Chapter 1 Journalistic English 英语新闻写作一标题的作用与特点

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Journalistic English : Style and Analysis

Chapter 1

Written by Yuanzhe Zhang 一、标题的作用与特点





1)Summarize the News Content.

2)Attract reader’s attention.



标题原来都是一句完整的句子,但为了起到言简意赅的效果,从而突出重要内容,标题常常被删去某些语法成分或词语,尤以虚词为主,如冠词、连词and以及动词to be 等等。现分述如下,并请注意



i. Top Pakistan judge dismissed after refusing to take oath.

(A top Pakistan judge dismissed after refusing to take oath.)

ii. China sees housing as engine to drive economy.(China sees housing as an engine to drive the economy.)

2) 连词“and”的省略,通常用逗号代替:

i. China,US warned of repeat of Cold War. (China and US

warned of repeat of Cold War.)

ii. Platinum, diamond market sparking. (Platinum and diamond market sparking.)


i. Daewoo to increase investigation in China.(Daewoo to

increase its investment in China.)

ii. Mother, Daughter Share Fulbright Year. (A mother and her Daughter Share a Fulbright Year.)


i. Shanghai(is)worried about surge of accidents.

ii. Three (are) dead after inhaling oven gas.

iii. Courses on Practical Skills (Remain) popular with students.

2.2 Tense (时态)



Longevity Star dies at 110

LIMA, Peru---A cache of fireworks exploded yesterday at a shop near a street market in downtown Lima, spreading fire through four blocks of apartment and stores. At least 77 people were killed and 115 others injured, the Civil Defense chief said.

The Asian Wall Street Journal, Jan 3, 1992 标题中动词的将来时表达形式除用一般将来时“will + 动词原形外,更多采用“be+动词不定式结构,其中不定式前的be通常省略,以节省略标题字数。因此,动词不定式在英文标题中可以直接表示未来动作。

i.Robot nurses will assist sick and elderly--- magazine.

The Reuters, Jan.12,2001

ii.Iraq to suspend anti-Kurdish campaign. (Iraq is to suspend the anti-Kurdish campaign.)

The New Zealand Herald, Oct.29,1991 iii.Japan to help elderly jobless. (Japan is to help the elderly jobless.)

The Financial Times, Jan. 27,2000 对于正在发生的事或动作,标题常采用现在进行时“be+现在分词”这一形式,其中“be”通常省略,因此,剩下的ing现在分词在英语新闻标题中就可以直接表示正在进行的动作或正在变化的事件。

i.Bhopal gas victims still waiting for money. (Bhopal gas victims are

still waiting for money.)

The Guardian, Dec4, 1991 ii.China’s tax collectors inching for inheritance tax. (China’s tax collectors are inching for inheritance tax.)

The Agence France Press, Feb 28,1996 值得注意的是,英文标题的上述特点并非固定不变的,偶尔也有例外,如一般现在时有时也可以表示正在发生或将要发生的事。

bour plans BBC shake-up

The Labur party is drawing up proposals for changing the way radio and television are run and regulated and for more public-service broadcasting.

The observer, sept.21, 1986
