
Section One Around the topic

Step 1 Topic introduction:

The topic of this unit is about cyberspace. This unit provides some information about the history of the internet and discusses some uses of the internet that have grown dramatically in recent years. The main reading text enables students to access and reflect on the future of cyberspace. In the Extension part, students will read about the benefits of a digital library.

Step 2 watch the video

1.Watch the video “April Fool’s Day in the Internet Age”. What tricks did the websites play?

How are they different from the past?

2.How has internet changed your life? Discuss in groups.

Play the video twice and try to have students think about the questions in the PPT and then ask some volunteers to express their viewpoints.

Step 3 Your ideas

A.Which of the following famous IT faces do you recognize? Do you know what they are

famous for?

Start the unit by encouraging students to think of IT entrepreneurs and their IT business success. The aim here is to get students talking about the benefits they enjoy in the electronic era. Ask students to identify the three IT entrepreneurs and match them to their companies.

Conduct a class feedback and familiarize students with the benefits of high-tech products. If there is enough time, the teacher can add some questions such as how do they like the products of the above three companies, etc.

B.How often do you use products made by these international IT giants? Has your life become

more convenient since you started to use them? Share your ideas in pairs.

Encourage student to discuss the effects of information technology on our daily life. You may elicit topics and write them on the board to start students thinking, e.g. travel, education, communication, food, interpersonal relationships, work, hobbies, sports, money, health, family, agriculture.

C.How often do you do the following things?

●check e-mail

●chat on the net

●buy things through internet

●listen to music on the net

●learn English on the net

●play games

●search information

●read e-books

●read news reports

●watch movies online

Invite some students to talk about their own internet experiences.

Step 4 vocabulary

A.Many web-related words are newly created or are common words assigned with new

meanings. Match the following words with their definitions.

Ask students to do this exercise in pairs. Check answers by asking students to read out the definition of each word.










B.Do you know any other new words in the computer world? Describe and explain them in


Encourage students to brainstorm more words related to the cyberspace or the computer world.

Step 5 Listening and speaking

The aim of this section is to help students learn about the drawbacks of searching information on the internet. Ask students to think of their own experiences of using the internet as a tool when doing homework. Is it time-consuming or is it worth the while to do so?Are you easily distracted by looking at other things? Play the recording and ask students to tell whether the statements are true or false.

A.Listen to a man and a woman talking about surfing the internet. Decide whether

the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

Play the recording once or twice if necessary. Ask students to take notes while listening to the recording, and tell them the importance of taking note in the listening practice.

And then ask for the feedback from several volunteers and check the answer together as

a class.

B.Listen again and answer the following questions.

1.What has the man been doing for the last few hours?

2.What information did the man want to find?

3.Why does the woman say surfing the internet can be distracting?

4.What is the thing the man really doesn’t like about the internet?

Play the recording again and encourage students to improve their notes and find answers from the notes. Then check the answer as a class.

C.Work in groups and discuss the following questions.

1.How convenient is it for you to use the internet on campus?

2.Do you regularly chat in a certain online group? What’s it about?

3.What topics do you usually talk about when you chat online?

Divide students into groups and have them discuss on the above questions and exchange ideas, then ask several representatives from each group to express their ideas.

Section two Reading

Step 1 introduction

The topic of this unit is about cyberspace. This unit provides some information about the history of the internet and discusses some uses of the internet that have grown dramatically in recent years. The main reading text enables students to access and reflect on the future of cyberspace.

This is an argumentative article, aiming at discussing the future of the internet. In the first

two paragraphs, the writer presents the definition of cyberspace and the influence of the internet---the soaring use of the internet leads to the heated discussion of the net future. In the following paragraphs, the writer views the net future from two opposite opinions. Some are pessimistic, particularly because of the threat of cybercrimes. Others are optimistic, because life has been made easier and more convenient. This article ends with uncovering the nature of the internet---a non-existing entity.

Step 2 pre-reading questions

Discuss the following questions in groups:

1.In what way has the Internet made our life easier or less convenient?

Read the question as a class. Divide students into groups and assign a group leader to take notes on the advantages and disadvantages of using the net.

1.Imagine life in the next 20 years. How do you think the Internet will further change our lives? Ask students to discuss he question in pairs or groups. Students may have interesting and creative ideas. Let their imagination go!

Step 2 Text illumination

1)Ask several students to read the whole text in order to check whether they preview the

text and get a general understanding bout it or not beforehand.

2)Ask students to summarize the text

3)The teacher can put the comprehension check either before or after illuminating the text

according to the needs of class and the students’ comprehension ability.

4)Illuminate the text, during the process of which the teacher can encourage students to

highlight or underline the important parts when they read the text in detail. Try to explain that it can help students to grasp the important details and review important points Language points:

1. backbone n. the most important part of an organization or group of people 骨干,中坚

e.g. Such people are the backbone of the country.

2. case n. actual state of affairs; situation 实情,情况

e.g. If that’s the case, you’ll have to work harder.

3. access n. opportunity or right to use sth. 使用某物的机会或权利

e.g. Students must have access to a good library.

4. cyberfraudster n. a person who deceives people on the Internet in order to gain money, power, etc. 网络骗子

e.g. The Internet has given birth to the cyberfraudster

5. chaos n. a state of complete disorder and confusion 混乱;无秩序状态

e.g. The wintry weather has caused chaos on the roads.

6. crash v. to (cause to) have a sudden, violent, and noisy accident(使)猛撞,(使)撞毁

e.g. The plane crashed into the sea.

7. essential adj. extremely important and necessary 必要的,不可缺少的,最重要的

8. simulated adj. not real, but made to look, sound, or feel real 伪装的,模仿的

e.g. The movie’s simulated tropical storm used up huge quantities of water.

9. undoubtedly adv. used for saying that sth. is certainly true or is accepted by everyone 无疑地,肯定地

e.g. The painting is undoubtedly genuine.

10. assimilation n. the process of becoming an accepted part of a country or group 融合,同化

assimilate v.

e.g. The USA has assimilated people from many different countries.

11. physical adj. relating to real objects that you can touch, see, or feel 物质的

e.g. the physical world around us the physical environment

12. purchase v. to buy sth. 购买

e.g. They purchased a large house.

13. the masses all the ordinary people in society who do not have power or influence 劳动者阶层

e.g. Leaders should trust and rely on the masses.

14. dedicated adj.made for or used for only one particular purpose 专用的

e.g. a dedicated word processor

15. staple n. the main product that is produced in a country 主要产品

e.g. Cotton is one of Egypt’s staples.

16. productive adj. causing or resulting in sth. 造成某种结果的;产生某种事物的

e.g. The changes were not productive of better labor relations.

17. charge v. to ask someone to pay for sth. you are selling 收费

e.g. I’m not going there again—they charged me £1 for a cup of coffee!

18. entity n. things with distinct and real existence 实体

e.g. The mind and the body are seen as separate entities.

Step 3 Post-reading exercises

1.The following sentences are taken form the text. Put them back in the correct place.

1)We will work in virtual offices, shop in virtual supermarkets, and we will even study in

virtual schools.

2)In the 1980s, there were only hundreds of users

3)Secondly, it is a sort of modern library where anything imaginable can be researched.

4)The internet is now also seen as a new form of expression---freedom.

5)Information can be easily downloaded using a searching engine.

Have students scan the text. Set a gist question, such as “what are the changes brought by the wide use of the internet” to test students’ overall understanding of the text. Then ask students to complete the text with the missing sentences. Let students check their answers in pairs before checking with the whole class.

2.Why do experts worry about the future of cyberspace? Why do people feel optimistic about

the internet future? Find reasons in the text.

Ask students to do this task in pairs. Tell them to look at the two opposite viewpoints and skim through the text to find supporting evidence for each viewpoints. Remind them to underline or note down the evidence and discuss with their partners. When you give feedback, elicit evidence from different pairs and discuss why student s’ views differ.


Reasons to be optimistic

Working lives and leisure time are being changed. The internet has become an essential part of life at our universities, offices, schools and homes.

●It has given people a new way to communicate, through e-mail and webcams. Messages

are being sent to people all over the planet form other people who have access to the internet.

●With the development of multimedia software, people can click their mouse on a page,

view a film clip and listen to music at the same time.

●The way we do business and shop are being changed by electronic commerce. Reasons to be pessimistic

One worry is the activity of cyber crime

●Young hackers can get into the computer systems of banks and governments.

●Cyber fraudsters may deceive people in order to gain money and power.

●Cyber terrorists may use the internet to damage computers to cause chaos, and make

planes and trains crash.

3.Vocabulary and structure

A.Read the text again. Match the words with their definitions

Ask students to find and underline the words in the corresponding sentences in the text. Tell them to work out the meaning of words from the context. Go around the class to monitor their work and offer any necessary help. Check their answers when they finish.


1.case: an example of a particular situation or of something happening

2.cyberfraudster: someone who cheats people on the internet

3.chaos: a confused and disordered situation

4.staple: the main product that is produced in a country

5.entity: something that exists as a single and complete unit

6.deceive: to trick someone

7.charge: to ask someone to pay

8.physical: relating to real objects that you can touch, see or feel

B.Read the following sentences taken from the text. Underline the verbs referring to the future

and decide:

a.which talks about a future event we can predict from present situation.

b.which expresses our views and intentions in the near future.

The aim here is to practice using “will”and “be going to do”to talk and write about the future. Ask students to work in pairs, find the sentences in the text and discuss the uses of the two future forms.

C.Study the meaning of conjunction “as” in the following sentences. Then explain the meaning

of “as” n sentences 1-4

Have students read the sample sentences. Clarify and summarize the function of “as” in each sample sentence. Ask students to explain the meaning of “as” in the following sentences.


1.at the same time


3.what Napoleon has said before


4. Writing

Some people are optimistic about the future of cyberspace, but some are pessimistic about the changes brought by the use of the internet, write a paragraph about the predictions you make about the life by the year 2050. you may start by listing the possible changes or problems of the internet.

Elicit both optimistic and pessimistic predictions. Help students state and list their views on

the board, for example, “I think there will be no newspapers”, “I think all newspapers will be in color.” Ask students to discuss the future of cyberspace in small groups. The groups report to the class and see if their views are shared by the rest of the class. Remind students of the correct use of future forms and computer vocabulary in their writing. This task can be either left as homework for students or done on class if time is enough.

Section 3 Language in use: type 1 conditional and type 2 conditional

Step 1 test your grammar

Students may have already learned the different uses of the modal verb “would”. However, they may find themselves not so sure about the correct answer to these questions. This grammar exercise aims to further enhance students’ understanding of “would”.

Read the examples sentences as a class. Ask students to explain the use of “would” in each sentence.

The word “would”has several different uses. Look at these examples and decide which sentence expresses the future in the past, which expresses a situation which is contrary to reality and which expresses a habitual behavior in the past.

a.When I was a kid, I would get up at 7:00 and take the dog for a walk.

b.If I were taller, I would join the police force.

c.In Paris Hans met Christina, whom he would marry three years later.

Step 2 illumination and development

Briefly explain the grammatical knowledge of the uses of “type 1 conditional and type 2 conditional”. Then ask students to finish these exercises. Check their work when they finish. Type 1 conditional

Type 1 conditional is used to discuss things that will probably happen in the future as the result of something else that happens in the present.

The first conditional consists of two clauses, one with If + simple present verb and the second with simple future verb, as in, "If you do something bad, something bad will happen to you."

We can also use the first conditional to make predictions about the future. For example, we can predict that "If my brother crashes the car tonight, my mother will be furi ous.” Type 2 conditional

Type 2 conditional refers to present and future situations. It is used to talk about unreal—impossible, improbable or imaginary—situations. It refers to an unlikely or hypothetical condition and its probable result.

Type 2 conditional consists of two clauses, one with if + subject + simple past verb and the second with subject + would + verb, as in, “I would buy a big house if I had a million dollars.”

Step 3 Doing exercises

Then ask students to finish these exercises. Check their work when they finish. Try to encourage students to explain the answers by themselves. The teacher is supposed to offer some explanations where necessary.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/c419089947.html,plete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.

Ask students to fill the gaps with the correct form of verbs according to Type 1 conditional. Ask for class feedback when they finish.

B.Who would say these things, A or B?

Remind students that these statements are not based on facts.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/c419089947.html,e the cues below to write Type 2 conditional. The first one has been done as an example. Ask students to think of the Type 2 situations in which the statements would be appropriate.

Step 4 Vocabulary building: words to do with computer

This section aims to expand students’computer-related vocabulary by forming compounds and collocations.

With the development of computer technology, many new words related to computer are created by way of combination, which has greatly enlarged the English vocabulary.



例如, wake up(叫醒某人)现引申为“激活”的意思。bridge原意为桥,现引申为“网桥”。此外还有很多的例子:


计算机英语中的部分词语是通过将通常情况下词语的词类转化而形成的。例如:我们知道bomb在英语中原意为“炸弹”是一个名词,很少做动词来用。但在计算机英语中却被用作是动词。比如:My computer is bombed, which causes the lost of all the data. 此外,还有很多的词语是通过这种方式来构成的:


复合构词方式较多,可以由介词、动词短语转换而成,也可能由形容词加名词、名词加名词、名词加动名词、过去分词等方式构成。例如:backup(备份);sign-on(登录);upkeep(维护);online (网上的);backspace(退格);disk copy (全盘拷贝);read me (自述文件);interface (接口);time-consuming operation(耗时操作);plug-and-play(即插即用)等等。



例如:Esc: escape

info: information

Tab: table

ins: insert


例如:BASIC: Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

COE: Common Operating System



E-mail: E (lectronic) + Mail

Numlock: Num (ber) + Lock

Pgup: P (a) g (e) + up

PCtool: P (ersonal) C (omputer) + tool



例如:multi-: multiprogram, multicomplex, multiprotocol

hyper-: hypermedia, hypertext, hyperswitch

micro-: microsoft, microcode, microchannel

2) 后缀

例如:-scope: barscope

-ware: hardware, software, groupware



例如:woofer 低音喇叭

tweeter 高音喇叭

firewall 防火墙

mail bomb 邮件炸弹

fit fall 子程序入口

Explain this vocabulary phenomenon with examples. Then ask students to finish exercises by themselves and check when they finish. Try to encourage students to explain the answers by themselves. The teacher is supposed to offer some explanations where necessary.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/c419089947.html,e the following head words and nouns to form compound nouns or collocations

Encourage students to use a dictionary to check the unknown words in the left column, then explain them to their partners before making compound nouns or collocations in the right column. Ask them to check their in their dictionaries.

B. Complete the sentences with compounds form Exercise A

Ask students to work in pairs to complete the following sentences. As they work, move around the class to monitor and offer any necessary help. Check the answers when they finish. Section 4: Project: virtualising your dream college

The aim of this project is t help students discuss the possibility of a virtual college. Step one helps students to think about some forms of virtual reality that have come true in our time thanks to the internet. Then step two to four focus on students’views on the advantages and

disadvantages of “school with no physical campus”.

Step 1 Vocabulary

Which of these forms of virtual reality have become a reality?

virtual holiday

distant e-learning

learning to drive

using virtual reality simulators

visiting virtual museums on the Internet

Have students work in pairs and discuss some applications of virtual reality. You may start by asking students whether they’ve trued any of the following computer-based activities. Encourage them to add other similar activities.

Step 2 Let your imaginations go

Work in pairs. Tell each other about your dream college. Would you like to go to a virtual college? Why or why not?

Step 3 Make a list

List the advantages and disadvantages of a virtual college. Use as many adjectives as possible. Check your own and compare it with your partner’s.

Step 2 and step 3 ask students to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a virtual college. Conduct a brief class feedback.

Step 4 Share your thoughts

Either put your texts on the wall and walk around the class to read other students’ writing, or sit in a small group and read your writing to the other students. Give reasons for your thoughts and the ideas you want to share.

Have students work in small groups and share their results. Ask them to do a mini presentation in smaller groups. Monitor their group presentations.

Step 5 Evaluation

Can you remember words and expressions related to the Internet? Are these activities helpful for you to remember them? Do you feel nervous when you were giving your talk? Don’t worry when you make a mistake. Continue talking.

Ask students to vote for the possibility of a virtual college in the next ten years. Summarize some useful words and expressions related to the internet. Ask students to use tem whenever possible.

Section Five Extension and Cultural Tips

Part 1 Extension: Going digital

This text talks about four benefits brought by the digital libraries. Have students skim the text quickly to get the gist and then scan the text for the four benefits. Conduct a check on he new words when they finish. Encourage dictionary work in pairs before class feedback.

Step 1 let the students read the text and finish the comprehension questions Divide students into groups and have them have brief discussions and then ask volunteers from every group to express their ideas.

Which of the following are mentioned in the text as benefits of going digital?

1)Old manuscripts can be moved more easily.

2)More people can see precious documents.

3)Material can be examined without being touched.

4)Fewer staff will be required in libraries.

5)People can borrow books without going to the library.

6)Libraries will be able to move underground.

7)Information can be rapidly obtained as ling as ling-distance links are adequate.

Step 2 language points illumination

Ask students to list and illuminate the new words and complicated sentences which they think are important. The teacher is supposed to give help and guide where necessary.

Possible vocabulary problems

1.intellectual adj. relating to the ability to think in an intelligent way and to understand things,

especially difficult and complicated ideas and subjects 智力的

2. a wealth of: a large number of or amount of 大量的,丰富的

3.amateurish adj. not skillfully made or done 不熟悉的,外行的

4.in retrospect: thinking back to a time in the past, especially with the advantage of knowing

more now than you did then 回顾,回想起来

5.fragile: adj. easily damaged or broken; delicate 脆弱的,易损坏的

6.medieval adj. connected with the Middle Ages (the period between about AD 1100 and 1500)


7.scrutinize v. to examine very carefully 细查,详审

8.convert v. to change something from one form or use to another 转变,改变

9.patron n. someone who uses a particular restaurant, hotel or other business (商店、餐馆、宾


10.retrieve v. to get back information that has been stored in the memory of a computer 检索Step 3 ask several students to read the text aloud and ask them to work in small groups to discuss the questions in the second exercise. At last, invite some students to report their answers to the whole class. Ask students why so that they have to justify their answers. Work in pairs to discuss the following questions

1.What is the message conveyed in the first paragraph?

A: Compared with the internet, digital libraries provide a much better source of information.

Searching information on the internet can be time-consuming and ineffective. In contrast, digital libraries can provide us with a wealth of reliable information in a quick and convenient way. However, building digital libraries is by no means an easy task.

2.What measures can be taken to protect the copyrights of online intellectual property?

A: Open

致用英语综合教程unit 2

Unit 2 Knowing our body Teaching objectives After learning this unit, Ss will learn how to ?Describe the body parts ?Talk about the functions of the body parts ?Use comparatives and superlatives ?Use the body language Teaching focus Grammar: comparatives and superlatives V ocabulary building: Name of body parts; base adjectives and strong adjectives Important words and phrases: attempt, wonder, sight, blind, stump,quest,couple, smart, hurt, shock, confusion, lesson, reply, selfish, sympathetic Teaching difficulties 1. Understanding the structure and main idea of the text. 2. Grammar: comparatives and superlatives Teaching Procedures I. Warming-up questions: What knowledge of human body do you get from the documentary film? Which parts of human body does the documentary mention? (You can skim through new words before listening.) II. Listening and speaking (1 period) a.This is a lead-in to the listening part. Before playing the recording, ask students to read the questions. Then play the recording and encounrage students to take notes while listening. https://www.360docs.net/doc/c419089947.html,anize a speaking activity based on the listening material. First ask Ss to form groups and have a discusssion about which is the mose imortant bosy part. Then ask Ss to role-paly the dialogue in the listening part. Remind them they may use their own language. III. Reading 4 periods 1.Pre-reading tasks :Before you read, discuss the following questions in groups: a. Has any part of your body ever been injured? If yes, what inconveniences did it cause? Work in groups and share your experiences. b. Have you ever read or heard stories about body parts? 2.Reading comprehension a.Ask Ss to read the text first and then answer the questions in Comprehension Check. b.In this sextion,you may organize a class discussion based on the article students have just studied. This discussion activity is necessary for language learners. They should be able to and present their own experiences after they have received the input information. 3.Detailed learning of the text ◆Language points ※attempt n. an act of trying to do something, especially something difficult

新编实用英语综合教程(第四版)Unit 2教案


江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(3) 主任审阅____________________ 授课教师____________________ 年月日年月日

江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(4) 授课内容 Unit 2 Section I Talking Face to Face The topic of talking face to face area in this unit is to express thanks and give responses while exchanging gift-card and congratulation card. The focus is on the patterns that are appropriate for giving information concerning the various reasons and hoping to get the forgiveness from the other person. 1. The students read the mini-talks after the teacher, and then try to recite them within five minutes in pairs. 2. Ask the students to underline the useful expressions and perform the mini-talks in class. 3. The students discuss in groups, summarizing the words, phrases and sentences frequently used according to the following topics with the help of the teacher. The students speak out the sentences under the guidance of the teacher, paying attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. 1) sentences frequently used for expressing thanks: It was so generous of you to send me such a fine and beautiful gift. I don’t know how to express my thanks to you. I’m grateful for all the help and encouragement you’ve given me. 2) Sentences frequently used for expressing congratulations: Congratulations on your recent promotion! Please accept my heartiest congratulations.

新编实用英语综合教程2 -Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette教案

Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette Unit Goals What you should learn to do Make an oral invitation to: Invite people to join daily activities Invite people to formal occasions Make a written invitation (write an invitation card or a letter) for: Personal invitation Official occasions Give a reply to: An oral invitation A written invitation What you should know about Invitation culture:western and Chinese Word order in a subordinate clause Requirements: After learning this unit, students should grasp: 1.Read and understand the meaning of invitation cards and letters 2.How to write invitation cards and letters and remember the patterns of invitation cards and letters 3.How to invite people to party or dinner,and how to accept and decline invitations 4.The customs of inviting people in different countries 5.Important words,phrases and language points in the passage In our daily life,we need to invite others to dinner or take part in all kinds of parties, so we should know about western custom about invitation. Foreign custom is much stricter than Chinese custom in the matter of replying to


Section One Around the topic Step 1 Topic introduction:

Many Chinese students find it very difficult to introduce Chinese culture to foreign friends. The biggest problem is that they don’t know how to express their understanding about Chinese culture or how to explain some typical concepts in Chinese culture. Chinese learners of English as a foreign language should not only study western cultures, but also deepen their understanding of Chinese culture, so that they can introduce it to the outside word. Step 2 Your ideas Work in groups or pairs and discuss the following questions 1)Why is spring Festival so important for the Chinese people? 2)What do you usually do during the Spring Festival 3)Are there any special celebration activities in your hometown during Spring Festival? 4)In what ways do you think the Spring Festival has Changed? How much do you know about the Chinese New Year? A.Which day in the 15-day celebration is for the sons-in-laws to pay a visit to their parents-in-law? The third and fourth days. B. What is the fifth day called? Po Woo. C. How many kinds of traditional New Year food do you know? Dumplings, a whole fish, chicken, New Year cake… D. Do we use knives or scissors on New Year's Day? NO. They may cut off fortune. E. What fruit do we usually use as a decoration during the Spring Festival? Oranges and Tangerines. They are symbols for abundant happiness. Step 3 Vocabulary There are some special things about Spring Festival, which are difficult to translate into English. Here are some English words and expressions related to the Spring Festival. Try to get their meanings. Remind students that names of some typical Chinese things do not have exact equivalents in English. Ask them to guess the meaning of the English words and phrases related to the


dance in oral English. students will fine tune their listening and comprehension skills through exercises relating to inviting people out. with invitations, when one wants to accept or does not accept. and a reply to the invitation one gets. Patterns and expressions for talking about invitations:

I’dliketoinviteyoutodinner. 我想请你吃晚饭。 Why don’t you come and join us for disco? 你为什么不和我们一起跳迪斯科? It’s very kind of you to invite me. 谢谢你邀请我。 How nice of you! Many thanks. 你真好!多谢。 I’dlove to. That wouldbe grea t. 我很愿意去。太好了! Oh, dear, I’m afraid I’m busy tonight. Perhaps tomorrow evening?哦,亲爱的,今晚我很忙。明晚也许可以吧? Could you make it another time, perhaps next Sunday?

你能改个时间吗,下个星期天怎样? It’s very kind of you, but you see I’ll have to prepare for my exam.非常感谢,可你知道我得准备考试。 I’m sorry I can’t, but thank you all the same. 真抱歉,我不能去。可还是要谢谢你。

全新版大学英语综合教程第二册教案unit 1 book2

Unit 1 Ways of Learning I. Teaching Objectives Students will be able to: 1. grasp the main idea (that it would be ideal if we can strike a balance between the Chinese and the Western learning styles ) and the structure of the text (introduction of the topic by an anecdote一 elaboration by comparison and contrast--conclusion by a suggestion); 2. appreciate the difference between comparison and contrast, as well as different ways to compare and contrast (point by point method or one-side-at-a-time method); 3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. II. Key Points: The structure, the writing skill, and the main idea of the text will be the focus. Only a few words and sentences, which will be the obstacles for students? understanding of the text, will be explained in class. III. Difficult Points: Some sentences whose meanings are difficult to understand and whose structures are hard to analyze: 1. Line 35-39(Para. 6): Since adults know how to place the key in the key slot, which is the ultimate purpose of approaching the slot, and since the child is neither old enough nor clever enough to realize the desired action on his own, what possible gain is achieved by having him struggle? 2. Line 70-71(Para.10): The idea that learning should take place by continual careful shaping and molding applies equally to the arts. 3. Line 100-102(Para.14): Can we gather, from the Chinese and American extremes, a superior way to approach education, perhaps striking a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills? IV. Teaching Materials: ppt and materials

致用英语综合教程综合英语2 教案综合英语2 教案unit 2

Period One – Around the Topic Period Length: 50 minutes Goals -Activate background knowledge about curiosity Purposes -Get familiar with vocabulary related with curiosity and being inquisitive -Obtain background knowledge about curiosity and being inquisitive Step 1: Vocabulary (20 minutes) -Ask students to work on the Vocabulary on Page 18 -Encourage students to think as more as possible -List these word on the board or screen Step 2: Discovery and Discussion (30 minutes) -Work on the quiz ‘Are you curious?’ on Page 20 as a whole and give explanations if necessary to understand whether they are curious or not. -Discuss the issue of being curious and inquisitive in groups with reference to the questions listed on Page 18 -Discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of curiosity -Ask each group to present their results in front Key points -All activities be carried out in English -Inspect each group for the purpose of guidance and promotion Homework -Think in depth the advantages and disadvantages of being curious


English for Careers 2 Unit 1 Workplace After studying this unit, the students are able to master the key words and structures, and more importantly, to communicate for the following purposes: understanding workplace fashion trends understanding a code of conduct (of a workplace) having internal communication understanding and writing a notice preparing for a party mastering time management

?G ive the suggested answers. Suggested answers: B—4 C—5 D—3 E—6 F—2 G—7 Task 2 10 minutes Objective: Ss can give directions. Steps: ?Ss read Warming-up Task 2. ?Get Ss to look at the picture of Task 1. ?Ask Ss to work in pairs and tell each other how to find Mike and Jack in the office. ?Ask some Ss to report in class. ?Give the suggested answers. Suggested answers: Go through the reception room to the hallway. The first room on your left is the multifunction meeting room. Mike is having a meeting there. Keep going straight along the hallway till you get to the end of it. Jack is working in the last staff office on your left. New words in Reading A 15 minutes Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions,

大学英语综合教程第二册第二单元教案Unit 2 Values

Unit 2 Values Teaching Aims: 1.Understanding the main idea (one can live a life full of riches without being rich funancially) and structure of the text 2.Appreciate the wording (riches) in the title of the text 3.Grasp the key languge points in Texts A and learn how to use them in context 4.Unerstand the cultural background related to the content 5.Express themselves more freely on the theme of Values after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking, and writing activities 6.Write an essay beginning with an anecdote or a piece of news, etc. Teaching Keypoints: 1.Grasp the main idea of Text A and language points in Text A 2.Cultural background in Text A 3.Analysis of the difficult sentences in Text A Teaching Difficulties: 1.Writing strategy and style demonstrated in Text A 2.Write an essay with an anecdote or a piece of news, etc. Teaching Aids: Teaching, dicussion, exercises, group-activities, student-centred Teaching period: 12classes Teaching Procedure: Step 1Warming up 1.Have students listen to the story about Abraham Lincoln before class, lead them to finish the exercises on page31, check the answer and explain. 2.Have students learn more about the fact that economic development and personal income can’t always account for happiness. 3.Do you think rich people must be happier than poor people Why 4.Do you think a poor person can have a life full of riches How 5.In class, students form two camps to debate the following issue: Mother Teresa has no money, but she took care of the poor in Calcutta until her death. Bill Gates gave a lot of money to charity, but he seldom works in the “frontline” with the poor. Does the world need more love like Mother Teresa’s or more money like Bill Gates’ Step 2 Global analysisi of Text A 1. Division of the Text A Part1: The writer’s encounter with a boy who raised the question “Are you poor” Part2: In search of an answer the writer finds that not having expensive possessions doesn’t make him feel poor mainly because he enjoys life in many other ways. Part3: In conclusion, the writer t hinks he’s grown to understand more about himself because of the boy’s question. 2.Understanding the main idea of the text with the help of the questions on page 37-38

新职业英语《综合英语2》教案Unit 1 Teaching Plan

EnglishforCareers2 Unit1Workplace Afterstudyingthisunit,thestudentsareabletomasterthekeywordsandstructu understandingworkplacefashiontrends understandingacodeofconduct(ofaworkplace) havinginternalcommunication understandingandwritinganotice preparingforaparty masteringtimemanagement

fitinwithreputationprosandconsoutfit complimentforinstancecasualsetting productiveincorporate Teachingprocedures Thisunitisarrangedforatimespanof8hours,duringwhichatimelimitissuggestedforeachstep.Thou din-classoccurrencesandmakenecessaryadjustmentsaccordingly.Notethatnoteverystepsuggest Hour1: Courseintroduction 45minutes Warming-upTask1 10minutes Objective:Sscanidentifydifferentroomsinanoffice. Steps: • SsreadWarming-upTask1. • GetSstolookatthelayoutoftheoffice. • AskSstoidentifydifferentrooms. •Givethesuggestedanswers. Suggestedanswers: B—4 C—5D—3E—6 F—2 G—7 Task2 10minutes Objective:Sscangivedirections. Steps: •SsreadWarming-upTask2. •GetSstolookatthepictureofTask1. •AskSstoworkinpairsandtelleachotherhowtofindMikeandJackintheoffice. •AsksomeSstoreportinclass.


新编实用英语综合教程2-U n i t5F o o d c u l t u r e教案 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

Unit 5 Food Culture Unit Goals What you should learn to do 1.Choose a table 2.Order from a menu 3.Take an order 4.Enquire about and recommend foods and drinks 5.Pay the bill What you should know about 1.Western and Chinese food 2.The way to make a toast speech at a wedding 3.Adverbial clauses Section I Talking Face to Face 1.Imitating Mini-Talks 2.Acting out the Tasks 3.Studying Email Information on the Internet 4.Following Sample Dialogues 5.Putting Language to Use Section II Being All Ears 1.Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication 2.Handling a Dialogue 3.Understanding a Short Speech / Talk Section III Trying your Hand 1.Practicing Applied Writing 2.Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar Section IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye Passage 1 :


Unit 2 Communication by Email Unit Goals What you should learn to do 1.Chat online https://www.360docs.net/doc/c419089947.html,e abbreviations and slangs in communicating online 3.Write an email What you should know about 1.Surfing online for: Information Shopping 2.Good or bad of chatting online 3.Noun clauses Section I Talking Face to Face 1.Imitating Mini-Talks 2.Acting out the Tasks 3.Studying Email Information on the Internet 4.Following Sample Dialogues 5.Putting Language to Use Section II Being All Ears 1.Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication 2.Handling a Dialogue 3.Understanding a Short Speech / Talk Section III Trying your Hand 1.Practicing Applied Writing 2.Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar Section IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye Passage 1 :

新编实用英语综合教程2 Unit 6 Shopping and Sightseeing教案

Unit 6 Shopping and Sightseeing Unit Goals What you should learn to do 1.Ask about the price 2.Ask about style, size, and color of clothing 3.Ask about the model, use and guarantee of appliances 4.Talk about shopping 5.Ask for a discount 6.Understand and talk about shopping and travel ads 7.Read and ask about operating instructions What you should know about 1.Shopping 2.Tourist attractions 3.Present participate and past participate as attributives Section I Talking Face to Face 1.Imitating Mini-Talks 2.Acting out the Tasks 3.Studying Email Information on the Internet 4.Following Sample Dialogues 5.Putting Language to Use Section II Being All Ears 1.Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication 2.Handling a Dialogue 3.Understanding a Short Speech / Talk Section III Trying your Hand 1.Practicing Applied Writing 2.Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar

全新版大学英语综合教程unit2 教案

College English Integrated Course 2 Teaching Designs 逯静

Unit One Section A W ays of Learning (一)Content of the Course(教学内容) Section A. Learning, Chinese-Style (精讲) (二)Audience(教学对象) (三)Teaching Span(教学时间) 6---7学时 (四)Teaching Aims(教学目的) 1. Appreciate the text to know something about different ways of learning. 2. Learn to use some important words, expressions and sentence patterns. 3. Practice listening, speaking, reading and writing. 4. Learn some translation skills (五)Instruction Objectives &. Teaching Procedures(教学任务及步骤)Step One Pre-reading Activities(导入) Themes(文章主题)10 minutes 1. 课文A向我们讲述了一次偶然的经历让作者发现了中美在教育和艺 术实践上的差异,并呼吁能否将这两种教育方式有机地结合产生一种 既不失创造性又有利于培养娴熟技艺的教育方法。 2. 课文B讨论的是如何教育孩子珍惜钱财的问题,应该给孩子更多的自 主权和适当的刺激,让他们学会理性地支配属于自己的钱财。 Step Two While-reading Activities 1. Language Points(语言知识) 140 minutes (1) Key words &. Expressions (重点单词及短语) Style attach slot tender phenomenon insert occasion neglect relevant anecdote in due course self-reliance valid superior foster
