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Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上无难事,只怕有心人。
You can’t make something out of nothing. 巧妇难为无米之炊。
Cannot but do…/ cannot help doing…/ cannot help but do…不得不
Nothing less but 正是
None but 仅仅, 除。。以外别无。。
No one but…除了。。。外没有别人
We cannot but read books to increase our knowledge. 我们不得不读书以增长知识。
We cannot help admiring his courage. 我们不能不佩服他的勇敢。
I can’t help but feel sorry for her. 我不得不为她感到遗憾。

Cannot…too 无论怎样。。。也不过分, 越。。。越。。。
You cannot be too cautious. 你越谨慎越好。
We can hardly praise his achievement too much. 对他的成就我们无论怎样赞扬也不过分。
A man can never have too many friends. 朋友越多越好。

There is no man but has his faults.人皆有过。
There is no rule but has exceptions. 凡是规则都有例外。

Never…but…总是。。。 没有哪次不是。。。
It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行。 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。

Nothing but and none but 仅仅 只有 与nothing other than 同义。
Nothing but 后接非指人的名词,none but后接指人的名词或非指人的名词。
We can see nothing but (或nothing other than) water.
The children want to do nothing but watch television. 孩子们只想看电视。
None but me knew what happened. 只有我知道发生了什么事情。
He chose none but the best.他只选最好的。

Nothing else than 仅仅 完全
His failure was due to nothing else than his own carelessness. 他的失败完全是他的粗心所造成的。

No(none) other than 正是 仅仅
This is no other than the book we want to buy. 这正是我们要买的那本书。
She is none other than my adviser. 她正是我的导师。

比较级+ than to 不至于 懂得。。。不该。。。
I am wiser than to believe that. 我不至于蠢到竟然相信这种事情。
You ought to know better than to go swimming immediately after a meal. 你应该知道刚吃过饭不宜立即去游泳。
Fools may believe you, but I know better. 傻子才会信你,但我可不相信你的话。

Anything but 绝对不 一点也不
He is anything but a scholar. 他决不是个学者。
I will do anything but that. 我决不干那种事。
