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Part I Reading Comprehension (2′×10=20′)

Directions:There are 2 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage 1

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

How many men do housework? Recently a European commission tried to find out people’s ideas and reactions to the women’s m ovement. As part of their survey(调查), they asked many men and women the question, “who does the housework?” The men answered very differently from the women!

The housework they asked people about were: preparing meals, washing dishes, cleaning the house and babysitting. 48% of British husbands said they did these things. 37% of Danish(丹麦的)men helped in the house. But only 15% of Italian men said they did the housework; many of them said they never helped at all!

But there was an interesting point of view from the wives. According to British wives, only 38% of their husbands help in the house. And Italian wives said that men did not tell the truth! The Commission found that Danish men were the most trustful husbands; their answers were the same as their wives’ answers.

Do the men you know help in the house? Do you think the survey gives a true picture, in you experience? Write and tell us what you think.

1. The survey was carried out in ______ .

A. Britain

B. Italy

C. Denmark

D. Europe

2. The subject for the survey is ______ .

A. how many boys do the housework

B. who does the housework at home

C. how many women do the housework

D. who are more diligent, wives or husbands

3. From the passage we can see that ______ .

A. there were more husbands who did the housework than wives

B. husbands did half of the housework all the time

C. there were more wives who did the housework than husbands

D. wives did almost all the housework at home

4. More ______ husbands help in the house than ______ husbands.

A. British, Danish

B. Italian, Danish

C. Danish, British

D. Italian, British

5. The survey shows that ______ husbands were the most honest.

A. Italian

B. Danish

C. British

D. both A and B

Passage 2

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

Bombay wasn’t the ideal place to get sick —not when my doctor, family and friends were half a world away. I was alone, quite ill and had to delay my flight home. Luckily, when booking my ticket months before, I had bought travel insurance. So my illness didn’t cost me a cent.

It’s actually pretty simple. A lot of unforeseen things can happen to you when you’re traveling. Make sure you’re prepared for all of them.

A good health insurance policy will get you proper medical attention anywhere in the world outside your home province —at the insurance company’s expense. The company will send you home if it is considered medically necessary and, if you’re sick enough, it will send a nurse to accompany you. If you end up in a hospital and a doctor recommends that a family member come to your bedside, the insurance company will pay for it. You may even get pocket money to make your hospital stay more comfortable.

When I was sick in Bombay, I called the insurance company collect. It paid for a doctor (who came to my hotel room), all my medication, an extra night in the hotel and all my meals.

Picture it: the day before your big trip to Vancouver, you wake up with appendicitis (阑尾炎). You have no choice — you have to cancel your trip. Your ticket, like most, is non-refundable and you can’t make any changes. You’re about to lose all the money you put out for the ticket — unless you bought cancellation insurance beforehand.

Most travel plans include some form of non-refundable element: your deposit, your flights, your cruise, your stay at the all-inclusive resort. That non-refundable portion is what you’ll lose if you have to cancel your trip in the event that you get sick and you don’t have cancellation insurance.

6. When the author was in Bombay, he ______ .

A. fell ill and couldn’t go home as scheduled.

B. didn’t buy travel insurance.

C. spent a lot of money on curing his illness.

D. couldn’t get in touch with his family and friends.

7. With a health insurance policy, if you get sick traveling away from home, you may

______ .

A. get pocket money from the local hospital you are in

B. have your family members go to see you at the insurance company’s expense

C. choose to stay in the best local hospital
