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When success comes in the door, it seems, love often goes out the window. -----Joyce Brothers
成功来到门前时,爱情往往就走出了窗外。 -----乔伊斯.卜洛泽
Love is an endless mystery, for it has nothing else to explain it. --Tagore
(寻找长期的异性恋的生活伴侣,所以,他们的生理需要 得到满足的心理。)
The marriage is based on love and sexual gratification. In their view: There is no love, marriage is immoral, low-quality marriage. (婚姻是建立在爱和性的满足。在他们看来:没有爱情, 婚姻是不道德的婚姻、低质量。)
1.You and your wife may be easier to argue because of the different lifestyle
(你和你的妻子可能会更容易认为,因 为不同的生活方式)
foreign language
2.Your children might can speak 2 language
Value responsibility.
The child is one of most important reasons of many marital maintenance
Chinese love compares reservation. They Look like Yuanyang birds.
The advantages and disadvantages of transnational marriage
• Is your foreign spouse expecting you to live with her parents, or live in the same compound because he or she comes from a culture where extended families live under the same roof?
(你的孩子最终可能也在这里或者那 里。它可以挑战接受两种文化在同 一时间)
4.You can have a mixed baby
Chinese traditional marriage view is happy union lasting a hundred years.
The advantages and disadvantages of transnational marriage
Transnational marriage
1.You’ll have a chance to learn a
• True love is inclusive cross each other‘s cultural habits and eating habits, mutual tolerance, mutual adaptation, successful marriages will live to enjoy the two sides in two of the world as one of the world the spirit of absolute freedom and freedom of movement.
(你以为你将要吃什么?你的孩 子们将实践宗教的方式你愿花 你的假期吗?)
The advantages and disadvantages of transnational marriage
When the children are born, there’s the perpetual question. Who will the baby look like? What color will it be? (当孩子们是天生的,有 永恒的问题。婴儿看起来 像谁?它将是什么颜色的?)
爱是一个无穷无尽的迷,因为没有任何其他东西能够解释它。 ----泰戈尔
Live to old age in conjugal bliss————白头偕老
Purpose of marriage in western is for love rather than for the family
One who is fall in love hopes there is a satisfactory result .(人相爱希望有一个令人满意的结 果。) Looking for long-term heterosexual life partner, so that their physiological needs are met on the psychological.
3. You can immigrate into another country and live together
2. Your children may end up neither being here nor there. It can be challenging in accepting both cultures at the same time
• 真正的跨国恋是包容对方的文化 生活习惯和饮食习惯,相互宽容 相互适应的,成功的异国婚姻生 活会让双方在二人世界里享受一 人世界般绝对的精神自由和行动 自由.
Marrying someone from a different country... (和一个来自不同国家的人结婚...)
The advantages and disadvantages of transnational marriage
Baidu Nhomakorabea
• Have you thought of the potential conflicts that could arise if you marry someone from a different country? • (你认为可能会出现的潜 在冲突吗?如果你和一个 来自不同国家的人结婚.)
• (是你的外国配偶期望你和她 的父母一起住,还是住在混合家 庭里因为他或她来自一个住在 同一屋檐下的文化大家庭?)
The advantages and disadvantages of transnational marriage
Have what you’re going to eat, what are you thought religion your children will practice and the ways in which you’re going to spend your vacations?
(中国爱比较预订。他们 看起来像鸳鸯鸟。)
Marriage is like life in this --that it is field of battle ,and not a bed of roses.------Robert Stevenson