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《外贸英语函电》期中考试参考答案I.Translate the following words and terms:(30%)

1) to acknowledge the order:to confirm the order确定订单

2)five pounds sterling略作


3)specify [spesifai] vt.指定;详细说明


5)subsequently 随后,后来

6)financial standing财经情况

7)potential suppliers有潜力的大


8)by separate post另邮


10)to take the initiative 采取主动,带头

11) subject to the goods being unsold以我方货物未售出为有效12) prospective[pros~pektiv] 预期中的,未来的

13)say 8%这里是Letussay8%的简化,意思是“比方说8%”。14)to make any further reduction 再次降价

15)market survey市场调查

II.Choose the best answer for each of the following questions:(10%) 1.Please ______B______ your L/C accordingly

A. change

B. amend

C. alter

D. exchange

2. We are _____B______ your early reply.

A. waiting

B. awaiting

C. waiting on

D. receiving

3.By joint efforts we can _____ both friendship and business.( B )

A. increase

B. promote

C. expand

D. extend

4. We can assure you that your information will be regarded as


A. confidence

B. confident

C. confidential

D. confidently

5. Please make your best efforts to get the goods ___A_____ as soon as possible.

A. dispatched

B. dispatching

C. to dispatch

D. dispatch

III. Form Chinese into


1. 我们急切地盼望能在不久就你方提出的贸易条件和你详细洽谈。We are eagerly expecting to have a detailed discussion with you soon on the trade terms you suggest.

2. 你方会注意到我们的价格很有竞争力,所有型号均可供现货,可承诺于收到信用证后一月内交货。

You will find our prices very competitive. All our models are available from stock and we assure that delivery can be made within one month after receipt of the L/C.

3. 我方曾在12月1日信中告知你方,我方愿向你方试订50辆车飞鸽牌自行车。

We advised you in our letter of Dec.1, that we would like to place a trial order with you for 50 pieces Flying Pigeon Bicycles.

IV. From English into



We foresee a bright prospect for your product in our market.We look forward to hearing from you and assure you of close cooperation at all times.

2.This is to introduce the Pacific Corporation as exporters of light industrial

products having business relations with more than 80 countries in the world.




With a view to supporting your sales, we have specially prepared some samples of our silk together with a price list, which are enclosed for your consideration. Owing to its superior quality and reasonable price, our silk has met with a warm reception and quick sale in most European countries. We think it is to your advantage to buy this item for sale in your market.

V.Writing( 24 %)

