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1.What does the woman mean

A.The man forgot to do his hair

B.The man forgot to put on a tie.

C.The man is wearing clothes that don’t match.

2.Where will the woman go first

A.To the beach. B.To the bank. C.To the bathroom.

3.Why does the woman dislike the film

A.It was boring. B.It was violent. C.It was badly-written.

4.What does the man advise the woman to do

A.Go to see another doctor.

B.Stop taking the medicine.

C.Take the medicine as she was told.

5.Where is the boss now

A.In a meeting room B.In a bathroom. C.In his office.



6.What’s the relationship between the speakers

A.mother and child. B.coach and athlete. C.teach er and student

7.What does the woman want the boy to do

A. Meet his father after school.

B. Sit down on a beach.

C. Try out for a team.

8.What does the woman say about taking risks

A.It is not wise to take any risks.

B.They can result in greater satisfaction.

C.One should think carefully about it.


9.How many children are injured every year in Britain

A.About 10,000. B.Less than 100,000. C.More than 1,000,000. 10.How can parents prevent children from falling down the stairs

A.By using mats. B.Fitting safety gates.

C.By accompanying the children all the time.

11.What is the most dangerous room according to the woman

A.The kitchen. B.The bathroom. C.The living room. 听下面一段独白,回答第12至第15小题。

12.Where will Carole Berg give a talk

A.In the Oak Room. B.In the Green Room. C.In the Union Theatre. 13.What can people do in the Campus Corner Cabaret

A.Attend a dance party. B.Watch a great film. C.Enjoy a live show. 14.How much does a film ticket cost

A.$ . B.$ . C.$ .

15.What should people do to hear the recording again

A.Press one. B.Press the pound key. C.Dial again.



16. Living in _____ever increasingly fast-p aced world, we are facing greater

competition, so we must take _____advantage of every opportunity to develop.

A.an; the B.an; / C.the; an D.the; /

17. ---Brad is Jane’s elder brother.

---________he reminds us so much of Jane !

A.No doubt B.Above all C.No wonder D.Of course 18. When ______in the police office, he declared that his intention had never been

to get himself _______in the crime.

A.questioning; involving B.questioned; involving

C.questioned; involved D.questioning; involved

19. You_________ so much cash with you, you know----that shop accepted checks.

A.could n’t have taken B.wouldn’t have taken

C.should n’t have taken D.needn’t have taken
