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1. _____________________ My seat is next to of the famous writer so I could ask for some advice from him abou

t writing.

A. that

B. this

C. it

D. one



that 替代同类异物,为了避免重复,代替前面提到的可数名词,或不可数名词,表特指,此

处替代the seat,且特指那位名作家的座位”,故选A项。one虽然也是替代同类异物,但是只替代可数名词,表泛指。it 替代同类同物。

2. The story conveys a strong message, _____ that will hopefully touch all who read it.

A. it

B. that

C. those

D. one



息。这里的one 与前面的 a strong message 形成同位语的关系,it /that 不具有这种用法,those 指复数形式,故选 D 项。

3. At our factory there are a few machines similar to _____ d escribed in this magazine.

A. them

B. these

C. those

D. ones



处用those 替代比较对象machines 。句意:我们厂里有几台机器与这本杂志上所描述的机器很像。

4. —Would you like tea or coffee?

—_____ , thank youI. ' vjuest had some water.

A. Either

B. Both

C. Any

D. Neither

【答案与解析】D。根据句意,此处应该是拒绝请求,什么也不喝,因为是两者全部否定,所以选Neither 。

either 两者之间任何一个;both 两者都;any 任何一个,均与题意不符。句意:茶还是你是想喝


5.Sophia waited for a reply, but ______ came.

A. either

B. another

C. neither

D. none



否定意义的代词,所以排除 A 项和B 项。neither 两者都不;none 三者或三者以上都不。根

据前半句中的“a reply 提”示可知,故选 D 项。

6.When he took his gloves off, I noticed that ______ one had his name written inside.

A. each

B. every

C. other

D. another



7.It ' s an either or situation —we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we can 'd t o ______

A. others

B. either

C. another D . both


但是我们不能两个都做。”选 D 项,not...both 表部分否定。

8.Recycling is one way to protect the environment; reusing is ______ .

A. another

B. the other

C. one another

D. one

【答案与解析】A。another 通常指三者或三者以上中的另外一个,表示泛指;the other 特指两者中的

另一个;one another互相;one泛指一个。根据句意回收循环利用是保护环境的一种方式;


9.In some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in ______ , knives and forks.

A. another

B. others

C. both

D. all

【答案与解析】B。another 通常指三者或三者以上中的另外一个,表示泛指;others 其他人或物(没有范围限制的);both 指两者都, ;all 指三者或三者以上都, ;句意:在一些国家里,人们使用筷子吃饭,而在另外一些国家,人们使用刀叉。本句中没有任何的范围限制,所以使用
