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一、单项选择 (共15题;共30分)

1. (2分)This is _________ elephant. _________ elephant is from Africa.

A . an; An

B . an; The

C . the; The

2. (2分)________ people like doing sports every morning.

A . Three hundreds

B . Hundred of

C . Three Hundred of

D . Hundreds of

3. (2分)—— ____ you ever_____ the new Minyuan Stadium?

——No, I haven't.

A . Do; visit

B . Have; visited

C . Did; visit

D . Are; visiting

4. (2分)-- What do your parents do, Jack?

-- _____ my father ______ my mother are doctors and they work in the same hospital.

A . Either; or

B . Neither; nor

C . Not only; but also

D . Both; and

5. (2分)____ the morning of December 14, 2012, a school shooting took place at a school in Newton, America and 20 children were shot death.

A . In

B . On

C . At

D . By

6. (2分)The old woman has a bad cold. She is feeling ________ today than yesterday.

A . much ill

B . a little bad

C . a little badly

D . much worse

7. (2分)__________ arrived ten minutes after Mrs Cousins telephoned them.

A . The police

B . The polices

C . A policemen

D . Police

8. (2分)Which language is ______________ to learn, English, French or Chinese?

A . difficult

B . more difficult

C . the difficult

D . the most difficult

9. (2分)—Listen! Someone is playing _______violin.

—Wow! ______beautiful music! I like it very much.

A . the; What

B . an; How

C . a; What

D . / ; How

10. (2分)Is there _________ in today's newspaper?

A . something interesting

B . anything interesting

C . interesting something

D . interesting anything

11. (2分)—I think Ms. Brown is a great teacher.

—_______. The students like her very much.

A . That's too sure

B . That sounds good

C . I don't know

D . You're welcome

12. (2分)The old man lives __________, but he never feels _____________.

A . lonely, alone

B . alone, lonely

C . alone, alone

D . lonely, lonely

13. (2分)There is a pen ________ on the floor; whose is it?

A . lie

B . putting

C . lying

D . lieing

14. (2分)—How is your mother?


A . I'm fine.

B . She is my mother.

C . She is fine.

D . She is a teacher.

15. (2分)—It's time to go now. Goodbye, Tony.

—Bye. ________

A . See you tomorrow.

B . Nice to meet you.

C . Good idea.

D . You're welcome.

二、完形填空 (共1题;共15分)

16. (15分)One day Daddy and I went out 1 a walk. On the way we 2 a lot of people. We went up and 3 a look. Oh, dear! 4 did we see? There 5 a donkey(驴) in the middle of the road. It would not move. The cars and buses could not get 6 .
