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1.Which of the following sentences is correct?_

A.Could you tell me how I could deal with it?

B.Celia got out of her house, it started to rain.

C.I spent lots of time listening to English songs.

D.With the help of the map, they reached to the mountain in the end.





考查宾语从句、动词短语。A是宾语从句,Could you tell me …“你能告诉我……”could是委婉表达请求,不是过去式,因此从句不必用过去式;B缺少连词as;D. reach 是及物动词,后面不能接介词to ;故选C。

2.—I'm going to give a talk on the Dragon Boat Festival to the exchange students.

—Great! But don't forget to tell them __________.

A.what should they eat at the festival

B.what kind of race is often held

C.why people enjoy the full moon

D.how do people celebrate it







3.—What else did Tina ask you about the trip to Nanjing?

—She asked me ______.

A.who was the guide of the trip

B.when they will visit the Presidential Palace

C.how long would they stay at Nanjing Museum

D.if she can go to Nanjing University alone on the second day





4.---Judy, do you know_______? ---Sure, two days.

A.when did the sports meeting begin

B.where the sports meeting was held

C.how often the sports meeting is held

D.how long the sports meeting will last



试题分析:句意:朱迪,你知道运动会将持续多长时间吗?当然,两天。在宾语从句中只能使用陈述句语序,不能使用疑问句语序,结合答语中Sure, two days.可知该选D。


5.—We are going to visit Mary. She has been ill for a week. Could you tell me ______?

—I’m not sure. Maybe we can help her with math first.

A.how can we make her happy

B.how we can help her with the lessons

C.when we will go to her home

D.where she lives




句意:——我们打算去看望玛丽,她病了一个星期了。你能告诉我我们怎样才能帮助她学习功课吗?——我不确定,也许我们可以先帮她学数学。考查宾语从句。根据Could you tell me ____?可知本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句应用陈述语序,A选项是疑问语序,所以排除。根据答语I’m not sure. Maybe we can help her with math first.可知上文是问“怎样才能帮助她学习功课”,how“怎样”,而when是对时间的提问,where是对地点的提问,所以排除C、D选项;故答案选B。

6.–What a lovely toy race car! Could you tell me ?

A.why did you get it B.when will you get it
