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绝密★启用前试卷类型:A 深圳市2018年高三年级第二次调研考试



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Life experiences can show one’s “grit”(坚韧). Complex challenges early in life helped the following people develop skills that got them to the top of their professions.

Ursula Burns, Chairwoman, VEON; Former CEO, Xerox

Her family was so poor that her single mother traded office cleaning for health care. But Burn s’ early gift for math won her a scholarship and an internship at Xerox, where she would compete her way to the top. “I’m a black lady from the Lower East Side,”she says. “Not a lot scare s me.”

Howard Schultz, Executive Chairman, Starbucks

Schultz grew up in public housing in Brooklyn, surrounded by poverty, and was the first in his family to go to college (on a football scholarship). After training in sales, he set up the company that would later buy Starbucks. “In the course of the year I spent trying to raise money, I spoke to 242 people, and 217 of them said no.” he sa id.

Sean Combs, CEO, Sean John

Combs began a generation of hip-hop talent and made a lasting influence on fashion. But his story could have turned out much differently: his drug dealer father was killed when he was 3. “It made me work e ven harder.” he recently said.

Geisha Williams, CEO, PG&E

Her parents fled Cuba when Williams was 5. B y 7, she was her parents’ main translator in talks with lawyers and accountants at grocery stores they owned in New Jersey. The experience did help her. “I went from thinking I could be a manager to thinking I could do something much bigger.” she told Fortune.

21. Who did best in math at school?

A. Combs.

B. Burns.

C. Schultz.

D. Williams.

22. How did the death of Combs’ father influence him?

A. It made him a failure.

B. He became a drug dealer.

C. It made him even stronger.

D. He became a hip-hopper.

23. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Cuba is a good place to do business.

B. No one wanted to help Schultz at first.

C. Poor family kids can be successful easily.

D. Difficulty in life pushed Williams forward.


Looking at a pile of old photos, I couldn’t help feeling rather regretful.

I’ve never got into the habit of sorting out photos. However, it’s almost a habit of mine to have photos taken thoughtlessly. Thus, photos have been piling up in my childhood to womanhood. In spite of that, those black-and-white pictures taken in my early years are rarely kept, except a few survivals regarded as antiques. A bald(秃头的)baby picture of me that I treasured, the only one left, is now missing.

Familiar faces flash one by one before my eyes. Though the world is so small and we all live in it, yet we are separated by physical and psychological distances, some smaller, some larger. With the passage of time, one cannot, regretfully, relive(重温)it with the same feeling as one had in the picture. What one can get from the old photos is but a bit of the past joy.

One takes pictures with different persons in different time and places. They fill one with
