for us to be debt collectors now.

Guanyu: Yeah, Brother! Or we'll be as poor as church mouse.

Liubei: Alas! How did I forget this? Let's go! Go~~ go~! Hurry up! Follow me and go to the mountain for dunning!

Aside: And then the three brothers climb the mountain to find ZhuGeliang.

SC ENE 2: ZhuGeliang’s house

Actors: ZhuGeliang Wife

ZhuGeliang: Good morning! I am the genius ZhuGeliang. But I feel so morose recently. Because my wife forced me to pass the CET-6. What’s CET-6? Do you know? You?(Ask the audience) I’ve never heart about t hat. And she obliged me to read so heavy books and do so many texts. It’s ridiculous. My major is military advice, not English. Why should I read this?

Wife: Darling!

ZhuGeliang:My wife is coming,she is so long-winded that I can never bear her.

Wife:My dear, how about your study?

ZhuGeliang:These books make me want to doze. I’m dizzy.

Wife:Darling! Now, competition is so serious. If you can’t pass cet6 to get your master’s degree, it is difficult to find a job. I have stayed here for half of a lifetime. But never visit a bigger place like Yangling.

ZhuGeliang:Don’t worry, these books are too easy for your husband and don’t need to learn.

Wife:Are you sure? let me have a test to you. Listen,read and see!

ZhuGeliang:A piece of cake!

Wife:Listen, can you spell apple? Desk?

ZhuGeliang: Sorry I can’t.

Wife:You can’t? Oh, how unfortunate I am! (crying) I'm wrong, I'm really wrong, I'm wrong from the beginning. I shouldn't marry he re. If I didn’t marry here, I'll never in this heartrending place now,

ZhuGeliang:Don’t cry, don’t cry, stop! I ‘m going to study hard at once.

Wife (laugh): That's the spirit! Do you know? We are in the red for your Cet6. I even borrowed money from the gate keeper. What can I do when they dun for debts.

ZhuGeliang: Are you pointing to that gatekeeper Liubei?

Wife: Oh! Yes! Come on quickly! Boy!

Keeper: What is the matter? Madam?

Wife: Listen carefully! My husband is too busy doing his homework to welcome any people, so you will tell the people who calls on him that boss has went to study in England. .

Keeper: Yes! Madam!

Aside: While it is going on, liubei Guanyu Zhangfei have came to the gate of ZhuGeliang’s house.

SCENE3 Outside ZhuGeliang’s house

Actors: Liubei Guanyu Zhangfei Keeper
