













1. What will the boy take part in today?

2. What is Ann's animal sign?

3. Where does the woman work?

4. What is the girl's dream?

5. What colour may represent Jenny's feeling now?

A. Blue.

B. Red.

C. Green.

6. What does the man think of his cousin?

A. Energetic.

B. Curious.

C. Creative.

7. How does the woman like what the star sign says?

A. She agrees with it.

B. She doesn't believe it.

C. She doesn't care about it.

8. What are they talking about?

A. Daniel's hobbies.

B. Daniel's school subjects.

C. Daniel's good personalities.

9. Does Jane have any time for her hobbies?

A. Yes, she does.

B. No, she doesn't.

C. It depends.

10. What's the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Neighbours.

B. Brother and sister.

C. Mother and son.




11. What was the woman doing a moment ago?

A. Playing with Jim.

B. Playing on the Internet.

C. Preparing for her school paper.

12. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Jim may like the woman.

B. Kids are hard to understand.

C. The woman doesn't know how to deal with kids

13. A. China B. Canada C. America

14. A. two days B. two weeks C. two months

15. A. kind B. serious C. hard-working


16. How many colours does the speaker talk about?

A. Five.

B. Six.

C. Seven.

17. What will you be like if your lucky colour is grey?

A. Y ou like to help others.

B. Y ou can't express your feelings.

C. Y ou like to be treated equally.

18. If you get along well with new people, what may be your favourite colour?

A. Grey.

B. Green.

C. Pink.

19. Which of the following is true?

A. Orange can help you succeed.

B. If you like pink, you are very careful

C. Yellow means you are powerful and trusted.

20. What's the passage mainly about?

A. Your favourite colour.

B. Colours and personalities.

C. How colors influence you



21.一In Chinese culture, children born in the year of Monkey are said to be smart. 一Yes. They are always full of energy, so I think they are also lively.



C. a; the

D. the;不填

22.一Fu Yuanhui impressed the public her lively expressions at the Rio Olympic Games.

一Yes. She got high praise the whole world.

A. with; for

B. with; from

C. for; over

D. by; for

23.一You don't like the film, do you?

一Well, it shows imagmanon a sense of humour. No one will like it, I think.

A. not only; but also

B. either; or

C. both; and

D. neither; nor

24.一Which of the shirts do you like better?

一I’ll take . They are cheap and in fashion.

A. one

B. two

C. both

D. either

25一I wonder you'll celebrate Thanksgiving.

一We'll do a DIY card after class to express our thanks to our teachers.

A. what

B. whether

C. where

D. how

26.一I have written twice to tell them the problem, but there is no at all.

一Maybe they didn't get your letter.

A. call

B. advice

C. reply

D. report

27.一What do you think of the prices now?

一As a rule, they follow needs.

A. strict

B. general

C. fixed

D. simple

28.一What's the cook doing?

一He is a carrot. It looks like a rose.

A. making

B. creating

C. shaping

D. cooking

29一I to see you studying in the library so early in the morning.

一The early bird catches the worm, huh?

A. don't expect

B. didn't expect

C. haven't expected

D. won't expect

30.一“Go to the playground and have fun!" parents often say to their kids.

一But they remember playgrounds can be dangerous.

A. may

B. will

C. need

D. should

31.A true friend can see the pain in your eyes everyone else believes the smile on your face.

A. while

B. because

C. before

D. until

32.一Look! How beautiful the bridge is!

一Yeah, That's the bridge Suzhou to Nantong一Sutong Bridge!

A. connects

B. connected

C. connecting

D. to connect

33.一How do you like your new school?

一Wonderful. When I trouble many teachers and students will help me.

A. look into

B. get into

C. cut into

D. break into

34.一Could you tell me what's wrong with you?

一I don't know .

A. which is the way to the nearest bank

B. which is way to the nearest bank

C. which way to the nearest bank is

D. which the way is to the nearest bank

35.一What the star sign says is really true for me.

一. But it's not the case for me.

A. Is that serious?

B. I can't believe it.

C. Is that so?

D. What a pity!



As a teenager, you're trying to learn who you are. You're going through mental and physical 36 . You're dealing with different kinds of stress and trying to succeed in school.

The good news is that though the teen years are 37 , there are skills you can learn to make them a lot easier.

If you're a teen and trying to 38 your feelings better, here are a few skills for you to deal with them.

39 the feeling.

What feeling are you experiencing? For example, are you sad, stressed, angry, joyful or excited?

Accept what you're feeling.

Many people worry that their feelings will increase(增强). So they are not willing to accept them, hoping that they'll just go away. However, that'see 40 . Remind yourself that it's OK to feel your feelings.

Know your feelings well.

To better understand your feelings, you should pay attention to your feelings all over the day.You may record 41 you're feeling in the morning, afternoon and at night on a piece of paper. Next to your feeling, also write down where you notice it in your body.

Express your feelings.

Expressing a feeling is a good way to 42 it. For example, you can express your feelings by crying, exercising, writing about them or talking to someone you 43 . Just be sure that whatever 44 you choose, it doesn't hurt you or anyone else.

At different times in your life, you'll experience different 45 . But by learning some helpful skills, you'll be able to live a comfortable life.

36. A. tests B. changes C. states D. diseases

37. A. active B. busy C. boring D. difficult

38. A. express B. develop C. manage D. consider

39. A. Name B. Compare C. Design D. Explain

40. A. unsafe B. impossible C. strange D. normal

41 .A. what B. whether C. how D. when

42. A. reduce B. remind C. refuse D. repeat

43. A. meet B. visit C. remember D. trust

44. A. trouble B. activity C. suggestion D. skill

45. A. persons B. friendships C. cultures D. difficulties





My dad is very unique(独特的)because of his personality and lifestyle. For example, put his watch on his left hand, even though he's a lefty, and parking his car only in the garage is just his thing and doesn't change.

My father only wears suits during the week because it's something very professional and formal. He loves to teach what he knows, from teaching my mother, aunt, and sisters driving skills to teaching his kids vocabulary. Also, whenever he is asked to do something at work, whatever it is, he will always complete the task on time.

My mother buys most of his clothes, as he hates big crowds. In his house, children watch TV

only after finishing all the homework, which he believes is the best, because the child does his homework and still stays happy.

One of my father's main focuses (重心)in life is making sure his children grow up the right way like he did. He grew up with one sister in Chicago. As he got older, he got married to my mother who is three years younger than him.

My dad is a person with numerous qualities. His personality is just very wonderful to live with. The manners he shows are so good and probably much better than most people. I admire my father and want to be just like him when I grow up.

46. The writer uses examples in the first paragraph to show .

A. his father is a left-hander

B. his father's personality and lifestyle

C. his father is a unique person

D. his father doesn't want any change

47. Which of the following is NOT true about the writer's father?

A. He doesn't enjoy shopping with his wife.

B. He wants to look professional and formal.

C. He always finishes his work on time.

D. He lets his children watch TV after homework.

48. According to the passage, the writer's father .

A. first met his wife in Chicago

B. gets along well with his family

C. got married at a very old age

D. has a sister three years younger

49. We can learn from the text that .

A. good personalities make a person perfect

B. Father is always the strictest one in a family

C. children want to grow up just as their fathers

D. parents may have a great influence on their kids


Dear Ella,

I am 13 years old. My parents prefer my brother to me. Now when I ask for something, my mum says it's foolish and useless. But whenever my brother asks for something, he gets it. When he heats me, my parents do nothing about it.

I don't have the right to have piercings and tattoos(纹身).My parents are not open-minded. I hate staying at home. My dad forces me to pray(祷告)every day, which I hate a lot! He is a very religious(宗教的)person. My mum and dad fight almost every day

And I also have to do things for Dad like bringing his food and so on. I don't study too much but my grades are satisfactory for me. But my mum always wants more. I am bored with all of them and I always think of leaving home. I cry almost every day. What can I do toimprove my life?

Alice Dear A lice,

It sounds like you need to try to have a private talk with your parents about your feelings. I don't think that at 13 you should be getting tattoos or piercings, or that you should judge your parents' love for you by whether you get things from them. It's wrong of your parents to allow your brother to beat you.

You say that your dad is religious. Does your family attend a church? Is there a minister or some other trusted adult you can talk to? Can you talk to your school counselor about this?

Please know that leaving home is not the answer to your problems. You are young and it is a time when sometimes one can feel very depressed(沮丧的)and helpless. I really hope you will talk to an adult you believe in about these things and get better soon.


50. Alice wrote the letter mainly to .

A.ask for advice

B. describe her experience

C. talk about her family

D. show her hate for her parents

51 .Alice wants to solve the problem by .

A. crying every day

B. leaving home

C. studying harder

D. asking less from her parents

52. What can we know about Alice's parents?

A. They are very religious.

B. They give nothing to Alice.

C. They don't treat the two children equally.

D. They don't get along well but are strict with the children.

53. Which ofthe following will Ella most probably agree with?

A. Alice's parents don't love her.

B. Alice should talk about how she feels.

C. Alice has the right to get tattoos or piercings.

D. It's not normal to feel helpless at Alice's age.


We are almost often called upon to support others in friendship. Several years ago, Donna had been feeling very depressed(沮丧的).She had just broken up with her boyfriend of two years, and she was having a very difficult time accepting the loss. She had been laid up with a knee injury(伤) for several days, and the time alone at home certainly was not helping. Her sadness was only increased by her being discouraged at herself for not being able to cheer up and stop crying all the time.

Early one morning Donna received a phone call with some terrible news: Her best friend's brother had been killed in a car accident. Donna had known this friend, Mary, and her brother nearly all her life, and the news was really surprising. However, Donna quickly pulled herself together, got in the car, and drove to her friend's house to be there with her.

Over the course of the next few days, when attending the funeral(葬礼)and receiving the hundreds of visitors, Donna was 100 percent present for Mary. She held her close while she cried her endless tears, sat by her side as the waves of sadness washed over her friend, and slept on the floor next to Mary's bed to make sure she did not wake up alone in the middle of the night. During that time she felt rarely any pain in her knee at all and none of the depression she had been experiencing.

Several weeks later, when life began to return to normal, Donna realized that the level of support she had given Mary had been far greater than any support she had offered herself during her dark time. She was able to use the support she had given her friend as a mirror for the support she had been holding back from herself. She realized that her own tears required as much care and attention from her as anyone else's, and that if she could give it to another, she must be able to give it to herself, too.

54. The underlined part "pulled herself together" in Paragraph 2 probably means .

A. controlled herself

B. dressed herself up

C. gave herself up

D. helped herself

55. Which of the following orders best describes what happened to Donna?

a. Mary telephoned Donna.

b. Donna broke up with her boyfriend.

c. Mary's brother died in a car accident.

d. Donna lay in bed with a knee injury.

e. Donna came to stay with Mary.

A. c-a-b-d-e

B. b-d-a-c-e

C. d-b-c-a-e

D. b-d-c-a-e

56. From the last paragraph, we can infer(推断)that

A. with Donna's help, life began to return to normal

B. Donna had given Mary much greater support than she had done herself

C. Donna could get out of her dark time by supporting herself more

D. Donna paid much attention to and showed lots of care for herself during her dark time

57. What is the most suitable title for this passage?

A. Friendship

B. Support

C. Accident

D. Experience




58. My sixth sense often (证明)to be right.

59. They are wondering to (谁)to turn for help.

60. We use x as the (符号)for something unknown

61.My mother has (从事)the fashion design since graduation

62. He told his own story without (提及)his poor childhood.

63. His suggestion is very valuable, so it's well (值得)taking.

64. At the meeting, the G20 (领袖)were expected to solve some problems

65一She spoke a word the whole morning. What's the matter?

一She failed the exam and was in a bad mood.

66.一Haven't you realized your mistake?

一Yes, I want to say nothing sorry.

67.一Our government said no to Korean's idea about wars.

一We all love and hate wars.










It was another day to jump rope. All the students were on the playground. Lynn and Mike turned the long rope in big, slow circles. The whole class hurried to get in line to wait for their turn to jump. Millie stood at the back of the line and frowned(皱眉).

Nick went first. He watched the rope and ran in at just the right time. Everyone counted. He made it all the way to 30 jumps. One after another, the kids watched the rope, ran in and jumped. Then it was Millie's turn. She watched the rope go around and around, but she didn't move. She felt like everyone was looking at her.

Millie's friends cheered, "Go, Millie, go!"

Millie's face turned red. At last, she gave it a try, but she failed.

The truth was that Millie had been jumping rope at home every day. With a short rope, she could jump 100 times without missing. She just didn't know how to run in and start jumping with a long rope. Since she was the only kid on her street, there was no one to help turn the long rope.

Just then, Mrs Miles, the PE teacher brought out a bunch of short jump ropes.

"Let's see how long each one of you can jump without missing." she said as she gave each student a short rope. "Ready, set. Go!"


Listening part 一 1.()A、game D、same 2.()A、your D、yours 3.()A、colour D、blow 4.()A、cake D、break 5.()A、new D、blue 二. listen and 1. Now Danny ___________ . 2. It’s

B. This is the bathtub . 四. Liste,choose the correct answers. 根据听到的内容选择正确的问句或答语。 ( )1.A、It’s five pencils. B、There are five pencils. ( )2.A、My favourite shape is a circle. B、My favourite food is sandwich . ( )3.A、How old are you ? B、How are you ? ( )4.A、He is a driver. B、He is washing the dirty dishes. ( )5.A、These are carrots. B、The carrots are on the table . Written part 笔试部分(60分) 一.Choose the correct answer.选择正确的答案.(10分) ( )1.make a triangle A.一个三角形 B.正方形 C.组成三角形 ( )2.speak good English A.英语好 B.英语好说 C.英语说得 好 ( )3.play the piano A. 弹钢琴 B.打字 C. 玩钢琴 ( )4.do your homework A.工 作 B.做家庭作业 C. 干家务 ( )5 .learn a new song A. 学一首新歌B.唱一首新歌C.一首新歌二. Rewrite the words.按要求写单词。(6分) 1.woman(复数) _________ 2.write(现在分词)_________ 3.children(单数)________ https://www.360docs.net/doc/3d5512475.html,e(过去式 )_________ 5.dirty(反义词 )________ 三. Choose and fill in the blanks. 选择填空。(10分) ( )1. I _________wash my hands and face. A. need B .like C. need to D.like to ( )2.Today is _____________. A .second September B. September first C. September one D. first September


共2页,第1页 共2页,第2页 密 校名 班级 姓名 座号 密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题 六年级英语科期中检测卷 评分:_____ _ 一、判断下列每组单词划线发音是否相同,相同的写“S”,否则写“D”。 (12分) 1.do n’t cl ose ( ) 2.headache school( ) 3.take mad ( ) 4.sports work ( ) 5.wash watch ( ) 6.nurse purple ( ) 二、补全短语并写出中文意思,每空一词。(20分) 1. in bed ( ) 2.be for you ( ) 3.traffic ( ) 4. a well ( ) 5.turn ( ) 6. from ( ) 7. head to feet ( ) 8.see the ( ) 9.take some ( ) 10. time ( ) 三、从所给选项中选出最恰当的一项,将其字母代号填入题前括号内。(20分) ( ) 1.My leg . A .hurt B .hurts C .hurting ( ) 2.What’s ? A .the wrong B .the matter C . matter ( ) 3.The roads in cities are usually very . A .busy B .easy C .small ( ) 4.---What’s good for me? --- Go to bed and get sleep . A .early,plenty B .early ,enough C .late ,enough ( ) 5.A light means “wait”. A .red B .green C .yellow ( ) 6.My favorite is . A .month,June B .season,June C .week ,June ( ) 7.She has a fever . She a lot of water . A .shoulds drink B .should drinks C .should drink ( ) 8. does he go before Beijing? He goes to Wuhan . A .Where B . When C .What ( ) 9.Don’t watch TV for a time . A .long B .short C .tall ( ) 10.The hospital is to the candy shop. A .near B .next C .across 四、根据句子的意思或中文补全句子,每空一词。(18分) 1.I have a . (牙疼) 2.Tony is sick now . 3. is before May , but after March . 4.Eating (太多)junk food will make you unhealthy . 5.--- me ! Where’s the supermarket? --- Go the park . It’s in front o f the park . 6. basketball is Tony ’s hobby . 五、连词成句,注意大小写。(10分) 1. exercise, for, you, getting, plenty, is, good, of . 2. bad, is, what, me, else,for ? 3. is, train, the, where, station ? 4. eat ,you, many, shouldn’t ,so, candies . 5. I, bookstore, am ,for, a, looking . 六、问答句搭配,填序号。(10分) ( ) 1.What’s the date today? A. You can take Bus No.5.. ( ) 2.When’s your birthday? B .Cheese. ( ) 3.How can I get to the zoo? C .Summer. ( ) 4.What are you eating? D .It’s on February 5th ( ) 5.What’s your favorite season? E .It’s January 1st 七、书面表达 (10分) 假如你是Jenny,你的好朋友Lucy 感冒了,她没去学校读书。请你写封信关心她,并给她提些建议,不少于5句话。 Dear Lucy, I am sorry to hear that you have a cold. . Take care Jenny


小学六年级下册英语期中试卷 一、找出不同类的单词,将其字母标号填入题前括号内。(2×5 = 10分) ( ) 1. A. went B. want C. played D. cooked ( ) 2. A. his B. her C. she D. your ( ) 3. A. was B. is C. am D. are ( ) 4. A. thin B. long C. tall D. fly ( ) 5. A. small B. better C. bigger D. shorter 二、选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(2×5 = 10分) ( ) 1. A. please B. head C. sweater D. breakfast ( ) 2. A. these B. they C. thank D. that ( ) 3. A. window B. no C. now D. load ( ) 4. A. share B. hair C. pear D. near ) 10. know 四、选择正确答案。( 2×5 = 10分) ()1. ----How are you, Mike? You look so________. ----It's raining outside. I can't play football. A. happy B. excited C. sad ()2.----Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him. How tall is Ted? A. 150cm B. 160cm C. 170cm ()3.----What's the matter? My leg _____. A. hurts B. sore C. is hurts ()4.----_______did you go on your holiday? -----Shanghai. A. What B. Where C. How ()5.----Did you ______ pictures yesterday? A. take B. took C. taking 五、连词组句.( 2×5 = 10分) (1)than,shorter,me,you’re (2)big,your,how,are,feet (3)on,did,the,you,do,weekend,what (4)on,did,go,you,weekend,swimming,the (5)go,where,you,holiday,on,your,did 六、补全对话。(把编号写在横线上)(2×5 = 10分) A. What did you do yesterday? B. How did you go there? C. What day is today? D. What did you do there?


密 封 线 学 校 班 级 姓 名 学 号 密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题 六年级英语高效课堂阶段检测卷 2018—2019学年度春季学期 题号一二三四五六七总分 得分 温馨提示:孩子们,经过半学期的辛苦努力,你是不是感觉收获满满的?那 就快拿起手中的笔,仔细读题,沉着应答,认真书写,答一份满意的试卷吧! 一、听录音, 给下列图片标序号。(5分) 二、听录音, 选出你所听到的单词。(5分) ( ) 1. A. shorter B. smarter C. smaller ( ) 2. A. saw B. was C. were ( ) 3. A. went B. want C. wear ( ) 4. A. happy B. hobby C. holiday ( ) 5. A. listen B. last C. lesson 三、听录音, 判断下列句子与所听到的内容是“√”否“×”相符。(10分) ( ) 1. Yesterday was a windy day. ( ) 2. We saw a big elephant in the zoo yesterday. ( ) 3. Jack is reading his English book. ( ) 4. I'm shorter and thinner than Mike. () 5. My mother had a cold. 四、听录音, 补全下列句子。(10分) 1. My father is ________ and ________than my mother. 2. Wu Yifan ________ ________at home yesterday. 3. My ________are ________ than your s. 4. My sister usually ________ her ________ on the weekend. 5. I ________ at home all weekend and ________. (90分) 一、找出各组中不同类的单词,将序号填在题前括号内。(10分) ( ) 1. A. taller B. stronger C. big D. better ( ) 2. A. is B. was C. am D. are ( ) 3. A. where B. what C. which D. were ( )4. A. had a cold B. went camping C.get up D. went swimming ( ) 5. A. watched B. played C. go D. cleaned ( ) 6. A. shorter B. singer C. longer D.stronger ( ) 7. A. went B. worried C. stayed D.watched ( ) 8. A. holiday B. winter C. summer D. spring ( ) 9. A.had B.watched C.sleep D.bought ( )10.A.yesterday B.better C.today D the day before yesterday 二、按要求写出单词的相应形式。(10分) big(比较级)____ have(过去式)______ went(原形)_______ read (过去式)______see(过去式)______ ate (原形)________ am/is(过去式)_____do(过去式)________ younger(反义词) ________ heavy(比较级)_________ 三、用所给词的正确形式填空。(5分) 1. Mike is 55 kilograms. He is ________________(heavy) than me. 2.His mother likes __________(swim) 3. Mary often ________(get) up at 5:30 in the morning. 4. Sarah wanted________(make) her brother happy. 5. There _______(be) some trees three years. 四、选择正确的答案,将其字母标号填入题前括号内。(20分) ( ) 1.I’m 158 cm, you’re 160 cm. You’re ______ than me. A. older B. taller C. shorter D. tall ( ) 2. He_____a book at home yesterday. A.read B.reading C.reads D. rode ( ) 3. An apple is ___ than a watermelon. A. small B. heavier C. bigger D. smalle ( ) 4. ---Where did Mr Guo go last Saturday? --- ______ A. He went to Beijing. B.He went hiking. C. He goes swimming. D.She went fishing.


小学六年级英语期中考试试卷分析 一、整体来看。 本次命题体现素质教育要求,加强考试内容与学生生活实际的联系,重视对学生运用所学的基础知识和技能的考查,有利于促进学生生动、活泼、主动地学习。试卷从教材教学要求和学生的实际水平出发,着重考查学生听力、理解、运用语言的能力,试题难易适度,题型灵活多样,符合新课标的要求。 二、试题的特点。 (一)、注重了基础知识的考查。 试卷中能充分体现考查学生基础知识为主要目标的命题原则,坚持依据于课本,但又避免教材中机械的知识,对于一些学生必须掌握的基础知识作为重点考查的内容。如一、二、三四、七题等,因为这些基础知识的掌握能更好地为今后的学习打下坚实的基础。 (二)、渗透了能力考查的要求。 英语作为语言,是一种交际的工具。小学英语教学根据小学生的年龄特点和语言学习的规律,确立以说、读、写能力的培养为主要目标。小学英语教学不仅要教给学生一些最基本的语言知识,而且要教给学生运用语言的方法和能力。本次测试在试卷的问题设计上,不仅突出了对学生读、写、画能力的考察,而且增加了对学生阅读理解能力和活用语言能力的考查。如:试题六、八题等。

(三)、融英语教学与学生的生活实际,且体现了考查的全面性。 小学英语的教学内容贴近学生生活,本次测试试题内容同样体现了贴近学生生活的原则,侧重用已学过的英语知识解决实际问题,既源于课本,又高于课本,充分体现了素质教育的内涵,特别是笔试部分的四题中设计的“句型转换”及六题“阅读短文”更是与学生的生活息息相关。除了发挥测试的作用外,对考生今后学习英语、运用英语也有一定的启迪。同时,本次测试在全面考查学生基础知识及基本技能的基础上,重视对学生运用所学知识分析、解决实际问题的能力,对学生应具备的基本文化素质和能力进行了全面考查。总之,整个试题的布局合理,题量适中,对教师的教学及学生的后续学习都有一定的导向作用。 三、测试的总体情况分析。 本次测试,从我所任班级和整体上来看,远远没有达到了预期目标。 四、个人教学中的几点做法。 期中虽已过去,但留给我们思考的问题却很多。如何进一步加强小学英语教学,提高小学英语教学质量,是我一直思考的问题,也是我一直努力的方向,下面就我个人在教学中的一点儿做法跟大家谈谈,不足之处还望领导及各位老师批评指正: 1、努力更新语言教学观念。为了更好地搞好教学,利用课余时间我努力学习英语《新课标》中的教学理念,以学生发展为主,注重学生听、说、读、写等各种能力的培养。 2、改革课堂教学模式,注重培养学生语言实践能力。在课堂教学中,


六年级英语下册期中试卷 听力部分 一、听音,选择。(10分) ()1. A. 15kg B. 15cm C.50kg ()2. A. clean B. climb C. climbed ()3. A. take B. tail C. took ()4. A. play football B. play the piano C. go by plane ()5. A. wash B. watch C. wear ()6. A. buy B. bike C. nine ()7. A. ski B. skate C. snake ()8. A. present B. parents C. pear ()9. A. I’m fine. B. I’m nine. C. I’m five. ()10. A. He’s sad. B. He’s sick. C. She’s thin. 二、听录音,判断对错。(10分) 1. 2 3 . 4. 5. ()()()()() 6. Yesterday was Wednesday. ( ) 7. Mike rowed a boat last Sunday. ( ) 8. We went to visit our grandparents last night. ( ) 9. I went skating last year. ( ) 10. Tom was sick yesterday. ( ) 三、听问题,选答句。(10分) ()1. A: I went to the bookstore. B: I bought some books. C: I bought some shoes. ()2. A: She sees elephants. B: She saw elephants. C: She’s going to see elephants. ()3. A: Yes, I did. B: Yes, I do. C: Yes, I am. ()4. A: No, she doesn’t. B: No, she didn’t. C: No, I didn’t. ()5. A: She’s angry. B: She’s taller. C: She’s gong to the hospital. 四、听录音,填词。(10分) 1. A: did they go there? B: They there by . 2. We many at the zoo. 3. A: Did she good food in Xinjiang? B: Yes, and she some there.


六年级期中英语检测卷 听力部分 一、听录音,选出你听到的单词。(10分) ( )1.A.traffic B.turn C.tell ( )2.A.taxi B.trip C.ship ( )3.A.street B.sled C.space ( )4.A.stop B.go C.wait ( )5.A.No. 57 B.No. 5 C.No. 15 二、听录音,选出与录音内容相符的图片。(10分) ( )1.A. B. C. ( )2.A. B. C. ( )3.A. B. C. ( )4.A. B. C. ( )5.A. B. C. 三、听录音,排顺序。(10分)()Peter is going to have an English class..

()My mother works near the sea. ()We are going to Beijing next Wednesday. ()My brother goes to work by bus. ()Mike goes to work by car. 四、听录音,把下列句子补充完整。(10分) 1.The is behind the science museum. 2.There is a in my city. 3.let’s go and turn left at the bookstore. 4.I usually go to the hospital by . 5.—What are you going to do tonight? —I’m going to see a . 笔试部分 五、找出下列每组单词中不属于同一类的一项。(10分) ()1.A.foot B.train C.plane D.subway ()2.A.museum B.post office C.ask D.library ()3.A.how B.must C.what D.where ()4.A.left B.right C.turn D.front ()5.A.dictionary B.postcard C.tonight https://www.360docs.net/doc/3d5512475.html,ic book 六、单项选择。(20分) ( )1.—can I go to Shanghai? —You can go by plane. A.What B.Where C.How ( )2.Then turn right the hospital? A.in B.at C.on ( )3.—I going to take a trip tomorrow. A.am B.is C.are ( )4.—What they going to do? A.is B.are C.am ( )5.I am going to buy a dictionary in the . A.restaurant B.bookstore C.museum ( )6.I must the traffic lights!


六年级英语上册期中试 卷及答案 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

六年级英语(期中试卷) 听力部分(40分) Ⅰ听音圈单词(10分) 1 bathroom living room 2 dress dresser 3 cook make 4 wash dish 5 line circle 6 always usually 7 house horse 8 your yours 9 shower our 10 refrigerator toilet Ⅱ听录音判断正误(10分) ( )1 I usually go to school by bus. ( )2 My favourite shape is circle. ( )3 Danny is sitting beside her. ( )4 He wants to learn English. ( )5 What would you like for breakfast Ⅲ听录音排序(10分) ( )How’s the weather, Steven ( )Let’s get to work, class. ( )It’s rainy and cool. ( )What’s the temperature outside ( )It’s fifteen degrees. ( )I like lines. ( )What’s your favourite shape

( )Do you wear dresses ( )I never wear dresses. ( )Good work, Steven. Ⅳ听录音补全对话(10分) A: Li Ming, do you ________ do your homework B: Yes. A: Do you always help your mother B: No. I ________ help my mother. A: How do you go to school B: I ________ walk to school. A: Do you ________ in the evening B: No, I ________ (always sometimes usually watch TY, never) 笔试部分(60分) Ⅰ选出不同类的一个词(10分) 1 A peas B onions C shower D cabbage 2 A breakfast B time C lunch D supper 3 A line B shape C circle D square 4 A teacher B doctor C man D bus driver 5 A bed B lamp C dresser D room Ⅱ按要求写出所给单词的正确形式(10分) 1 dirty(反义词)_______ 2 bus(复数) _______


学校 班级 考场 姓名__________________________ 装 订线 2014-2015学年第一学期期中试卷 六年级英语 题号 听力部分 笔试部分 总分 一 二 三 四 五 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 得分 听力部分(40分) 一. 根据听到的内容标序号(6分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二. 听音,根据听到的内容选择相应的选项 (5分) ( )1. A.tonight B.tomorrow C.today D.together ( )2. A.bookstore B.library C.museum D. hospital ( )3. A.subway B.bus C.bike D. ship ( )4. A. trip B.traffic C.train D.travel ( )5. A. far B. fast C. car D. ask 三、听对话,判断下列句子的正误,,对的在括号内写T, 错的 在括号内F.(10分) ( ) 1. John is going to buy a toy bus on Saturday. ( ) 2. John is going to buy a toy car for his friend. ( ) 3. John is going to the post office on Sunday. ( ) 4. John is going to post a letter on Sunday morning. ( ) 5. John is going to the post office by subway. 四、听音选出合适的答语。(10分) ( )1. A. I ’m going to buy a book. B. I go to school on foot. ( )2. A. By bus. B. No, I don ’t. ( )3. A. It ’s near the hospital. B. This afternoon. ( )4. A. Yes, here they are. B. Yes, it is. ( ) 5. A. It’s east of the cinema. B. On foot. 五、听音填空。(9分) A: What are you going to do _____ school? B: I want to ______ a book . ______ is the ? A: It’s _________ _________the shoe store. B: How can I get to the shoe store? A: You can go by the No. 15 bus. Get off at the cinema. Then _______ and walk _______ for three minutes . The shoe store is on the ______. 笔试部分(60分)


小学六年级下册英语期中试卷 Name:____ Mark:___ 一、找出不同类的单词,将其字母标号填入题前括号内。(2×5 = 10分)( ) 1. A. went B. want C. played D. cooked ( ) 2. A. his B. her C. she D. your ( ) 3. A. was B. is C. am D. are ( ) 4. A. thin B. long C. tall D. fly ( ) 5. A. small B. better C. bigger D. shorter 二、按要求改写下列单词。(1×10 = 10分) 9. wash clothes 10.听音乐 四、选择正确答案。( 2×5 = 10分) ()1. ----How are you, Mike? You look so________. ----It's raining outside. I can't play football. A. happy B. excited C. sad ()2.----Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him. How tall is Ted? A. 150cm B. 160cm C. 170cm ()3.----What's the matter? My leg _____. A. hurts B. sore C. is hurts ()4.----_______did you go on your holiday?

-----Shanghai. A. What B. Where C. How ()5.----Did you ______ pictures yesterday? A. take B. took C. taking 五、连线。(2×5 = 10分) How does Zhang Peng feel? 56 cm. What did Mike do yesterday? He went to a park. What’s the matter?I have a sore throat. How long are your arms? No,I didn’t. Did you go fishing? He’s excited. 六、连词组句.( 4×5 = 20分) (1)than,shorter,me,you’re (2)big,your,how,are,feet (3)on,did,the,you,do,weekend,what (4)on,did,go,you,weekend,swimming,the (5)go,where,you,holiday,on,your,did 七、补全对话。(把编号写在横线上)(2×5 = 10分) A. What did you do yesterday? B. How did you go there? C. What day is today? D. What did you do there? E. What day was yesterday? F. Did you play computer game with your cousin? G. Yes, I did. A: ? B: It was Saturday. A: ? B: I went to visit my cousin. A: ?


六年级英语(上)期中试卷 Listening part 听力部分(40分) 一. Listen ,choose what you hear.听录音,选出你听到的单词。 1.()A、come B、came C、game D、same 2.()A、new B、you C、your D、yours 3.()A、close B、closet C、colour D、blow 4.()A、cook B、make C、cake D、break 5.()A、know B、snow C、new D、blue 二. listen and write.听音,写单词。 1. Now Danny is singing ___________ . 2. It’s raining. Please take your ___________. 3. Everyone in the ___________is quiet. 4. ________I ride my bicycle to school. 5.Here are many _________. . 三. Listen and choose what you hear .听音选择你所听到的句子。()1. A.. Where are you going? B. What are you going to do ? ()2. A..I am washing the dirty dishes . B. I am washing the dirty clothes. ()3.A..The children are playing cards. B. The children are playing games. ()4.A..Where is the toilet ? B. What is the toilet ? ()5.A. This is the school bus. B. This is the bathtub . 四. Liste,choose the correct answers. 根据听到的内容选择正确的问句或答语。 ( )1.A、It’s five pencils. B、There are five pencils. ( )2.A、My favourite shape is a circle. B、My favourite food is sandwich . ( )3.A、How old are you ? B、How are you ? ( )4.A、He is a driver. B、He is washing the dirty dishes. ( )5.A、These are carrots. B、The carrots are on the table . Written part 笔试部分(60分) 一.Choose the correct answer.选择正确的答案.(10分) ( )1.make a triangle A.一个三角形B.正方形 C.组成三角形( )2.speak good English A.英语好 B.英语好说 C.英语说得好( )3.play the piano A. 弹钢琴 B.打字 C. 玩钢琴( )4.do your homework A.工作 B.做家庭作业 C. 干家务( )5 .learn a new song A.学一首新歌B.唱一首新歌C.一首新歌 二. Rewrite the words.按要求写单词。(6分) 1.woman(复数) _________ 2.write(现在分词)_________ 3.children(单数)________ https://www.360docs.net/doc/3d5512475.html,e(过去式)_________


2016—2017学年秋学期六年级期中考试卷 姓名_________ 考试时间_________ 得分_________ 6分) 一、单词辨音,判断读音是否相同,相同的写“T ”  ,不同的写“F”( 1. her doctor( ) 2.play says( ) 3. tree sea( ) 4.catch tall( ) 5.wear year( ) 6.juice music( ) 二、按要求写单词。(10分) 1. play( 现在分词) 2. radio ( 复数) 3. right( 同音词) 4. rainy(动词) 5. cloudy(名词) 6.bring(过去式) 7. teach(过去式) 8. happy( 反义词) 9. took(原形) 10.drink(过去式) 三、英汉词组互译。(10分) 1. 二十年以前______________ 2.读报纸________________ 3.在办公室_____________________ 4.一件湿的夹克衫_______________ 5.昨天早晨_____________________ 6.all over the world______________________ 7.look out of the window________________ 8.then and now______________________ 9.make a sentence with________________ 10. call people anywhere________________ 四、单项选择。(14分) 1.It rained all day____________12th April. A. at B. in C. on 2.He wanted _____________ you the fish. A. gives B. to give C. gave 3. Where did Miss Li go _______ the holiday? A. for B. with C. to 4.The apples ____________ the tree turned red. A. on B. in C. at 5. ______ shout in the classroom.


**中学20**——20**学年第一学期期中考试 六年级英语试题 Ⅰ、Find out the ifferent words.找出不同的单词。(5分) ()1.A.appie B.banana C.mountain D.orange ( ) 2.A.coat B.hat C.sweater D.lion ( ) 3.A.bus B.bicyele C.truck D.bed ( ) 4.A.tiger B.new C.wolf D.elephant ( ) 5.A.rock B.eraser C.pencil D.pen Ⅱ、Change one letter and change the word.改变下列单词中的一个字母使其变成其它单词。(10分) 1.fine (五) 2.hat (猫) 3.coa (山羊) 4.rock (袜子) 5.shirt (裙子) 6.car (出租车) 7.far (远的) 8.big (猪) 9.eat (耳朵)10.too (二)Ⅲ、Choose the best answer.选择最佳答案。(20分)( )1.Let's go to a to eat ice cream. A.market B.movie theatre C.restaurant ( )2.Forty plus equals fifty-nine. A.forty-seven B.nineteen C.ten ( )3.Rabbits can . A.fly B.swim C.hop ( )4.In January,the weather is . A.cold and snowy B.hot and sunny C.warmand rainy ( )5.A tiger has . A.strpes B.trunk C.pouch ( )6.—Where is the gym? —. A.It's over there B.It's on the desk C.It's hot ( )—7.Thanks. —___________ A.No thanks B.Youre welcome C.Excuse me ( )8.—Oh,its https://www.360docs.net/doc/3d5512475.html,e in(进来)_________,Please。 —Thank you. A.Thanks B.Good morning C.This way ( )—9.What's this? —_____________. A.It's yellow B.It's a sheep C.It's six


人教版小学六年级英语期中考试试卷附答案 听力部份 一、听音,选出你所听到的单词,将其序号写到题前括号内。(5个知识点) ( ) 1. A. light B. right C. left ( ) 2. A. by B. bus C. but ( ) 3. A. sheep B. stop C. ship ( ) 4. A. postcard B. post office C. teachers’ office ( ) 5. A. tonight B. today C. tomorrow 二、听音,根据你所听到的内容,选择意思相符的图片,将其序号写在题前括号内。(10个知识点) 三、听音,根据你所听到的短文内容,判断对“P”或错“O”。(15个知识点)

( ) 1. Amy is going to watch TV. ( ) 2. She is going to visit her uncle. ( ) 3.She is going to see a film with Sarah. ( ) 4.She is going to take a dancing class. ( ) 5. She is going to buy a new word book. 笔试部分 一、根据图意,填写单词或词组,完成句子。(10个知识点) 二、选出相应的答语,将序号写在题前括号内。(15个知识点)( ) 1. Where is the cinema? A. I’m going to wash my clothes. ( ) 2.How do you come to school? B. It’s near the park.
