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第一篇book knowledge vs. experience

knowledge can be acquiredfrom many sources. these include books, teachers and practical experience, andeach hasits own advantages. theknowledge we gainfrom books andformal education enables us to learn aboutthings that we have no oppor tunity to experiencein daily life.wecan studyall the placesinthe worldand learn from people we will never meetin our lifetime, just byreading about them in books. we can also develop our analytical skills and learnhow to view andinterpret the worldaround us indifferent ways.furthermor e, wecanlearn from the pastby readingbooks. in this way, we won’trepeat the mistakes ofothersand can build on the ir achievements.

practical experience, on the otherhand, can give us more usefulknowledge. itis said that one learnsbest by doing, and i believe that this istrue,whether one issuccessful or not. in fact, i thinkmaking mistakesis thebest way tolearn.moreov er, ifone wants to make newadvances, it is necessaryto act.innovations donotcome aboutthrough reading but th

roughexperimentation. finally, one can applythe skills andinsightsgained throughthe study of books to practicalexperie nce, makinganalready meaningful experience more meaningfu l. however,unless it isapplied toreal experiences, book knowledgeremains theoretical and,in theend, isuseless.that is why i believethat knowledge gained frompractical exper ienceis more importantthan that acquired from books.





the influence of television and movies

thereis no doubt thatwatching televisionand movies caninfluencetheway thatpeople behave. moreover, itseems that people are spendingmore and more timewatching somesort of visualentertainment, whetheritis television, a video tapeor a dvd.therefore, theeffects ofvisual mediacannot beignored.

one obvious effect of the these media is that watching them in duces people to buycertainproducts.television advertising is wi despread and, nowadays, even movie theaters permitadvertisements. anotherway tv and the movies affectpeople is that they givepeopleeithera broader view of the world or a distorted one, depending on what type of programtheywatch. those w ho watch newsand educationalprogram can learnmany new things while those who watch primarily entertainment shows may come to believe that most peoplein the world possess great wealthand good looks. itmay make them become dissatisfied
