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Part I Listenin g 50%

一、Liste n and ti ck. (听录音,选择正确的图片编号, 填在横线上) 4%

( )1. A. B. C.

( )2. A. B.

C .

( )3. A. B . C.

( )4. A . B.

C .

二、Liste n and circ le . (听录音,圈出听到的单词) 12%

1. b lue yel low

2. b ear dear

3. pig big 4. pea r peach

班级 姓名 学号

……………………………………………………………………装 订 线…………………………………………………………

5.five four 6. drawdance


( )1.A.Good morning. B. Good evening.

()2. A.Give me a ruler,


B.Give me arubber,


( )3. A.Touch your nose. B. Touch your face.

()4. A. How are you? B.How old are you? ( )5. A. MayI help you? B.Can I help you?

四、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出正确的应答句) 12%

1.( ) A. I am five. B. I amfine. 2.() A. Red apples.B.Three.

3.() A. Idrawadu


B. I candraw. 4.( ) A.Coffee. B. Hamburgers.5.() A. Hereyou are. B.Thank you.

6. ( ) A. Itis a monkey. B.It is red.五.Listen andfill the form.(听录音,完成表格)12%


PartIIReading 50%

一、Readand circle.(看图,圈出正确的单词)6%


lionpeach pizza

cat pear ha mburger


doll banana b oy

ballpineapple toy

二.Match.(应答句配对) 5%

1.( )Whatcolour isthe monkey? A.Ilike elephants.

2.()What’s this? B. It’s agrey elephant.

3.( )May I have ahamburger,please? C. Yes,I do.

4.()Do youlike monkeys? D.Hereyou are.

5.()What animal do youlike? E.I t’s brown.

三.Make the sentences.(连词成句, 填入数字) 5%

1. peep peep goesit

( ) ()( ) ( )

2. this iswhatcolour

() ( )() ()

3.isalion zoo inthe there

()( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )

4.your isface this

()()() ( )

5. house I draw a

( )() ( )( )

四.Read and judge(一致的打“√”,不一致的打“⨯”):4%

1.What’s this? It’s a cow. ()

2.It isnine o’clock. Good afternoon.()

3.Look! This is my pencilcase.( )

4.Howmany bicycles? Fo ur. ( )

五.Choose the words. (选出不同类的单词)10%

1. ()A.sh

B. you C.he D. my

2. ()A.red B.ora


C.blue D.green 3. ( )A. eat B. swim C. jumpD. son

4. ()A. grandpa B. mothe

C. father

D. uncle

5. ( )A.pencil B. pen C.hen D. ruler


( )1.Eddie ____ draw. A.is B.can C. like

( )2.How many____? A.cake B. Cakes C.cakes

( )3. Touch_____ hand.A.yours B. you C. your

()4.Give methree_____. A. box B. boxes C.boxs

( )5.I love_____.A. eat B. toeat C.to eating

()6.There _____ eleven cardson it.

A.are B.isC. be

()7._____ this a zoo? A. ItB.Are C. is

( )8. _____ thesun red. A.Colour B.Draw C. Write

一、Listen and tick.(听录音,选择正确的图片编号,填在横线上)

1. My bag is big.

2.The peach is sweet.

3. Shelikes tosing.

4.Thisis adog.

二、Listen and circle. (听录音,圈出听到的单词)

1.blue 2. bear 3. big 4.peach 5.four 6.dance

三.Listen andcircle.(听录音,选出听到的句子)
