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Achievement Test for 'Teaching English in the Primary Schoo”

I.Choose the best answer (30%)

Directions: In this part, you are given fifteen questions which are followed by 4 choices marked A, B,

C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the one which can best an swer the questio ns. (30 poin

ts, 2 points each)

1.What learning strategy does the following activity to train? Put the words in the releva nt colu mns.

C. Associati on

D. Imagery

2.Which of the following can train listening?

A.Sequencing the pictures.

B.Writing captions for pictures.


D.Matching titles with different paragraphs.

3.Which of the following activities invoIves writing?

beling pictures.

B.Matching pictures with labels.


D.Role play.

4.How do children learn their first language?

A.By imitations.

B.By being corrected by parents.

C.By learning Ianguage rules.

D.By acting and performing.

5.What'the teacher doing by say ing Now you are going to do this in pairs”

A.Checking understanding.

B.Givi ng prompt.

C.Setting tasks.

D.Getting feedback.

6.Which of the following activities can be best done with pair work?

rmation gap.

B.Guessing games.

C.Watching videos.


7.Which of the following helps assess Ianguage performances?

A.Asking students to reflect on what activities attract them most.

B.Asking students about their attitudes towards a certain game.

C.Asking students to draw pictures according to description.

D.Ask ing the stude nts to do a quiz at the end of the less on.

8.Which of the following is suitable for speaking?

A.TPR actio ns.

B.Recognizing pictures

rmation gap

D.Matching pictures with descriptions.

9.In which of the following activities does the teacher play the role of prompter?

A.Give suggestions during an activity.

B.Read out the new words to the students.

C.Take part in the pupils 'conversation.

D.Encourage students to go on with their talk.

10.Which of the following belongs to projects?

A.Guess ing what some one is eati ng.

B.Creating a poster.

C.Listening and identifying

rmation gap.

11.What kind of classroom arrangement is most suitable for the following activities? The teacher asks the

pupils to discuss what they are going to do at the weeke nd.

A.Pair work.

B.Group work

C.Whole-class work

D.In dividual work

12.What is the teaching doing in the following part of instruction?

T: All right. I thi nk it is the time.

A: In troduc ing the activity.

B.Givi ng a start.

C.Check ing un dersta nding.

D.Con clud ing an activity.

13.What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction?

S: I seed a very good film on TV yesterday.

T: You SAW a very good film yesterday?

A.Helping correct the mistake.

B.Giving a hint that the student has used the wrong tense.

C.Asking the student to correct the mistake himself.

D.Asking the student whether he really saw the film.

14.What does childrensshort attention span imply for classroom instruction?

A.We should not make any activity too long.

B.We should not waste time explaining complicated Ianguage rules.

C.We should provide good models for children to imitate.
