Unit 2重点单词、短语、句型梳理

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Unit 2重点单词、短语、句型梳理



【课文原句】He therefore gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture. (Page 10)

【点拨】equip v. 意为"配备;装备"。如:

You’d better equip your bicycle with a headlight.

Your education will equip you to earn a good living.

【拓展】equipment n. 设备;设施;器材。如:

A good sleeping bag is a necessary part of every camper’s equipment.


1. 我们应该用新技能来武装自己以面对未来的挑战。


2. 我们的父母竭尽全力为我们提供良好的教育条件。



1. We should equip ourselves with new skills to meet the challenge in the future.

2. Our parents try their best to equip us with good education conditions.


【课文原句】... the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger. (Page 10)

【点拨】battle n. 意为"战役;战斗"。如:

The battle against AIDS will continue for years to come.



do battle with sb. over sth. 同某人就某事进行斗争或辩论。如:

We had to do battle with the factory over reducing waste gas emission.

★battle还可以作动词,意为"搏斗;奋斗;斗争"。常用结构有:battle with / against sb. / sth.。


He had battled bravely against cancer for four years.



We must continue to ______ ______ poverty and illness.

Key: battle with / against


【课文原句】He therefore gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture. (Page 10)

【点拨】therefore adv. 意为"因此;所以;因而"。如:

We have a growing population and therefore we need more food.

【拓展】表示"因此;所以"的副词还有so和thus。so常用于非正式场合,口语中多用;thus 多用于书面语中,可与therefore换用。如:

He didn’t study and thus / therefore failed his test.

You told me to do so I did it.







1. Your information is not correct and your conclusion is therefore wrong.

2. He injured his leg and therefore couldn’t play in the game.


●●be satisfied with

【课文原句】Dr Y uan is quite satisfied with his life. (Page 10)

【点拨】be satisfied with意为"对……感到满意"。如:

I’m really satisfied with my hairstyle.

Both he and I are satisfied with the result.


★satisfy v. 意为"使……满意"。如:

Nothing I did would ever satisfy my father.

★satisfied adj. 意为"(感到)满意的;满足的;欣慰的"。如:

There is a satisfied smile on his face.

★satisfying adj. 意为"令人满足的;令人满意的"。如:

It can be very satisfying to work in the garden.

★satisfaction n.意为"满意,高兴;满足"。常用结构为: to one’s satisfaction 使某人满意。如: I hope I shall do everything to your satisfaction.


1. Your performance in the national drawing competition is ________. I feel ________.

2. All this information was not enough to ______ him.

3. I had a feeling of __________ when I finished all the homework.

Key: 1. satisfying; satisfied 2. satisfy 3. satisfaction


【课文原句】... the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger. (Page 10)

【点拨】rid ... of 意为"(使)摆脱,(使)除掉"。如:

The man rid himself of debt.

One day we’ll manage to rid the world of this terrible disease.

【拓展】rid还可用作形容词,构成短语get / be rid of,意为"丢弃,扔掉;摆脱"。如:

It’s hard to get rid of a bad habit, but easy to fall into one.



