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1、GIS is a system of hardware,software aad procedures to facilitate the manipulation,analysis,modeling,representation and display of geo—referencedcomplex problems regarding planning and management of resollrces,


2、GIS technology,integrates common database operations such as query and statistical analysis with the unique visualization and geographical analysis benefits offered by maps.These

abilities distinguish GIS from other information systems and make it valuable to a wide range of

public and private enterprises for explaining events,predicting outcomes,and planning strategies(ESRI).


3、Projection is a fundamental component of mapmaking.A projection is a mathematical means of transferring information from the earth’s three—dimensional,curved surface to a twodimensional medium--paper or a computer screen.Mathematically speaking,map projectionsare transformations of geographic coordinates(1atitude,longitude)into the Cartesian(x,y)coordinate space of the map.


4、A raster based system displays,locates,and stores graphical data by using a matrix orgTid of cells such as squares,triangular,or hexagonal cells,or even irregular triangles orpolygons,which are tessellated to form geographical representations.


5、A vector based system displays graphical data as points,lines or curves,or areas withattributes.Cartesian coordinates (i.e.x and Y) and computational algorithms of thecoordinates define points in a vector system.Lines or arcs are a series of ordered points.Areasor polygons are also stored as ordered lists of points,but by making the beginning and endpoints the same node the shape is closed and defined.翻译:基于矢量数据的系统用点、线或曲线、面及其属性显示图形数据。笛卡儿坐标(即光和Y)和坐标计算算法确定矢量系统中的点、线或弧段是一系列有序点。面或多边形也是用一系列有序点储存的,但是起始节点和结束节点相同以闭合和确定图形。

6、Geo-referencing describes the process of locating an entity in“real world” coordinates,establishing a relation between raster or vector images to map projections or coordinate systems.


7、Map projections are systematic transformations that allow the orderly representation ofthe earth’S spherical gratieule on a flat map.Mathematically speaking,map projections aretransformations of geographical coordinates(1atitudelongitude)into the Cartesian(x,Y)co—ordinate space of the map.


8、first of all ,we need to demonstrate more convincingly that existing spatial analysis techniques can be used to address important substantive problems of interest to GIS practitioner and that such techniques are capable of providing meaningful insight which can`t be obtained otherwise.

