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I. Listening Comprehension

(每小题1分)1-10 ADBBD CBACC

(每小题1.5分)11-13 BCB 14-16 CDA 17-20 BDCD

II . Grammar and Vocabulary


21. despite 22. so that 23. downloaded 24. where 25. it

26. adding 27. should 28. was created 29. to improve 30.whether


III. Reading Comprehension

(每小题1分)41-55 CBCAD ADBCA CBDAB

(每小题2分)56-59 DADC 60-62 DBC 63-66 CCBD 67-70 DAFB

IV. Summary参考答案(仅供阅卷老师参考)

People actually work more hours than before despite the increased productivity. On one hand, it’s because the payment distribution system makes it economical for companies to have employees work overtime than hiring more people. On the other hand, employees tend to work long hours because their working time is linked to their contribution to the firm. (56 words)

V. Translation (15分)

1. The Spring outing provided students with an opportunity for relaxation.

1 1 1

2. Reducing the gap between rich and poor/ is one of the main challenges facing the government.

1 1 1

3. Only by making full use of the limited time can we adapt to/fit in the fast-paced modern life.

0.5 1 0.5 1 1

4. Without doubt, a number of problems remain to be solved before the mass production and

1 1 1

large-scale commercial application of self-driving vehicles.

1 1




Peer pressure is inevitable in our life path. When an exam is over and everyone gets his grades, we feel it; When hearing one of our friends is admitted to a prestigious university in advance, we feel it; When parents compare us with those straight-A students, we feel it; We’re surrounded by peers and feel their pressure everywhere, Therefore, how to deal with it constantly remains a problem for us teenagers.

When I attended a summer camp last summer holiday, I met students of the same age as me from all across China. During our communication, I surprisingly found that they were extremely good at subjects like math and physics, they had a good command of advanced skills such as

calculus, in which I didn’t have the slightest clue. This gave me a sense of inferiority and make the camp a really hard time for me. However, after I returned home, I adjusted my mood and transformed pressure into motivation. I made great efforts to learn those skills on my own, and now I dare say I’m a little more knowledgeable.

My experience could serve as a vivid demonstration of peer pressure which is a double-edged sword. There is no doubt that peer pressure could become too heavy a burden, making us feel distressed, unconfident and inferior to others, stopping us from moving on with our heads up high. However, peers can also set an example for us, from which we become aware that some parts in us still leave much to be desired. Moreover, peer pressure stimulates our innate eagerness to compete and win. This enthusiasm for being better than others constantly motivates us to improve ourselves.

Indeed, to handle peer pressure properly in no easy task. But what other choice do we have but to face up to it with confidence instead of anxiety, and make the best use of it? (9+9+3) (315 words)


Friendship is such a weird stuff that we are always unconscious, or rather inevitably, regarding our best buddies as our most challenging rivals. We all endure peer pressure from time to time and the case of me and my friend Ramsey may well be a case in point.

Ramsey was a top student who got straight-A, leader of our class’s debate team and basketball team, a guitar genius, an enthusiastic volunteer and so forth. He did everything perfectly as if it were a piece of cake. Overshadowed by his perfection, I made up my mind that I must catch up with him. I took advantage of every little bit of time to review my lessons and stayed up late at night to do extra exercise papers. Besides, I even tried to take up guitar and basketball, whereas I’m rather poor at both. It was obvious that I pushed myself beyond my c apacities and hence it wasn’t long before I realized that I had messed everything up. Disappointed and frustrated, I gave up my ambition and to my surprise, I become fairly satisfied as I lived as myself.

What the bitter experience has taught me is that one should never take peer pressure too seriously. Friends serve as good examples, yes, but it is no use trying to fit yourself into his pattern of success. More often than not, we are cheated by peer pressure into imitating everything our friends do and end up achieving nothing, only to lose ourselves. That surely isn’t what friendship is meat to bring.

As long as we keep friends, peer pressure is bound to be a burden. Nevertheless, in our never-ending struggle towards a better self, let’s bear in mind that we should stick to our own path and pattern. Never let peer pressure freak out of yourself. (9+9+3) (315 words)
