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()1. Everyone in this country enjoys the same right ________ religion,race or sex.

A.regardless of B.in view of

C.in spite of D.in case of

()2. Bill always seems so confident,but ________ he’s extremely shy.

A.in vain B.in contrast

C.in reality D.in surprise

()3. ________ the fact that he is a star on stage now,this young man is still shy and talks little.

A.By means of B.In spite of

C.In face of D.Apart from

()4. The Plains Indians believe in the Great Spirit who has power ________ all things including animals,trees,stones and clouds.

A.of B.at

C.over D.in

()5. The winter of 2008 was extremely bad.________ most of people say it was the worst winter of their lives.

A.In general B.In a word

C.In all D.In fact

()6.—The authors of computer viruses are geniuses.

—I agree. If they applied their wisdom to other net technology ________ human beings can benefit,it would be better.

A.in which B.through which

C.from which D.during which

()7. It’s quite ________ me why such things have been allowed to happen.

A.for B.behind

C.against D.beyond

()8. ________ the numbers in employment,the hotel industry was the second largest industry in this country last year.

A.In spite of B.In case of

C.In terms of D.In praise of

()9. Too bad— I missed the early train ________only a few minutes!

A.by B.in

C.at D.after

()10. Pleasant music is often played________ classes to make students refreshed and relaxed for a while.

A.between B.among

C.over D.after

()11. — Would you please tell me what time it is?

—It’s five m inutes to nine ________ my watch.

A.on B.by

C.at D.in

()12. ________ the fact that he was not a trained economist,his achievements were remarkable.

A.In spite of B.In case of

C.In view of D.In favor of

()13. Heilongjiang Province is ________ north of Liaoning. Harbin,its capital city,lies ________ the Songhuajiang River.

A.to; on B.in the; in

C./; on D.to the; in

()14. To fully understand the writer,we must read not only between the lines,but sometimes ________ the lines.

A.within B.beyond C.beside D.among ()15. He got to the station early,________ missing his train.

A.in the case of B.instead of C.for fear of D.in search of

()16. Although Tom agreed with her on most points,here was one ________ which he was unwilling to give in.

A.on B.in C.to D.with ()17. For holidays,many people visit the Great Barrier Reef ________ the northeast coast of Australia,which has 700 islands.

A.on B.in C.to D.off ()18. As we all know,several primary schools and factories were named ________ the hero.

A.from B.at C.after D.to ()19. ________ the weather,the athletic meeting will be held on time.

A.In contrast with B.In relation to

C.On behalf of D.Regardless of

()20. Mr. Johnson starts to work very early in the morning and goes on working until late in the afternoon ________ a break at midday.

A.with B.for

C.as D.through
